Does anyone have a list of media contacts?
Does anyone have a list of media contacts?
If you weren't having serious cognitive probs. before applying for the disability pension, the Centrelink process is enough to make some people have a breakdown (and develop cognitive problems).
Does anyone have a list of media contacts?
With regards to the pollies, I think the Greens should be targeted - not for awareness of XMRV related viruses but more importantly, we need a specialist CFS clinic in Australia. We need to keep driving home the fact that CFS affects a significant population (eg 0.4%) and causes major annual economic costs (between 1.5-2 billion dollars, using methodolgy similar to Jason et. al.) - it simply makes sense that we have a specialized clinic for both research and treatment. Spending a few hundred million over 20 years would generate a substantial return on investment.
Hi by way of intro I am Peter, I have added an earlier criteria "1997 CFS Clinical Practice Guidelines" link and assc'd links html & pdf to your Wikki trust it meets with approval. I am sorry the two websites involved are not up to date but thats ME for you. You can contact me via either website
Thanks, i am back to bed
Libs said they will re-review every disability pensioner, obviously with the intent of tightening up. I don't know if I could go through another review again.
RustyJ, I've only been through the application/interview process for the disability pension once (in Feb this year & I have to say it was really exhausting & nerve wracking).
Who ever gets into power, I hope they get some sort of order in Centrelink. I got fed up filling out the same forms for the same information over & over again. I felt like swearing at them in the end.
If you weren't having serious cognitive probs. before applying for the disability pension, the Centrelink process is enough to make some people have a breakdown (and develop cognitive problems).
Looks like the election will be one of the closest in our history, going by the tv commentary tonight.
This probably isn't what most of you would like to hear. My treatment specialist is a psychiatrist. It was easier to bypass the CFS diagnosis and cop a psychiatric label. At this stage of the game I don't care what they write on their forms as long as I am accepted for disability.
Hi RustyJ, I have been twice looked at by psychiatrists, and one psychologist. Its part of what you have to go through to get disability. Even if you get a disability pension, eventually one of the reviews will be by a psychiatrist or psychologist. I'm not happy about this, but it is a pragmatic necessity. Bye, Alex
Alex and Tania, did you both pull all-nighters?
Hi victoria
you should tell them how much it runs you down and hence you need their social worker to help with filling out the forms!!
I maytared myself.. and thou i was told i would get it easier if i said i had depression and my medical backup would of backed me (the ones who didnt believe in CFS/ME), i just couldnt do it thou, i didnt want something untruthful on my files, so (some would say stupidity) fought it on CFS/ME grounds alone. (I did that as I hoped it would help those in future who applied with ME).
I honestly thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.
For three days a week I was sitting at my desk pretending to work, then for a couple of days feel better, work overtime to catch up.