The Resistant Starch Challenge: Is It The Key We've Been Looking For?


Senior Member
Yes, I'm not shooting down the synthetic. I'm aware of potential problems with LDN, but if it is an expedient, who the hell cares.

You are right, no perfect plant compound, but I do like the mucilage rich plants as largely being among the most anti-inflammatory.

If only we'd known about mucilages being the "key" to preventing extraintestinal symptoms 130 pages ago we'd have been spared a lot of nasty inflammation.


PR activist
And add to that:

Top 8 Picks to Increase Tregs


Senior Member
If only we'd known about mucilages being the "key" to preventing extraintestinal symptoms 130 pages ago we'd have been spared a lot of nasty inflammation.

No doubt, maybe I wouldn't have carpal tunnel syndrome from typing all those damn long posts. I'm not bold enough to megadose anything yet. Are you still getting semblances of a sulfur-bacterial die off?
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Senior Member
No doubt, maybe I wouldn't have carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm not bold enough to megadose anything yet. Are you still getting semblances of a sulfur-bacterial die off?

No kidding. I probably wouldn't have a busted knee or several gouty joints. No SRB die-off yet. That was happening on low dose of beet root back in January.


Senior Member
No kidding. I probably wouldn't have a busted knee or several gouty joints. No SRB die-off yet. That was happening on low dose of beet root back in January.

yes, I got rid of the gout stuff recently as well. Hated that. I was hoping to move along phosphofructokinase with the beet. Check out the fructose some time as well.


Senior Member
I do very well with grape seed extract.
I get tinnitus. I wonder if I should keep trying with it.
Astragalus and Cat's claw knock me out.
Could you please detail? I never tried them but Saturday I'm going to the farmer's market and can get those dried herbs there (sometimes even fresh).
Vit D3 makes me deathly ill.
Gotta hate D3 supplementation too :devil:
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Senior Member
@whodathunkit about the skin in the heels... The skin of my heels has been really thick for a few years and when I started MB12 one year ago it all of a sudden became very thin. It took me a while to understand what happened. Thinning skin is a symptom of hyperthyroid, and I assume a very thick skin is a symptom of hypo. So I guess I can track the downslide of my thyroid function to when my foot soles became very thick...

Right now the skin in my foot soles is medium thick, and I hope to ramp up my T3 soon and get it thin again. But the summer is almost over here, and the months of closed shoes are almost there. Next summer I will show off my feet though :thumbsup:

Now your connection with the gut is really interesting and proves that improving the gut will also improve thyroid function.

Edit: I forgot to add that I use a popular baby tush moisturizer with B5 for my feet which reduces the 4 AM inflammation of +/+MAO-A and improves sleep :sleep: I dispense a thick squirt around my heels and wear socks over it.
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Senior Member
I don't put them in the Nutribullet, although I did put some cherry pits in there the other day. Duh! that was stupid!
Cyanide? Now I am adding 1+1... I took cyanocobalamin 3 or 4 in my life and got a terrible pain in what I think my be my appendix... Was the cyanide killing my gut population? :eek:
I have recently begun using RS potato starch following a course of Clindamycin and have not had any problem tolerating it even at 3 Tbsp. I was using a relatively small amount of larch arbinogalactan with it and most days eat some beet root powder in my salad dressing. I haven't yet worked out the best balance of RSs and probiotics but lean heavily on bifidos and include infantis and some yeasts.
For example, a single course of certain antibiotics has been shown to effect 85% of all colonic metabolites.
I am tempted to try Clindamycin, melamine! I have been harmed by abx in the past, but one of them was really beneficial: Flagyl eradicated my rosacea :thumbsup:
If clindamycin would allow me to tolerate PS or others RSs that would be worth the risk :jaw-drop:


Senior Member
If only we'd known about mucilages being the "key" to preventing extraintestinal symptoms 130 pages ago we'd have been spared a lot of nasty inflammation.
Well, the dreaded psyllium (and flax seeds) is in the mucilage category :bang-head:
This explains why I have been craving okra :confused: :D
And I have been stupidly ignoring the prickly pears at the farmer's market


Senior Member

Now your connection with the gut is really interesting and proves that improving the gut will also improve thyroid function.

@Gondwanaland, Chris Kresser writes:
Inflammation and inflammatory cytokines can really mess with T4 to T3 conversion in several different ways. Let me back up. Inflammation can suppress T4 to T3 conversion.
20% of the conversion of T4 to T3 actually happens in the gut. If you have poor gut health, disrupted gut microbiome, SIBO, parasites, leaky gut, then it’s entirely possible that that T4 to T3 conversion that’s supposed to happen in the gut is not happening or not happening well, at least. Of course, gut problems typically lead to inflammation, so you get a little bit of a double whammy there when you have gut issues.


Senior Member
Phantastic post about honey and unrefinded sugar as superfood and for gut healing:

From the blog post...

Sugar beets are considered to be a medicinal herb, where the fresh roots and leaves are used as garnish in traditional Asian dishes and have been shown to have potent hypoglycemic activity. More recently, sugarcane juice is being recognized as a low glycemic superfood. Sugarcane juice and sugarcane and sugar beet molasses was shown to have antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity, as well as the ability to to reduce iron complex and inhibit lipid peroxidation. Sugarcane is rich in calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and zinc, and contains essential vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5 along with soluble fiber and proteins. Incredibly, it's also believed to protect your teeth from decay.


Senior Member
Upstate NY
If clindamycin would allow me to tolerate PS or others RSs that would be worth the risk :jaw-drop:

@Gondwanaland - I was wondering that myself - if this was an upside to wiping out a large portion of my good bugs with antibiotics. If like me, you've taken too many courses of broad spectrums like amoxacillin and have already damaged the healthy variety and balance, it might make for a better start.

However although I tolerate the RS, I am not feeling any better (yet?). Part of it has been unavoidable travel, but it didn't seem to account for the amount of PEM and general lack of improvement so far. It could also be that I haven't achieved a good balance of good bacteria and the loss of valuable native species has left me deficient in a way that RS is not able to address. I'm backing off the amount of RS that I tolerate for now until I'm in possession of a bigger representation of probiotic species.


Senior Member
From the blog post...
Sugar beets are considered to be a medicinal herb, where the fresh roots and leaves are used as garnish in traditional Asian dishes and have been shown to have potent hypoglycemic activity. More recently, sugarcane juice is being recognized as a low glycemic superfood. Sugarcane juice and sugarcane and sugar beet molasses was shown to have antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity, as well as the ability to to reduce iron complex and inhibit lipid peroxidation. Sugarcane is rich in calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and zinc, and contains essential vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5 along with soluble fiber and proteins. Incredibly, it's also believed to protect your teeth from decay.
All these years I have been snubbing the sugarcane juice at the farmer's market :jaw-drop::bang-head: They press it in front of you :woot: