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Last night I felt awful. Nausea, walking to the kitchen made me want to faint, face felt warm. While those here will dislike this, I had cereal with milk and it helped. Either it filled a hole (electrolyte, deficiency, etc) or it got in the way of a process that was bothering me.

This morning I was anxious, didn't take my supplements or eat soon enough and had a breakdown. Part of me craves the B12 / Folate (have dry lips/ folate (B2?) deficiency indications today) but the other part of me is very hesitant.

It doesn't help that my doctor's don't understand and my SO is not very supportive (I don't show obvious deficiency in blood tests other than minor anemia). Would rather have me follow psychiatrist and continue to increase Lorazepam & Naproxen for two weeks.

Today it crossed my mind to find a dietician. At least they would be able to work with me on a nutrition side since doctors have been limited. I've kept a food and nutrition journal of everything.

I really don't like inducing potassium need while I'm already working out magnesium, so hydroxycobalamin still crosses my mind.

Hope everyone is doing better.
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Hello! Please tell me what helped you get rid of edema ? I tried to work with methylation, but I can't get through the initial symptoms. Adenosylcobalamin in tiny (100 mcg) doses causes severe swelling in the abdomen. I took it for several days along with methylcobalamin. As a result, it was difficult for me to breathe and painful to walk from edema. Something like anaphylactic shock. Methylfolate even 200 mcg causes severe insomnia. I haven't tried carnitine yet. How did you cope with the swelling ?
Alex, I a
M not Freddd and cannot answer for most of your symptoms, but here is how I would approach: you say this started with antibiotics. So that kills your intestinal flora and fauna, screws up your digestion, causing widespread deficiencies made worse by your genetics problems. So, fix the digestion problems. Yogurt, potentially prebiotics or probiotics. Someone else once on here got better from cfs and found a short term of probiotics helped, but that long term hindered. Don't know why, just passing it on. She followed Freddd's protocol with just fragments of pills (low, low dose) to start. (And that's all I have to say about your genetic problems). However, I also had ataxia when I was working a lot of overtime and eating junk food out of the machine (similar result to improper digestion). I found that zinc helped with that for me. Now if you get low in zinc it's hard to build up stores because it requires zinc to make hydrochloric acid to digest zinc! So...I don't like to take HCL pills, I can never get the dose right, but I would take kombucha with my meals for the acidity to help digest zinc and slowly get my digestion working again. Kombucha is expensive but it contains acetic acid, just like apple cider vinegar, so taking a tablespoon (or less) in a glass of water with your meal may help. I also know Aloe Vera helps heal the gut, if that is a problem. If I had gut trouble though, I used to take the pink stuff by desert lily (?) Which contained FOS. It worked. You have to fix your digestion first. I would take a good digestive enzyme pill, such as with phytase to help digest zinc despite phytates in your diet. I would drink raw vegetable juices to soothe your digestion and health (not suggesting this only, but I would add it to your diet and avoid irritating stuff like coffee, dairy, alcohol, msg(!)). So, beyond that, you need supernutrition to recover as you will be low in most everything! I mean, take a multi vitamin and basically everything. So sensitivity to noise, lack of dreams, and even edema can be due to magnesium deficiency. It takes p5p and magnesium to make the ornithine cycle to work to pee. I ythink you mentioned acne, which is often a zinc deficiency, and susceptibility to infection can be also. Blood sugar issues can be from low zinc because you need zinc to make insulin. You need a complete b complex like Thorne Basic B (active forms). Some Basic are needed to make methyls, but others are needed to make neurotransmitters (so whichever b is required to make dopamine, if you don't get tyrosine, that b, and iron (usually only a problem with young women), you can't make dopamine and this is a cause of ataxia. Most of the enzymes needed to digest your food need b vitamins and you are having digestive issues, so supply what your digestion needs. I can't remember your list, but my opinion - fix your digestion and at least half of your problems should resolve, then get with Freddd about what's left.

Good luck!

Thank you very much! Indeed, the increase in acidity improved symptoms and constipation. I started taking live acidophilus , it helped me with constipation . You are absolutely right, it seems to me that the root cause of all the problems in the leaky intestine, fluoride antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone group completely destroyed my intestines. Every time I start methylation, I have to stop it, start-stop. I will try super nutrition and intestinal restoration.
First off, it is awful to hear how bad you have been doing. I'm in a similar situation on a much shorter timeline (6 months) with less overall issues (I think).

