Elph68....tell me now...have all your allergic responses dissapeard?
Has your immune system levelled off completely?
Are your sinus passages clear and no longer inflamed?
How are your joints? or did you ever get so bad your joints hurt like mine? i have arthritic pain in every joint?
Have you got zip in your step?
Do you sleep sound and feel like a million $ when you wake in the morning?
Headaches gone?
I have the prescription for treatment you did but want to be sure its the correct route to take? Can you blame me...lol
Hey Roonie,
I never had inflamed sinus passages, my eyes, nose and mouth burned however ..... and my joint pain was unbearable .... x-rays and scans showed they were a mess .... no pain in them now ..... but most of them sound like i am walking on broken glass when i move them .... they crack and crunch .... muscle pain was a big one for me .... i am now taking 5x the recommended dose of magnesium .... and that has gone .....
As long as i get 7+ hours sleep a night, I feel great .... and i now sleep really well .... i am even dreaming again, something that I didn't do while i was sick .....
Headaches weren't a big issue .....
After spending a week on a cruise with my GF .... my eyes and mouth started playing up again ..... she has since had keflex but I am just using betadine and xylitol to keep that under control .....
So Roonie, if you are heading down that path and you want it to work, this is what you have to do:
1. OD on magnesium .....
2. make your own sauerkraut, kefir ..... and shovel as much as you can into you ....
3. get out in the sun ..... go to some natural bush and get some dirt on your hands ....
4. get rid of your dog/pets
5. use betadine and chlorhexidine surgical scrub daily and wash your entire body ... including your hair. These need to be alternated to prevent bacterial resistance developing. Bleach baths are also helpful.
6. Do as much exercise as you physically can without overdoing it every day ....
you can never stop supplements like CoQ10, magnesium, proteolytic enzymes, probiotics, vitamin E, B, glucosamine/fish oil ..... always maintain a paleo style diet .... keep away from sugar/wheat/rice/dairy/fruit etc. Once the damage is done you can only put it into remission and there is always a risk of it returning ..... too much staph = return of CFS ..... and staph/strep loves sugar .....
That treatment will also knock down strep ..... so it is a good choice if you are having strep related problems too ...
Good luck,