@ariel, just wondering if you're still taking this and how it's going.
Hi there.
I actually started another fibre (which again supposedly targets the distal end) a little while after writing that post, and foolishly simply added a little bit of it to the mix I was taking at the time (rather than stopping everything to see how I'd react). The result being a mouth full of ulcers, aching body and feeling like I had reactivated pretty much everything. So I stopped everything for a few weeks.
I've since introduced a half teaspoon of the last fibre I added (which was Synotix / Orafti), plus half a teaspoon of Potato Starch.
This is the Orafti:
It is a long-chain Inulin.
It is also found in the Jarrows Inulin, which I did try early on, but because it is mixed with another inulin they seemed to cancel each other out, or something, I'm really not sure...
There is one theory that it is best for those with overgrowths of negative pathogens to take fibres that target the distal end rather than the proximal end, as there is less chance of the prebiotic feeding the undesirables. That theory is what lead me to trying a bunch which supposedly target the distal end.
Though I have been extremely sensitive to the fibres which do this - in particular the Orafti and the Wheat Dextrin (Benefiber). Others might not be.
As I wrote on the CB thread, I've just started that. I started with 1 tab a day, and stopped the orafti/PS mix. 1 tab is too much, so I've dropped to 1/2 a tab, and have just added in 1 teaspoon of the orafti/PS mix. I'm going to try and stick with this for a bit.
Frankly I can't believe that after one year (!!) of taking all these preboitics and probiotics just how senisitve I still am to them. During that time I have also tried stopping everything to do a few weeks or more or of 'weeding' with various herbals.
The strong reaction to CB has surprised me, but then again I've been surprised by how sensitive I've been to every one of the things I've tried.
It is as though each one is doing something unique, and every part of my GIT needs attention.
So, in answer to your question, I will reintroduce the Wheat Dextrin and PHGG eventually, but first want to let the body get used to the CB, and attempt to increase the amount of Orafti before introducing any other fibres, as clearly the distal end needs some work.
The good thing is that I'm convinced that the microbiome is the way forward for me. Nothing else I've tried so far touches it.