I have MTHFR mutations, similar issue with tests for Folate & B12, and had a Vitamin D deficiency that was discovered and corrected last year. I haven't tested copper or lithium. I seem to tolerate supplements a little better than you. However, I can also relate to the constipation, chest pain / breathing issues (very new to me and freak me out), and poor energy / exercise tolerance.

I'm curious how you are doing now and if it has improved at all. Are you doing any better? Any discoveries? I know for heart palpitations I've been taking magnesium recently and it seems to help with that and muscle spasms (but not prolonged painful tight shoulders / stiffness).

The chest pain and breathing is the worst for me psychologically. It is worse on my right side, but can also bother me in any position if it flaring up. I'm getting my liver checked this week, but I'm still curious if there is more to it.

Hi ! Artichokes, steamed apples and dried apricots of the kaisa variety help me from constipation. Plus, I drink live probiotics every day - acidophilic bacteria without lactose and GMOs. All this eliminated constipation, my stomach is still slowly emptying. breathing problems and swelling on my stomach still bother me. Edema mainly occurs after certain additives. I quit methylation, I can't stand the symptoms of running.Perhaps I have a shortage of many cofactors.


Senior Member
Hi ! Artichokes, steamed apples and dried apricots of the kaisa variety help me from constipation. Plus, I drink live probiotics every day - acidophilic bacteria without lactose and GMOs. All this eliminated constipation, my stomach is still slowly emptying. breathing problems and swelling on my stomach still bother me. Edema mainly occurs after certain additives. I quit methylation, I can't stand the symptoms of running.Perhaps I have a shortage of many cofactors.

i once took one time high dose vitamin D and a active b complex. i pee'd like a moose and lost lots of water retention. it was the combo of both, neither alone did this.
and it only worked 1 time. sadly.

i also have this when a good physio does lymph drainage massage. much more reliable.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I would suggest you get copper and zinc test, hormones tests, CBC and so on and vitamin D. Basic how to do it.

1- take all the minerals, a b-complex with something like B-Right, A, D, E and all the other vitamins.
2 - Then start MeCbl and you should have some startup. If not add AdoCbl.
3 - If not startup or refeeding symptoms happening all over, whatever is worsening in the 3 days after styarting, then methylfolate4 starting at lets say 1000 mcg 4 times a day, and incrementing all 4 with another 1000 mcg a few days later. Me3tAFOLIN HAS TO BE TAKEN 3 EACH 8 HOURS OR 4 DOES BETER FDOR MANY PEOPLE.
For me I can take 2 or 3 10 mg Quatrefolic . It appears to be a serum half life situation and doesn't heal if not continuous coverage of methylfolate.
4 - L-carnitine fumarate ids most likely, then maybe freebase carnitine or carnitine tartrate. Only one at a time works for me so I had to try several;.
5 - if not startup or for increasing SAM-e
6- No folic acid or CyCbl or HyCbl or one very popular supplement will give you cartestrophi B12 deficiency in a day, I'll add the name when I recall it.
If no startup or weak response next take TMG and then d-ribose.

Starting a little of everything keeps from killing you for lack of phosphate and/or potassium. Both need to be supplemented by symptoms, especially potassium as that is a fast killer and refeeding symptoms. Most you will be experiencing will be can happen within hours of starting maturing of red cells like I did driving up the interstate in Wyoming at 7000 feet from 4500 feet in SLC. Usually potassium takes about 3 days to show insufficient. Potassium can very quickly make you feel terrible with especially stomach paralysis.. A few hundred potassium glycine mg in water each few hountil the problem goes away. Aded that amount to your daily multiple doses of potassium.

Be careful.

This will tell you a lot.
I've been doing poor, but I got a dietician and an intracellular micronutrient test.

  • Isoleucine
  • L-Glutamine
  • MK4

  • Almost all of the B Vitamins. B12, B6 (barely), B2 show up as healthy.
  • Iron
  • Lithium
  • Carnitine
  • Arginine
  • Valine
  • Vitamin C
  • L-Tyrosine
Everything needs to be corrected. I'm going to work with the dietician on how to attack each item. Also, my understanding is "borderline" doesn't mean it isn't causing issues. Just that the reactions in the test weren't as extreme as those labeled "deficiency".

