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The Undetectable Infection


Senior Member
@Elph68 to tag . . . click on @ . . . type the name(no spaces) of the member you want to tag . . . a drop down menu should appear


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
@Streppy l can relate to your situation. The sugar reaction also causes something like a chronic hangover for me. Sugar ferments with pathogens creating ethanol which somewhat helps explain the brain fog, pain, blurred vision, depression etc. Our bodies become a brewery.

I've eliminated sugar, gluten, chocolate from my and my sons diet. Berries instead of other fruits and plenty of organic meats, fish. Thankfully he enjoys fermented foods, goat kefir milk and also kombucha as a treat. We use tonnes of coconut oil in cooking.
He's on Vit C, D, fish oil, monolaurin and probiotic. His health is steadily improving.

A couple of bites from a choc danish created huge neurological disturbances for a few nights. Sugar is lethal.

I previously posted a link regarding biofilm and a point made was to find an effective protocol then stick with it. Don't just disturb the bugs, kill them.We here work in months, there's setbacks, but the protocol is working.

I believe you and your family can get much closer to full health this way. It's time consuming and costs more to eat well and make the right foods,but is well worth it.

The recent protocols posted are worth researching/applying/making your own out of.

Sugar lethal for me.also.
Can floor me for days.
Some forms worse than others.
And yet if i eat a load of rice which biologically turns to glucose i dont appeat to have an immediate issue.
Synthetic or refined sugars are a whole different ball game.
Many studies conclude sugar slows done immune function.
And as we are already immune compromised wouldnt paint a great picture.
Artificial sweeteners seem ok.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
It's not uncommon to have a BSc in all those subjects. I have a BSc (Hons) which covers biology (including human biology), physics (including nuclear and quantum physics), chemistry, biochemistry, astronomy, earth sciences and one social science (psychology), genetic engineering and agriculture. It covered energy production from fossil fuels, renewable fuels and nuclear power. I expect that many other people have mixed degrees like this.

also evolution, ecology and oceanography.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I'm not bothered Elph if you never even went to school; you are intelligent, highly respected and it's the strength of your ideas, research and protocols most important to me and am sure many folks battling illness.
I would not be querying @Elph68's qualifications or lack of them - or those of anyone else, were it not for the inconsistent and apparently-exaggerated statements he had made about them.

There is indeed some useful info in this thread, but the same applies to many other threads. As I have stated before, elements of @Elph68's theories (and indeed protocols) are also proposed by others, sometimes quite some time ago, and many other people are already doing things that he recommends. Some of these things can be beneficial to some.
Current protocol. It didn't start like this and has evolved along the way. I didn't take antibiotic, injections route as l need to find something practical for my son also. I stress, this protocol has taken months to see results but am doing really well now after a 5 year ordeal.

* Basically Paleo, loosely ayurvedic.
* No sugar, gluten, booze, chocolate or coffee - if yes then the inevitable flare.
* Organic chicken, fish, red meat,eggs.
* litre of filtered water per 25kg body weight.
* eliminate fruit apart from berries.
* Green smoothies: eg peeled lemon, tumeric, ginger, black pepper, cucumber/celery, xylotol, green leafy veg/kale/parsley, kombucha/coconut water/filtered water. Also add water kefir grains.
* 3-6 tbls coconut oil

Immune system daily:
*Vit C - currently daily dose 20-50 grams (yes grams) staggered throughout day b/w meals.
* Vit D 7000iu
* Vit E every second day.
* Zinc 100mg.
* Selenium as supplement and also via well chewed brazil nuts.
* walks

Pathogen killing:
*Monolaurin 1800mg morning and night.
*Gse nutribiotics: 10-25 drops in water x 3 times daily (recently stopped, fingers crossed)
* lactoferrin - binds iron for beneficial bacteria and our body and starves pathogens
*Vit C
*Chinese herbs

Beneficial bug replacement:
*kefir goat milk
*kombucha (rice malt syrup instead of sugar)
*water kefir grains blended into drinks / coconut yogurt.
*home made kefirkrout/kimchi/sourkrout
*fermented fish and veg
*vegies we grow/buy organically are hardly washed to include beneficial soil bugs.

Antiinflammation + anti oxidization:
*tumeric root or powder twice daily in drink/meal
*green smoothie beginning of day/during a flare (as above)
*omega 3 fish oil 10ml
* alkalize with warm water and lemon juice - not with meals.

*Dopa macuna

Iron, magnesium supplements are risky if you're not including antimicrobials l believe pathogens can use this material to build biofilms.
I've used magnesium oils to help alleviate neuropathy, tingling, twitching with no success.
This site below helps comprehend why some of these infections are undetectable, or why some therapies simply aren't working. Importantly, it offers plenty in fighting back and recovery.


Most diseases are caused or aided by microbes and parasites. Due to antibiotics, steroidal drugs and chemotherapy our natural intestinal bacteria have been damaged and pathogenic microbes, especially fungi and mycoplasmas, are out of control. Commonly babies now become inoculated with pathogens already in the birth canal. Also microbes from childhood vaccinations may still be present, and there tend to be infection foci in root-canal treated teeth and possibly in scars from surgery. All of these greatly weaken our immune system and allow pathogenic microbes to invade the blood and internal organs. Now we become susceptible to frequent infections, autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Pathogenic microbes are the underlying cause of basically all chronic diseases.

