On the language issue: Frank's video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0tikeIGtc4 might be enough to explain how to vote. (Apologies if this has been said before)
Somebody just posted this note in French in the WPI voting box. It translates as something like:Aidez la recherche sur le SFC en votant pour le Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI). Un clic de souris suffit. Il manque 1,000 votes au WPI pour lobtention de la premire place! Vote ouvert jusqu'au 4 mai. allez sur le lien https://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving cliquez sur "j'aime" puis aller sur le site et rentrer le mot Whittemore Peterson.
There are instructions in French on "Encphalomylite Myalgique/Syndrome de fatigue chronique"Somebody just posted this note in French in the WPI voting box. It translates as something like:Aidez la recherche sur le SFC en votant pour le Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI). Un clic de souris suffit. Il manque 1,000 votes au WPI pour lobtention de la premire place! Vote ouvert jusqu'au 4 mai. allez sur le lien https://www.facebook.com/ChaseCommunityGiving cliquez sur "j'aime" puis aller sur le site et rentrer le mot Whittemore Peterson.
"Help CFS research by voting for the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI). One click of the mouse is sufficient. The WPI needs 1000 to obtain first place. Voting is open until May 4. Go on the link (click on the link I presume)."
ExcellentI just sent out an e-mail to my whole synagogue group of over 200 members asking them to vote!
If this was to be repeated in round 2:I can't believe the wolves are still ahead of us.Everyday I log in to see if we have overcome them, I mean really?
Actually we are in much greater need than any in the top three IMO. No one write me any hate mail about the ecosystem or needing drums for world peace, etc. I'm just sayin...
Yes, it frustrating.Thanks for posting prize amounts for each level Dolphin, I hadn't seen that before! Gosh, for the difference of $500,000 or $200,000 for the WPI we only need about 1200 votes, it seems so ridiculously easy. We also need to keep bringing up the CAA (16th to 14th in the last two days) - they should be #1 and #2 and win $950,000 for CFS research!
Music for All
Last update: 526
Now: 706
Last update: 587
Now: 611
Great work, Tuha. I think I will probably contact my friends directly although I expect I could be busy around then.I think there are some solution how to improve. The last year during the voting for Pandora I discovered 1 think. I had probably 50 facebook friends - I sent them an email and only 3 of them voted. I dont like to annoy the people but then I told myself that we need some money so I started. I just log on my facebook account and there you can see some of your friends who are on-line - then you can make a small chat with them and you can ask them directly to vote immediately - you can follow them and if they have a problem you can help them. And you can controle if they really votedLike this I got 30 votes and noone refused to do it. I think this is one solution - if someone think that its maybe a bit annoying - maybe a bit but what is more important...I think we need that money.
I already wanted to do it but maybe for the first round its not necessary - i am prepare for the second round - who will annoy the friends with me?
another solution - you have a visit, a party, or you visit someone and there is a computer - you can ask the people there, its the easiest way. The last year I had a small party with 6 people - 4 had facebook accounts so they voted and 2 of them created a new account and they also voted.
also one possibility is - here on PR forum is also chat section - so if there are some people, we can ask them if they voted - i think we would get some votes like this
Great work, Tuha. I think I will probably contact my friends directly although I expect I could be busy around then.
I'm not sure I'll do what you do but even 6% (3/50) is good. As I may have said, I think ME/CFS friends would probably be the most important to persuade as if you persuade them, they can get excited and they might start trying to persuade others, a sort of chain-reaction.
I like your enthusiasm. Maybe I will do it. Before I got (very) ill, I collected for various charities. It was started in the school where we got half-days to collect for a particular charity. The first year, I did rubbish: I stood on the main street in the city where there were lots and lots of people; but there were really too many people and I wasn't making an impression with anybody.I have little bit another opinion. Yes, if we persuade the other ME/CFS patients and they would start to persuade their friends - it will be great. But how I see the situation - we did such a big publicity - i know a lot of people who contacted the ME/CFS organisations, support groups, forums,... in all over the world - if you check a ME/cfs web site - its almost everywhere a small publicity about the competition and how they try to encourage the members to vote but the reaction is still quite small. I think we cannot do much more for the publicity.
I think the last solution is - what I already wrote - to "attack" directly your facebook friends when they are on-line. maybe it seems like a big work but i can tell you that it doesnt take more than 5 minutes with 1 friend - so the last year i spent with this activity by contacting 30 friends maybe 150 minutes during 1 week - for me its ok. to get 3 people from 50 is also good but compare to the potential and that we will maybe need every vote - its not too much. it doesnt have to be 30, if someone has a time or energy only for 5,6,10 - its also good
In addition to posting on my FB page, I have written personally messages to forty people of my friends-list.
so I'm already have moved 12 people to support us.
yes, sometimes you have to walk a little more energetic
(sorry for my bad english!)
Wow, 28 votes, that's a great amount (and I'm guessing that might not be all either).voted the bring on the votes facebook contest wall this am, and got 28 votes back thus far.