@soxfan , how are you these days?
I'm new on this site but I have CFS for 6 years and "lot of experience"
Your sleeping problems and other symptoms are same as mine. For the last 3 years I almost don't sleep at all and when I sleep (5 hours max) it doesn't make any difference to my energy level in the morning. I feel like sh.t!
I tried everything... I'm hypersensitive to antidepressants so I stopped them completely; plant supplements are usually helping a bit for few days and then the agony starts again. The best way psychologically is to accept this situation and not to increase the stress even more. During the day avoid every physical stress, don't use stairs, don't lift heavy things, don't run, don't talk loud and long, use every possible help! Physical stress is worsening the sleep in my situation.
2 days ago I started with D-ribose, low dosage 2x2grams, and I sleep a bit better. I have more energy too but I don't know if that is from ribose or from sleeping 5 hours last night. I have to wait for at least 10 days to see if this will help long term.
Also, next week I plan to start with CBD oil. I heard it is very good for CFS symptoms including sleep. I will post here the results.
I would be soooo happy with 5 hours sleep like I had last night!!! BUT if D-ribose and CBD oil don't help long term, I'll search for something new. I have nothing to lose because it can only be better!