The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Fine, thank you
I can vouch for a banana before bed improves sleep. Something to do with the tryptophan content as well. Perhaps the combination of carbs, RS, tryptophan and potassium is just great for sleep.

Thanks! I'm going banana-shopping!
Tennessee USA
I personally avoid refined grains when I can, but I'm at the stage in my recovery where I don't need to be very strict about it. 80% of the time I eat PHD. 20% of the time I eat whatever I want to. I just make sure I'm getting enough carbs.

What I have noticed is that my candida/yeast flares up a little bit whenever I eat a refined carb or some sugar. It doesn't bother me that much (I get dandruff and a little Rosacea when it happens), but what's interesting is that a whopping 150g of safe starches per day eliminates my candida/yeast symptoms as long as I avoid refined carbs.

This is really amazing that increasing the right carbs actually stops the yeast issues. I always did OK on white rice and white potatoes but there are SO many websites out there that tell you to avoid these like the plague.


Senior Member
Thanks! Amazingly, it turned out to be a normal night's sleep, though I didn't bother going to bed until an hour later than usual.

That's interesting about the banana, though. I might give that a go, as my sleep isn't great in general. How long did it take for you to notice an effect? The same night you first ate a banana?

Last night was the 4th in a row of good sleep with the 'banana hack'.:thumbsup:
It's very rare that I sleep 7+ hrs. that many days in a row. The nutrients in banana are all helpful. ( I also take potassium, tryptophan, etc.) I think it's the carbs. that help.

I tried honey before, but it seems to be absorbed too quickly, where as, the banana breaks down more slowly, and lasts. ( I'm able to go back to sleep after the dreaded 3:00 am wake - up.)

Ripe bananas don't have RS, or much. Green bananas can have very high amounts.


Senior Member
"I don't think I have bacterial over growth, I just have a lack of good bacteria that ALA caused, and then Lauricidin also seems to have made worse. I quit Lauricidin a week or so ago, after finding out that that too can chelate after it's done it's job of dissolving lipid coated virii.

I ferment foods often and make 24 hour SCD yogurt, kvass, and kraut. I have to say that I seem to get no benefit from them. The same with anti fungals. I take Oregano oil to see if I can get rid of Hep C that I've had for 32 years, but it does nothing for me in terms of improving my health. I also take GSE and sometimes SF722, and I take garlic daily, lots of coconut oil. The ALA really killed off the good bac, is what I think. I just bought $90 worth of CP-1 probiotic and a bottle of Biofase (which I'm afraid I may not need at all, just another of my long shot tries to change), then I was told that it dies 3 weeks after I stop taking it. Each capsule is 60 billion. I'm really hoping to find a way to fix my GI tract without having to spend a fortune on probiotics. I guess I misunderstood his website, either that or he likes to rook people into buying from him.

I'd love it if RS can get me to absorb probiotics in SCD yogurt, kraut, etc., because right now I think I could eat a whole jar of both and not notice any benefit from it. I don't want to pay a fortune for probiotics, I can't afford it. I haven't worked in 14 years, other than an internet sales thing I had a few years ago..

My symptoms have been driving me crazy. I tried taking Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Formula last week, and it really screwed up my GI tract. I can only tolerate cruciferous vegs (except cauliflower), onion, nuts, seeds, meat, eggs, raw milk cheese, Ezekiel bread, Canned org tomato, olives, coconut, marinated artichokes, and that's about it. If I eat carrot, celery, etc., the eczema on my scalp goes crazy immediately. What a mess it is, and I keep getting interested in new supps almost every day, and buying things for 100s of dollars. I just want to fix this. Sometimes I try things for a day or two and then give up on it because I don't see any benefit. With the eczema, I get mucus in stools. I get no die off from garlic, SF722, Berberine, GSE, or oil of oregano. I think I could take that stuff by the case and not get die off from it.
I bought a pint of FG 35% h2o2 last week, then decided not to take it after all, so I guess I'll dilute it to 3% and use it to clean my veggies in the sink.

I read a lot about RS today, at least as much as I could get my overloaded brain to absorb. I'm very interested in it and will try it -- slowly. It was also suggested that I eat more carb, so I'm adding more Ezekiel bread, which I seem to do fine on, despite many that tell me to avoid gluten, any grain, and any starch such as potato. I was eating Sweet Potato before I chelated, but ALA made me have to quit very many good foods. I used to eat lots of fruit too, too much. Pulling Mercury through my GI tract killed my flora, I think. It did good things to my head but correcting my gut is what I've got do now. I'm 63. I hope I have some time left after I've healed my gut, if I do.

I'm going to go with this site and eat more carbs via some grain and maybe my old friend white potato.. I used to do fine on white organic potatoes until someone said high carbs cause you to age faster so I went low carb about 6 months ago, but now am having 2nd thoughts about that theory, at least for me and my gut rebuilding efforts.

