Before I get to
@roonie and his case I just want to show why i am picking on MARSS as the cause.
Firstly, let's talk about PIA or Polysaccharide Intercellular Adhesion. This is the substance produced by staph species which causes immune system activation:
The polysaccharide 20 KDaPS stops the immune system from killing the staph bacteria.
So the more of these bacteria that we call normal flora there are in our microflora, the more activated the immune system becomes but because of 20 KDaPS the immune system can't kill the offending bacteria, therefore it keeps running on overdrive until it finally crashes.
In order to explain this, maybe we can think of the immune system as a juggling act. Let's say a juggler can juggle 10 balls, that is it. If they try to juggle 11 or 12 balls, it all crashes down. Let us say that normal people are juggling 5 balls, whereas those of us who develop CFS are already juggling 9 or even 10 balls.
Those people who are only juggling 5 balls can handle extra balls. They can take antibiotics, they can handle stress, they can eat bad food, get a virus infection etc. without overloading the ability to juggle.
Those who develop CFS are juggling all they can and then extra balls arrive like a virus, external toxins, antibiotic use, stress and any other triggers that people have identified and all the balls fall down.
So what these MARS do is keep the immune system running which reduces its capacity to deal with other issues. In
@roonie case, the immune system is fighting a war that it doesn't know what the enemy is stretching its resources to the point where it can't keep the acne in check so the acne gets out of control. So the treatment was tetracyclene for acne. Unfortunately these MARS are highly resistant to tetracyclene so as other bacteria are killed off in the microflora the staph takes its place ..... thus there is more staph up the nose, in the throat. So the immune system now has more to deal with due to the more staph in the system.
So now any opportunistic bacteria that resides in the gut can also flourish because the immune system does not have the ability to fight the staph and keep the gut in order and gut issues become worse resulting in IBS, SIBO and other gut issues associated with some people suffering from CFS.
The only thing I can't figure out with this problem is would everybody develop CFS if they were colonized with these slime producing strains rather than the microflora species they currently have? The big mistake in the research is 'counting bugs' They need to look at what the bugs are producing.
@roonie, to cure your problem I would go with:
8 to 12 weeks of Rifampicin + Fusic acid There are other good anti staph treatments (I still say however phage therapy is the long term answer)
Chlorhexidine body wash around your orifices (eyes/nose/mouth/genitals/anus/under arms/hair) 2x per day
A diet consisting of homemade sauerkraut/kefir/kimchi and fresh leafy greens
use sauerkraut juice up nose and wash on the skin
increase fat and fibre intake
increase protein
No sugars/bread/wheat/rice/corn/dairy etc.
supplement lauricidin, CoQ10, proteolytic enzymes, magnesium, selenium (6 to 8 Brazil nuts), zinc, vitamin C, iodine, vitamin B, Vitamin D (get out in the sun), Prescript Assist probiotics, low sugar yakult, and a good multi probiotic.
Regular exercise in keeping with energy levels and overall health improvement.
No personal/intimate contact with anybody including sharing food/drink and the utensils, for a couple of months after treatment finishes.
Keep away from dogs, don't pat them, don't let them lick you.
This is why I made it simple ..... It is more like an allergy than an infection the body can't produce antibodies to clear the bacteria ..... That is why staphypan worked, it produced antibodies to the bacteria and then the immune system was able to kill them ......
Anyway ..... I hope this sheds some light on this whole thread.