Thanks Frenchtulip.Great idea, Dolphin! Thanks! I will try to keep doing several posts or emails to groups each day. The CFS Knowledge Center, Wikipedia, and the Northern VA CFS group all have lists, too.
By the way, I checked for financial info at Guidestar for several of the Top 100--especially those at the lower end. I only found one that was definitely too small and one I couldn't find at Guidestar. So it looks like most of the nonprofits on the leaderboard are probably large enough and do qualify (even though I've never heard of most of them). I had never heard of the Fanconi Anemia group but I believe it had larger operating expenses that either the CFIDS Assn. or the WPI.
Here's one place that has various lists of international, national and local/state groups that could be useful (even if some of the info may be out of date):
Patient Organizations and Support Groups
European CFS/ME and FM organizations