Just went back ten pages to get a rough headcount of who has taken Miyarisin/C. butyricum, and I counted eight people: Adreno, anne_likes_red, Sidereal, Asklipia, Vegas, Rand56, JPV, nandixon...
And three more about to try it: me, Hip, Gondwanaland...
Don't know if I've left anybody out.
I've been on it for a couple of months. It's hard to say what benefits I've experienced specifically from that, though, because I'm using shotgun approach (trying lots of stuff at same time). I will say I did
not notice significant improvement from Miyarisan over the relatively dramatic improvement I experienced from RS, Prescript Assist, AOR, lots of bifido strains, etc., in the beginning of my gut journey. I got quite a big boost in stamina and exercise tolerance in the beginning. Worth noting is that I was doing 3x/day AOR, which has the c.butyricum in it. I slowed down with AOR because someone said one of the other strains in it gave them some gum problems. I take it a couple times per week now.
Currently I'm not doing so well, but I attribute this downswing to Sanum and some herbs I'm doing to address biofilms, parasites,candida, and fibroids. "Not doing so well" = mood is quite black, I'm tired, semi-unmotivated, and having to really work at it to keep perspective (i.e., keep hold of the thought that the blackness is not necessarily reality but my own skewed perception). It's difficult since I've been to this @#$%!! pit so very many times in my life and I hate coming back here.

I'm also trying some things to help detox and support the liver so hopefully it won't get any worse than this. From other's comments (
@Asklipia, etc.) this seems pretty common with Sanum and biofilm/parasite cleansing, and I'm hoping this extremely shitty mood means my bad critters are dying. Going to try to tough it out through a whole three months of Sanum and finish off the bottles of my tinctures and potions. Timing-wise it should all finish off together. If mood or physical symptoms don't get any worse I should be able to muddle through. If they do get worse I'll have to reevaluate in a hurry.
Izzy, I like AOR. A portion of one or at most one per day probably won't hurt. Try about a quarter and see what happens.