I plan to take all b vitamins regardless of "healthy" status. They all work together anyways.


Senior Member
I would suggest you get copper and zinc test, hormones tests, CBC and so on and vitamin D. Basic how to do it.

1- take all the minerals, a b-complex with something like B-Right, A, D, E and all the other vitamins.
2 - Then start MeCbl and you should have some startup. If not add AdoCbl.
3 - If not startup or refeeding symptoms happening all over, whatever is worsening in the 3 days after styarting, then methylfolate4 starting at lets say 1000 mcg 4 times a day, and incrementing all 4 with another 1000 mcg a few days later. Me3tAFOLIN HAS TO BE TAKEN 3 EACH 8 HOURS OR 4 DOES BETER FDOR MANY PEOPLE.
For me I can take 2 or 3 10 mg Quatrefolic . It appears to be a serum half life situation and doesn't heal if not continuous coverage of methylfolate.
4 - L-carnitine fumarate ids most likely, then maybe freebase carnitine or carnitine tartrate. Only one at a time works for me so I had to try several;.
5 - if not startup or for increasing SAM-e
6- No folic acid or CyCbl or HyCbl or one very popular supplement will give you cartestrophi B12 deficiency in a day, I'll add the name when I recall it.
If no startup or weak response next take TMG and then d-ribose.

Starting a little of everything keeps from killing you for lack of phosphate and/or potassium. Both need to be supplemented by symptoms, especially potassium as that is a fast killer and refeeding symptoms. Most you will be experiencing will be can happen within hours of starting maturing of red cells like I did driving up the interstate in Wyoming at 7000 feet from 4500 feet in SLC. Usually potassium takes about 3 days to show insufficient. Potassium can very quickly make you feel terrible with especially stomach paralysis.. A few hundred potassium glycine mg in water each few hountil the problem goes away. Aded that amount to your daily multiple doses of potassium.

Be careful.

This will tell you a lot.
Not sure I understand. If the half life of folate is 4 hours, are you saying that you have to take folate every 8 hours which is when you would reach 0 folate. Seems you would want to overlap, right?


Senior Member
3. Third level methylation blockage, METHYL TRAP. This often has sudden hard onset. It occurs for lack of MeCbl in cells so L-methylfolate is expelled from cells. Rich pointed this out when the symptoms and circumstances were described. It starts suddenly, widespread inflammation and pain, severe muscle aches and pain, MCS, asthma, allergies, sudden severe flu like illness with little or no fever. May or may not be accompanied by severe abnormal fatigue. MeCbl & (AdoCbl & LCF - fatigue) 100mcg absorbed & L-methylfolate 800+mcg will start correcting and titrate to sufficiency, 100mcg diffusion level, greater insufficiency of all factors.

@Freddd i read this.
i started 6 month ago a Vitamin D 30.000iu per WEEK (real deficiency <5ng/ml) + 1-2x a week b complex (including meB12, adoB12 = total 300mcg, metafolin 400mcg) + 2-3x a week l-carnitine fumarate 500mg. + vitamin C < 500mg. some K2mk4. randomly magnesium and potassium.
sadly after 6 month my D just rose from 4ng/ml to 11ng/ml so still insanely deficient.

(a chronic copper and coeruloplasmin defciency in blood is known, despite having plenty of that in food)
my genetics for methylation stuff isnt too bad, a few things heterozygote, i should be around 70% capacity.
maybe i am a overmethylator.

over days and weeks my asthma and allergies got insanely worse and worse. its a accumulative effect. its not only temporary but the triggers get more, now i cannot tolerate my soap anymore and others. also i react to smell of some machines like hair dryer now. and food and supplements.
and its definitely related to the b complex and folate. and maybe D. and also the C i took. (but i do not know if C D is actually the problem, or i got just too sensitive that everything triggers asthma/allergies now)
i also lost weight which is positive because severe obese and my diabetes improved dramatically.
but i also got hypoglycemia symptoms (without actual hypoglycemia) problems. weird eye problems, focusing unsharp. dizziness. nausea. also some weird head/ear pressure which is the worst feeling i ever had, its in the acute moment suicidal level strong. feelings of weekness. and feeling of sickness.

