Dear all,
Thank you so much for this amazing thread and all the information contained within it.
I stumbled across it over the weekend and spent some time trying to quickly scan the entire thread. I don't know that much of it really sank in... it's all a bit jumbled up in here!
I did manage to get some potato starch from the health food store (Lotus brand for those in Australia), put it in some water, and it sank, so pretty sure it is the right stuff. I took just a quarter of a teaspoon two days running, then took a break and took half a teaspoon today.
Gosh the first two days I was high as a kite! Sooooo happy!
Then didn't feel so good, and today it was hard to tell as I ate something bad last night, and so felt a bit off all day, so don't think it was the PS.
Anyway I really feel like this is a huge game changer for me, and am trying not to get too excited. But Thank You again.
I have had CFS since about 1997 (gosh, that long?!) it was fairly low level, and then in 2008 I caught the flu and crashed badly. I could feel it in my bones. Couldn't really walk and just the thought of lifting my arms to wash my hair made me want to cry. I have tried many remedies since then, all very hit and miss. I am much much better, but still a little way to go. Hopefully this will be at least one more piece of the puzzle.
I will be ordering some of the probiotics recommended from Iherb, but I also wanted to ask if anyone here has heard of Effective Microorganisms (EM)
I have been using it on and off for a few years. You can drink it, water your plants with it and clean your house with it. The basic principle is that in any environment there are microorganisms, the more negative they are the more polluted. So they have been using EM to clean up rivers.
EM may be another probiotic tool to add to the list, and I wonder if it is somehow similar to some of the soil-based probiotics that have been recommended such as the Garden of Life (Primal Defense) one.
I have a quick question, I know that many are taking the PS 5 hours before bed, but I can't remember the reason for not taking it first thing in the morning instead.
Thank you!