I take a lot of supps, or, at least I have tried a LOT of them. I had a HTMA a month ago and am trying to balance my minerals. That should do me good over the long term but my gut issues need attention of their own.

I wouldn't be surprised if taking PS / RS does my GI tract a lot of good. I love the fact that it's only $4 a pound. I will work hard at making that work in my favor. At least we are keeping an open mind and are open to new ideas.[/quote]"

Hi @Lukey ,

It looks like you've gone full circle with treating the infections.

From what I've read, people who have added RS to their regimen, along with probiotics, fermented foods, etc. have had much better results.

The Perfect Health Diet is the most moderate, carbohydrate - wise, I've seen. Although some people react to white potatoes, most find them to be very nourishing, and satiating. ( I hope to be able to add them in the future.)

Grains are more difficult to digest, though. The PHD recommends white rice as a more 'safe starch'. Wheat is generally considered to be avoided.

I'm like you with having to 'cherry pick' through vegetables to find the ones I can eat. It's only been a recent discovery that veg. can be causing the digestive havoc. ( It may be the type of sugar, or FODMAP that causes this. Not everyone is sensitive to all FODMAPs, though.)

I would think that the RS may be favorable for you too!
Tennessee USA
Hi @Crux

I got the PHD book and the RS.
I'm getting more psyched up by PHD every minute. Now, I even have doubts that Lauricidin messed up my GI tract. I may have done it myself with the LCD [low carb] way I've eaten for the last 6 months. At minimum, the starch is going to do me a lot of good. I hope RS will too. I had breakfast - 3 rice cakes (I've missed them the last 6 months}, cooled, cooked basmati white rice, steamed broccoli, 1 organic chicken leg. I had no prob with it.
Amazing how I can't tolerate low carb veg like celery and spinach, but potato and white rice I do OK on. I actually seem to need that starch to balance my gut.

This way of eating is something I'm going to devote to and stick to. I find it amazing that so many other diets think white rice and potatoes should be avoided for gut health. I believe this group will be the group that teaches me the info I've needed in order to turn my GI tract around -- the missing link.
Tennessee USA
IMHO, when I was chelating with ALA every week for 2-3 years and my GI tract got loused up more, I made it worse by eating low carb.

I have no problem quitting Ezekiel bread if PHD says I should. I only want to eat what helps me and my GI tract. I'm loving the idea of adding potato and rice. I needed to be rescued from the suffering of living on broccoli, cabbage and onions. I was getting increasingly bored with that.
I will eat nuts and dairy only as a treat. This way of eating seems to have all bases covered.
Tennessee USA

This is my breakfast. Anyone want to comment on it?
I miss rice and potatoes so I kind of went over with the carbs so far today.


Senior Member
Hi @Lukey ,

From lurking around other websites and such, I see people eating from 20g - 300g of carbohydrate daily. Huge variance! ( I'm about 80 -100g. I'm a 57 yo F, med sized.)

I think it's an individualized thing... Find one's carb. tolerance. PHD recommends about 150g daily unless one is an athlete (needs more), or has a condition that requires less. ( some diabetics, people with neurologic disorders. etc.)

With other macronutrients, it's another individual's tolerance. I've seen wide variances with protein and fat too.

It's great you're feeling better with added starches!
Tennessee USA

I love the CRON-O-meter software. I've already met my daily protein & carbs and am at 16.1% protein, 39.9% carbs, and 44.1% fats.
I'm looking forward to reading the PHD book.


Fine, thank you
Just got some test results back - someone has stolen all my lactobacillus! :eek: And most of my bifido! :aghhh: What should I do? Is that the sort of stuff that Prescript Assist would tackle?

I've been on RS for long enough that I thought it would have boosted the good stuff if it had been there to start with. :(


Fine, thank you
Do you eat many fermented foods?
Are you taking probiotics with the RS?

I too have zero Bifidus, at least I did 6 years ago.

No fermented foods - I'm on the Paleo Diet (Chris Kresser's 3-month intro version where you cut out lots of stuff prior to retesting). I doubt I'll ever be able to retest much of anything because I don't have a stable enough baseline day-to-day. In the UK I can't buy the kind of fermented foods that seem to be available in the US and I'm not well enough to tackle DIY.

I tried to introduce probiotics (PA and L Plantarum) and was crippled by sinus headaches. I think I'm going to have to try to introduce things, but much more gently.
Tennessee USA
I never had CFS but I have lots in common with most of you in regard to gut imbalance.
I thought I might be able to dive into rice and potatoes again but I'm going to have to take it easy with them. I used to be able to eat any fruit or vegetable but after 2-3 years of chelating with ALA, it made a mess of my GI tract. And then I took Lauricidin and found out from this website that that too is a chelator and was probably adding to my GI imbalance while I was trying to heal it.
I' going to see if adding in some RS with SBO probiotics will do me some good, then hopefully add more food starches and be well.