Biofilms are very difficult to eliminate by the immune system or with antimicrobial therapy. Frequent locations of bacterial biofilms are the inner walls of blood vessels, teeth and jawbone, hip joints or any infected bones, kidneys and bladder as well as surgical implants. Candida forms its own biofilm protection from chitin or heavy, sticky mucus adhering to the intestinal wall, in the sinuses or inner ears. Biofilm colonies may become dormant when under sustained attack, but then become active again when conditions improve.

It is best to adopt a multilevel approach for overcoming chronic conditions: improve the environmental conditions that caused an organ system to become susceptible to attack, use a long-term antimicrobial therapy, and strengthen the immune system to permanently dissolve the microbial colonies. When the immune system does attack a microbial colony you may experience inflammation and pain for a while like from an acute infection.
Vitamin C - mega dose.

Vit C will synergise with almost all therapies; antibiotic, herbal, other vitamins etc. It's been very effective in my healing process.

The link below includes dosage for particular ailments. The theory being the sicker you are, the more C you require. Intriguingly bacteria, virus and candida require higher dosages than cancer.

I thought l was megadosing at 40 grams. I eventually titrated to 150 grams before bowel intolerance.
I suspect most people probably don't titrate high enough when trying this, the research states 80-90% bowel tolerance is insufficient.

Since coming down with this l haven't dreamt in years. I had amazing, beyond real and very positive dreams the first night of genuine high dose. I continue to dream still.

Whilst megadosing, l'm aware the body flushes out a lot of C too; injections or Lipsomil are better for absorption, but l was experimenting cheaply before going the next step. Im the crash test dummy in our household.

Straight Vit C powder l have with a meal and sodium ascorbate bw meals. I fill a water bottle and sip throughout day. You'll know exactly how much you're taking which assists in determining max dose.

It's inexpensive and easy to do.

Inflammation leading to immune diseases and what to do about it.

The focus is prostatitis, but relevant if inflammation is an issue for you. For me, prostatitis was the canary in the mine.


I've found most of his site very useful in understanding complicated theories and concepts. He often answers tricky questions in comments.

If gp's aren't helping, why not contact him?

Thanks gregh. l think I might try to make it myself, it appears easy enough and I'll use less in the longrun.

What would you say are the heavy hitters in your protocol? No sugar has really been huge for me - it is the single worst thing l can consume. Like you l don't react to rice in the same way, though l try to avoid it anyway.


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Hi mark.
Tbh i am not so sure. I know i crash when i hit the sugar so paleo has to up there.
Bicarb has been excellent followed by nk boosters. (Ahcc...ip6)
Next would.be liposomal c.
If i pinned pint of beer i would crash within 15mins and would be 4 days recovery.
My body sees it as hostile..
The protocol has taken me from maybe a 3 to 8/10.
I'm trying to eat fish, she'll fish meat and green veg, like broccoli green beans cabbage couliflour courgette obergine drink red bush and sparking water. So so boring! When you done it for ages. Every now and again I eat cheese then feel guilty the next day.
I just can't tolerate carbs without feeling acheing all over the next day.

But otherwise my health is now pretty good like I could. Walk a few miles easy and work full time, this is a drastic improvement to the spaced out person I was 10 years ago who could not follow conversations because my mind would wonder off into space
So want to kill the strep now I understand what a bastard it is. I have a Dr kenny consultantion again next week, I have to see if he comes up with anything new that helps and share.
It's interesting the bicarbonate I used to have trimethoprim and bicarbonate when I was younger and it got rid of the symptoms back them. I did the bicarbonate because I used to think it was some kind of cystitis .
Hi mark.
Tbh i am not so sure. I know i crash when i hit the sugar so paleo has to up there.
Bicarb has been excellent followed by nk boosters. (Ahcc...ip6)
Next would.be liposomal c.
If i pinned pint of beer i would crash within 15mins and would be 4 days recovery.
My body sees it as hostile..
The protocol has taken me from maybe a 3 to 8/10.
Thanks for this the ahcc is really interesting it seems to boost your immune system. Do you mean you chosen Bluebonnet's Inocell IP-6 Plus AHCC Vcaps provide inositol and inositol hexaphosphate . Why did you go for this one? There seems like lots of ahcc out there?
I feel like a take antibiotics for a few weeks and my sore throat goes away, but even on antibiotics if I have sugar my throat feels sore if I have sugar and I ache all over. I been like this for so many years u wonder if the strep been there too long to kill it off to the point where you can eat normally again. I not bothered about sugar any more but would like to be able to eat rice bread yogurt pasta etc. I guess you have to take the antibiotics for long enough to break all the cycles of the strep?


Senior Member
Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Thanks for this the ahcc is really interesting it seems to boost your immune system. Do you mean you chosen Bluebonnet's Inocell IP-6 Plus AHCC Vcaps provide inositol and inositol hexaphosphate . Why did you go for this one? There seems like lots of ahcc out there?

Quality of life is.the ahcc i use. 2g a day.
Its a golden colour label. Its on amazon.
Ip6 is jarrow.