Hi gregf, I use terms that are used historically. XMRV (sorry, now HGRV- Human Gamma Retro Virus, it isn't a mouse virus) is claimed to cause HGRAD- Human Gamma Retrovirus Associated Disease) - this is claimed to be the latest claim from the WPI, and is a bombshell potentially. I use ME when I refer to ME research, and I use CFS when I refer to CFS research - the definitions used are different and I never want them confused, there is too much confusion already. Similarly, if research uses empiric or oxford or CCC this should be stated. There are only two terms we should be aiming toward at the moment, and maybe only one: ME and HGRAD. However, when we are discussion old research, and particularly bad research, we should use the original term based on diagnostic criteria used. Similarly, I usually dont use ME/CFS or CFS/ME (this one because it is a psychobabble term, Wessely likes it) but use "ME and CFS", because it is not 100% clear that these dont cover a spectrum of different disaases, especially CFS. In the time I have known of CFS, there have been several new diseases discovered, and patients who once had CFS no longer have this diagnoisis, they have for example Lyon's disease etc. ( I don't know if that is the correct term, it is the Lyon variant mutation of cortisol binding globulin, a genetic disorder).