my main problems actually are (used to be) muscles and myopathy. stiff, cramping, tight. thou the last 6 month the asthma/allergies and new neurological problems like eyes did present themselves as the new big problem.

whats also weird, usually when i had episodes of asthma and allergies before, i took like 5000 iu a day vitamin D for 3 days and then asthma and allergies resolved for 2-3 weeks. now its like vitamin D doesnt even have a impact or even makes things worse.
i tried methylfree (and folat free) B-complex which is slightly better but also worsens asthma/allergies.

i can take l-carnitine fumarate without any problems besides diarrhea. no impact on asthma or allergies.

i dont understand, i thought the b12 and folat should actually reduce this. but they make it worse - now over a prolonged time over 6 month, i cannot continue this anymore. i'd say this is far too long for startup effects.

but what am i doing wrong? can i fix this somehow?
you mention the METHYL TRAP and you wrote like 100mcg B12 absorbed and 800mcg folate (i guess pro day) should work on that. i never tried. but i fear if i do this, my asthma will worsen much more.


Senior Member
Good point!

I don't know for sure as I have no testing but in discussion with others about their symptoms and in researching hypoparathyroid symptoms I have them all!

Also through research on acu-cell in particular...

Personally, I would run, not walk, as far away from 'acu-cell.com' as possible. Unless, what you read on his ancient site can be backed up by studies on pubmed or in other legitimate research journals.

I have also been on high dose b6 (P5P) , folate (L-MTHF), and b12 (methyl and adenosyl) for a long time and I think that may have contributed.
Yesterday I tried the B6 and had symptoms again. So the iodine and B6 seemed to make things worse yesterday.

Or maybe it's just the B6. B6 and even p5p can and do cause neuropathy at doses as low as 2milligrams. There are at least two lists online -- one that goes back to 2006 -- with hundreds and hundreds of complaints of burning, tingling, sharp pains, muscle twitching and worse, but especially stocking-glove neuropathy from even low dose B6. I know this post is old, so hopefully you've figured it out, but for others, it might be wise to back off or avoid it completely.


Senior Member
I would suggest you get copper and zinc test, hormones tests, CBC and so on and vitamin D. Basic how to do it.

1- take all the minerals, a b-complex with something like B-Right, A, D, E and all the other vitamins.
2 - Then start MeCbl and you should have some startup. If not add AdoCbl.
3 - If not startup or refeeding symptoms happening all over, whatever is worsening in the 3 days after styarting, then methylfolate4 starting at lets say 1000 mcg 4 times a day, and incrementing all 4 with another 1000 mcg a few days later. Me3tAFOLIN HAS TO BE TAKEN 3 EACH 8 HOURS OR 4 DOES BETER FDOR MANY PEOPLE.
For me I can take 2 or 3 10 mg Quatrefolic . It appears to be a serum half life situation and doesn't heal if not continuous coverage of methylfolate.
4 - L-carnitine fumarate ids most likely, then maybe freebase carnitine or carnitine tartrate. Only one at a time works for me so I had to try several;.
5 - if not startup or for increasing SAM-e
6- No folic acid or CyCbl or HyCbl or one very popular supplement will give you cartestrophi B12 deficiency in a day, I'll add the name when I recall it.
If no startup or weak response next take TMG and then d-ribose.

Starting a little of everything keeps from killing you for lack of phosphate and/or potassium. Both need to be supplemented by symptoms, especially potassium as that is a fast killer and refeeding symptoms. Most you will be experiencing will be can happen within hours of starting maturing of red cells like I did driving up the interstate in Wyoming at 7000 feet from 4500 feet in SLC. Usually potassium takes about 3 days to show insufficient. Potassium can very quickly make you feel terrible with especially stomach paralysis.. A few hundred potassium glycine mg in water each few hountil the problem goes away. Aded that amount to your daily multiple doses of potassium.

Be careful.

This will tell you a lot.

