I basically fasted for four days because everything made me nauseous. After that my blood sugar was down remarkably, and my appetite was totally changed. I haven't wanted the fatty, crappy refined foods I've craved basically all my life. It was a very weird thing altogether.
@whodathunkit, in light of this experience, which I believe reflects some kind of a profound shift in your microbiome, have you considered embarking on the potato hack diet? It's described in great detail on Tim Steele's blog and Mark's Daily Apple has multiple threads about it. It sounds extreme but some people report changes in appetite regulation, accelerating weight loss, improved digestion etc. so I do wonder if it might cause a beneficial microbiome modification similar to what you experienced. There is a growing literature on how body weight, food preferences, cravings etc. are determined by the microbial situation in the gut which shapes our immunity and neuroendocrine signalling. It's no surprise that leptin is emerging as a key inflammatory marker of sorts in ME/CFS research.
I mention it because you say something "shifted" for you, and this is how I feel about what happened to me. It was like there was some kind of bacterial shift or something in my gut. Do you think maybe some bad bacteria shifted in yours? Did you have any acute symptoms or was it just a gradual worsening?
Yes, that's exactly what seems to have happened and it was a rather sudden deterioration. I didn't have symptoms of a new acute infection, just sudden dramatic worsening of old symptoms like orthostatic intolerance and brain fog. Fortunately I've been able to get back on track by switching to other things but it was a sobering experience. Up until that point I falsely assumed it was just a matter of trying to gradually build up to bigger and more frequent doses of RS and other prebiotics.