I seemed to do OK on one starchy meal yesterday but when I tried a 2nd starchy meal it was just too much for me at this time.

I found this site a week or so ago when searching for people that had problems with Lauricidin. I still have to reply to that thread. I called Lauricidin and some MD called me back from there, and he refused to acknowledge that Lauricidin could have done anything bad to me,

The trouble with chelating is that there can be some redistribution of Mercury and that can somehow produce yeast in the GI tract.
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Tennessee USA
Is RS supposed to be good if someone has little to no Bifidus?

Or, does it matter, as long as good probiotics are being taken with RS?

I have CP1 which has 60 billion CFUs per capsule guaranteed. I also have others, and fermented foods.
I even got some Biofase but I have a feeling I don't need it with all the coconut oil I take, and the Serrapetase and other enzymes.
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Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
Ok, my LAG arrived, so I added 1 scoop of it, and I also added pectin. My 'twice a day' dosing now is as follows, mixed into ~3 oz. yogurt or kefir:

1/2 TBSP psyllium
1/2 TBSP pectin
1 scoop LAG

+ cups of chicory/dandelion 'coffee' throughout the day

Switching between probiotics:
chewable acidophilus + bifidus
Jarrow EPS
Align (B. Infantis)

The first observation since I've had two doses of LAG + pectin now is MAN I feel like I am going through spontaneous human combustion. I feel hot!! I am usually sitting under a blanket this time of day, right now I'm sitting here in shorts and a T-shirt sweating! Is this immune response? Or just 'hot' fermentation? Or is this how normal humans feel?? GAH!

Second observation is regarding psyllium, which I have cautiously added in starting a couple of weeks ago at small doses. I never used to be able to tolerate it - it caused total dried out abdominal concretion no matter how much water I took with it. Now I am finding that it's working beneficially, and it seems helpful. Maybe before it was just feeding the 'bad bugs'?

Third observation is that my foot pain does feel better on reduced amounts of PS, though the stiffness is not fully gone in the morning. I have not had any recurrences of the really bad gouty toe pain, thank goodness.

I am ~2 months into the PS experiment and I would have to call it an unfettered success for me in gut improvement for my wretched IBS-C & motility issues.


Senior Member
Fantastic post from Gemma:
The study on salivary amylase gene copy number variation (Perry et al) has been discussed extensively here at FTA a long time ago, I would have to search deep in the blog…
In my opinion it shows nothing like increased AMY1 for Europeans, just see the means and medians. Does that seem statistically significant to you?
Unfortunately, this paper was parroted ever since as a proof that it is the genes responsible for human ability to digest starch. As it seems, it is not so, many studies done later on show a similar pattern among many different populations in the whole world — simply some people have more copies (up to 21 copies), some have less (2 copies, even some Hadzas), and most of them have the mean numbers. Anywhere you look.
And as the gut microbiota has altogether many more genes than its human host, it has a much bigger role in nutrients digestion. The research even shows that the gut microbiota can influence and induce the expression of amylase in the saliva. Salivary amylase is a very tricky enzyme!

This means, that when we continually work to Support gut health and Flora by eating the right diet, and probably therapeutically take the right supplements (RS, Fibres, the right probiotics), our gut Flora can possibly compensate gene mutations.
Tennessee USA

Do you think CP1 is the "right probiotic"?
I got the Bob's Red Mill PS today and I took 1 tsp before breakfast. Will take another tsp tonight with my CP1.
I also began taking Custom Probiotics CP1 yesterday, at 1 capsule AM and 1 in the PM at 60 billion CFUs each. Is that a good probiotic to rebuild my flora with RS? I plan to get an SBO when I'm finished this bottle of 90 CP1.
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Tennessee USA

I'm filling out the CRON-O-meter every day. I only had breakfast but am already over my fats limit.
Any comment on this? I don't have my PHD book yet. I plan to read this whole thread soon.
I've probably been over doing fats for quite a while - mostly coconut oil, coconut, butter, and EVOO, sardines, grass fed beef, full fat yogurt, full fat raw milk cheese, and olives.

Tennessee USA
Recently a guy on logecity told me that he gets "deep, restful sleep with vivid dreams" since taking RS. He is taking the Bob´s Mill product. Logically with these prices I instantly decided to try and will be updating about my experience. Please Resistant Starch will you pimp my gut?

I slept great last night. I dreamed about Aerosmith.

I've done other things that did wonders for my sleep.
One thing is get 10-12 sessions of CST (cranio sacral therapy). I get CST every 2-3 months.
Another thing that improved my sleep right off the bat was BioMagnetic Therapy. I have a set of magnets that I wear on my body at various times. I wear a pair of magnets on my pineal gland on my head in bed and it stimulates Melatonin the natural way, without pills. BMT is a great way to enhance health and even reverse disease. It realigns the cells, gets them to detox and balance. Recharges the electromotive battery.