Hi Freddd,

I’m hoping you will see this post. You may remember that you helped me over 10 years ago. I had a rough start but did well for over 10 years. Well, I have not done a good job staying on top of B12 injections and supplements and then last fall had a an episode where the only thing that would improve symptoms was folate. I really struggled with trying to take B12—it made my feel terrible. A month ago, I stopped everything and restarted this way…getting my B12 consistently high throughout the day so I would not fall into methyl trap. Then I titrated my folate up to 3 - 10 mg doses throughout the day. Been very touch and go but I know that healing has turned on. I had 2 very amazing days in the last two weeks where I felt great and was able to do normal things but those good days have been followed by bad days. I have not changed anything or added anything as I was trying to let things settle in and slow down the potassium monster before I added needed items. My point is that I have not added anything that would drive the potassium or made any changes. In the last 24 hours here is what happened.I did not sleep at all last night, not a wink. At about 7 am when it was time to add Folate and B12, I was overcome with huge weakness in my legs within minutes of taking my doses. Thinking it was low potassium I took 300 mg in water but it didn’t seem to do much.and I would have thought that after an hour the potassium would have taken hold. Didn’t seem to. Slowly over the morning the weakness faded but the heart palpitations are more frequent today and potassium doesn’t seem to help much. I have not been able to add anything for fear of driving the potassium monster higher than I can manage. I also have IBS now specifically diarrhea——never had that before so not sure if that is because I am drinking potassium so often or something else.

Just as I am typing this I was starting to feel that it was time to dose Folate and B12. I took the folate planning to wait 15-30 minutes before taking the B12, I was almost instantly hit with strong palpitations I toughed it out and took my B12 dose at 15 minutes. I just drank 300 mg in water and within 10 minutes the palpitations quieted down but I’m now weak.

Any thoughts would be helpful.


Senior Member
I would suggest you get copper and zinc test, hormones tests, CBC and so on and vitamin D. Basic how to do it.

1- take all the minerals, a b-complex with something like B-Right, A, D, E and all the other vitamins.
2 - Then start MeCbl and you should have some startup. If not add AdoCbl.
3 - If not startup or refeeding symptoms happening all over, whatever is worsening in the 3 days after styarting, then methylfolate4 starting at lets say 1000 mcg 4 times a day, and incrementing all 4 with another 1000 mcg a few days later. Me3tAFOLIN HAS TO BE TAKEN 3 EACH 8 HOURS OR 4 DOES BETER FDOR MANY PEOPLE.
For me I can take 2 or 3 10 mg Quatrefolic . It appears to be a serum half life situation and doesn't heal if not continuous coverage of methylfolate.
4 - L-carnitine fumarate ids most likely, then maybe freebase carnitine or carnitine tartrate. Only one at a time works for me so I had to try several;.
5 - if not startup or for increasing SAM-e
6- No folic acid or CyCbl or HyCbl or one very popular supplement will give you cartestrophi B12 deficiency in a day, I'll add the name when I recall it.
If no startup or weak response next take TMG and then d-ribose.

Starting a little of everything keeps from killing you for lack of phosphate and/or potassium. Both need to be supplemented by symptoms, especially potassium as that is a fast killer and refeeding symptoms. Most you will be experiencing will be can happen within hours of starting maturing of red cells like I did driving up the interstate in Wyoming at 7000 feet from 4500 feet in SLC. Usually potassium takes about 3 days to show insufficient. Potassium can very quickly make you feel terrible with especially stomach paralysis.. A few hundred potassium glycine mg in water each few hountil the problem goes away. Aded that amount to your daily multiple doses of potassium.

Be careful.

This will tell you a lot.

One additional symptom that I have not had before——my face got very red and flushed after taking the doses today. It happened this morning and then went away about 2 hours later. And now 30 minutes after this dose the same face flushing. Not sure what to make of that. My B12 is 7.5 mg of injected Methylcobalamin twice a day and 3-4 sublingual Enzymatic 3-4 times per day. My folate is MethylPro 10 mg 3 times a day for a total of 30 mg. I do not have any skin issues or readily observed folate deficiencies that are on your lists. I do get times where I have the “very on edge” feeling thatI know is part of this but not sure what symptom category that fits into. I think it may be folate related because when I had that feeling last fall, folate would make it go away pretty quickly.

