The BIG CHASE: funding US ME/CFS non-profits


Senior Member
I wrote this on the front page, but am repeating it because I want as much feedback as posible. There isn't time to lose
I have an idea. Right now we are about 1500 votes off 5th place, and people who are passionate about ME/CFS have voted already, so those will be hard votes to get. There are other charities in this same position.
I picked medical charities, just because I'm horrified at marching bands being called charities LOL. We could approach the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. They are in 12th, and need 600 votes right now to get to 10th, where they would get an extra $60,000. I'm sure they are as motivated as we are to get votes. The National Marfan Assoc is in the same position. They are in 17th, and 400 below the 10th place, where they would get another $20,000.
I have votes left, and suspect many do. I would like to approach them, to benefit us all. Does anyone object, and will people agree to vote?
How do we go about this?


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I don't know, but I guess it would be a matter of contacting them on their Chase site, and starting to gather votes for them. I am still posting on vote boards, but most people just say they have no vote left. I could email the 2 charities re our intent, switch to the other two charities on vote boards to prove we are serious (probably 30-40 votes very quickly, then less and less as time wears on), and maybe they would disseminate the info to their members. It could work. Maybe?
Personally, I'm tapped out. I started out strong, but I'm voting for others until my eyeballs feel like they are bleeding, with very little return. It is still working for the Vivant contest, tho. All for the same cause...


"and this too shall pass"
Vancouver Canada suburbs
WTG Helen

I wrote this on the front page, but am repeating it because I want as much feedback as posible. There isn't time to lose
I have an idea. Right now we are about 1500 votes off 5th place, and people who are passionate about ME/CFS have voted already, so those will be hard votes to get. There are other charities in this same position.
I picked medical charities, just because I'm horrified at marching bands being called charities LOL. We could approach the International Rett Syndrome Foundation. They are in 12th, and need 600 votes right now to get to 10th, where they would get an extra $60,000. I'm sure they are as motivated as we are to get votes. The National Marfan Assoc is in the same position. They are in 17th, and 400 below the 10th place, where they would get another $20,000.
I have votes left, and suspect many do. I would like to approach them, to benefit us all. Does anyone object, and will people agree to vote?

I think its a great idea Helen.

I know we have had support from Big Heart Rescue and I see they are stuck at 47 votes, I think they only got 2 votes from us. Its too bad more do not want to support them



Off the fence
Voting is much easier in this round. You can sign in, like Chase and vote, all on the same page. This is another tiny url version In the first round, we had to hunt round to find chase and like it before we could vote. So that's good.

The WPI are still in seventh place.

Aaargh! We have to twist some arms, people! I mean, how hard is it to make a couple of clicks?

Don't forget that you can have an anonymous fb page, if you set up a new email. If everyone that has voted WPI just got one more person to vote, we would be in the lead. This is no time to be a shrinking violet - or have a broken computer, as was the case for me since Wednesday, until this morning.

Aaaarrrgh! We have 2 days and 19 hours from the time of this post to get this thing moving. Please, please help!

Put vote exchange into Google, and you'll find sites that do just that. It's laborious but it's free. We have the best cause out there.

Put posters up in your local shops. Here's some resources (attached as a pdf)


  • howtovotewpiposternolinks.pdf
    138.9 KB · Views: 34


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I noticed that people have started voting for Marfan and Rett Syndrome, and posting in their comments, so I posted on their respective Facebook walls. The Marfan foundation has sent a message asking me to call them, but no one was in the office yet. I posted a variation of this on each Facebook page Let's help each other in the Chase Community Giving and we'll all win! We would like to set up an informal coalition to help each other. Many of us have a few votes left but have tapped out resources for our own charities. We all have medical issues and we all could help each other. WPI supporters have started voting for you and we hope you will return the favor. Two other groups we are hoping to involve are Marfan foundation and CFIDS We aren't in direct competition with each other and this could benefit each group." The Rett syndrome url is


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
Guess it wasn't ok with everyone. I notice that CFIDS removed my FB post on their page, but they just started advocating for Marfan and started posting their own link on the Marfan page. No mention of Rett Syndrome or WPI. Hmmm
The Marfan director messaged me, and suggested we talk. Meanwhile, I am begging for votes for both Marfan and Rett Syndrome in the hope we will get some return


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Helen - I have seen other posts from CAA for the WPI and a day or two ago I thought they started with Marfans. I hope you can get some sort of system worked out with the Marfans director, looking forward to hearing.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
Your post has not been deleted. You need to click on "Most Recent" posts to see posts by everyone.

Guess it wasn't ok with everyone. I notice that CFIDS removed my FB post on their page, but they just started advocating for Marfan and started posting their own link on the Marfan page. No mention of Rett Syndrome or WPI. Hmmm
The Marfan director messaged me, and suggested we talk. Meanwhile, I am begging for votes for both Marfan and Rett Syndrome in the hope we will get some return


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I'm glad it's there. I can't see it. I guess it's "ghosting" for me. As long as others can see it, that's what counts. Shouldn't we be doing a blast email as well, even if we did it as sufferers informally supporting this coalition? Could we do that thru PR? how is that arranged?
Also, just noticed we have been overtaken by Chabad of Aregentina relief fund. I have no idea where they came from


Senior Member
I'm glad it's there. I can't see it. I guess it's "ghosting" for me. As long as others can see it, that's what counts. Shouldn't we be doing a blast email as well, even if we did it as sufferers informally supporting this coalition? Could we do that thru PR? how is that arranged?
Also, just noticed we have been overtaken by Chabad of Aregentina relief fund. I have no idea where they came from
They were on page 2 on the leaderboard at the last update - low 2000s I think. I was looking at the leaderboard and when I went to page 2 the previous leaderboard was still there. With that sort of jump who knows where they'll get to but I can't see the WPI overtaking them without a massive surge. :(

BTW, I can see your message on the CAA FB page also.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
I'm hoping that the fact they didn't get any money in the second round, despite WPI endorsing them, sends a strong message to CAA that the current management must go! But I'm not counting on it.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
I think after allowing CAA bashing for 2+ years on their FB page, an endorsement halfway through the contest when they found they were falling behind, is pretty worthless, followed by a passive-aggressive note about their disappointment that the CAA is not funding the WPI's chosen program. That's a I'm endorsing you not really.