The other interesting thing. I had intense weakness a week ago—-I took potassium and it kinda helped but then shortly after the weakness, I get IBS for two days and then it fades. I thought it was the potassium causing the IBS—my stomach makes all sorts of noises like it is gurgling continuously. Exactly one week later on the same day (today), Intense weakness, then lots of gurgling in my stomach. Is this the added potassium or the IBS on the Group 3 list.

I have been on the MethylPro for about a month. Do you think it is not working as well? I have some Quatrafolic on hand and could switch it up.


Senior Member
I would suggest you get copper and zinc test, hormones tests, CBC and so on and vitamin D. Basic how to do it.

1- take all the minerals, a b-complex with something like B-Right, A, D, E and all the other vitamins.
2 - Then start MeCbl and you should have some startup. If not add AdoCbl.
3 - If not startup or refeeding symptoms happening all over, whatever is worsening in the 3 days after styarting, then methylfolate4 starting at lets say 1000 mcg 4 times a day, and incrementing all 4 with another 1000 mcg a few days later. Me3tAFOLIN HAS TO BE TAKEN 3 EACH 8 HOURS OR 4 DOES BETER FDOR MANY PEOPLE.
For me I can take 2 or 3 10 mg Quatrefolic . It appears to be a serum half life situation and doesn't heal if not continuous coverage of methylfolate.
4 - L-carnitine fumarate ids most likely, then maybe freebase carnitine or carnitine tartrate. Only one at a time works for me so I had to try several;.
5 - if not startup or for increasing SAM-e
6- No folic acid or CyCbl or HyCbl or one very popular supplement will give you cartestrophi B12 deficiency in a day, I'll add the name when I recall it.
If no startup or weak response next take TMG and then d-ribose.

Starting a little of everything keeps from killing you for lack of phosphate and/or potassium. Both need to be supplemented by symptoms, especially potassium as that is a fast killer and refeeding symptoms. Most you will be experiencing will be can happen within hours of starting maturing of red cells like I did driving up the interstate in Wyoming at 7000 feet from 4500 feet in SLC. Usually potassium takes about 3 days to show insufficient. Potassium can very quickly make you feel terrible with especially stomach paralysis.. A few hundred potassium glycine mg in water each few hountil the problem goes away. Aded that amount to your daily multiple doses of potassium.

Be careful.

This will tell you a lot.

@Freddd, I hope you are still around. I have been unable to control the potassium need and therefore I have no choice but to slow down. I I was taking plenty of B-12 and as I titrated up the folate the potassium need was incredible. I don’t want to quit the protocol (I’m a believer) but need some help. I have been at this a month and could never get beyond the addition of Folate as the potassium need got unmanageable. I was taking 30-45 mg of injectable/sublingual B12 4 times a day and 10 mg of folate 4 times a day for a total of 40 mg and was stuck there. Didn’t add the adeno or carnitine as I was afraid they would drive the potassium need even harder,

I had one day a week ago where I felt pretty good and was able to sleep through the night twice last week but this week the potassium problem consumed every waking moment. Those few good moments gave me hope that I might be about to tun the corner but it was not to be.

Could you suggest how to slow it down a bit until things settle some so I don’t lose ground and can move forward. Thank you, I appreciate your thoughts.


Senior Member
@Freddd, I hope you are still around. I have been unable to control the potassium need and therefore I have no choice but to slow down. I I was taking plenty of B-12 and as I titrated up the folate the potassium need was incredible. I don’t want to quit the protocol (I’m a believer) but need some help. I have been at this a month and could never get beyond the addition of Folate as the potassium need got unmanageable. I was taking 30-45 mg of injectable/sublingual B12 4 times a day and 10 mg of folate 4 times a day for a total of 40 mg and was stuck there. Didn’t add the adeno or carnitine as I was afraid they would drive the potassium need even harder,

I had one day a week ago where I felt pretty good and was able to sleep through the night twice last week but this week the potassium problem consumed every waking moment. Those few good moments gave me hope that I might be about to tun the corner but it was not to be.

Could you suggest how to slow it down a bit until things settle some so I don’t lose ground and can move forward. Thank you, I appreciate your thoughts.

Did you take 160mg of MB12 sublingual per day? how did you do it?