Suddenly sleep quality has become unbearably worse


Senior Member
North Carolina
Sleep is the one problem I can’t seem to solve and now suddenly it has become much worse.
I have not changed anything including my daily supplements or sleep medications.

For three mornings now in a row I have woken up with my head feeling very very heavy and complete exhaustion like nothing I have ever experienced. My body doesn’t feel tired...just my head ...and eyes hurt like when you don’t sleep.

I know even before I get out of bed because when I sit up to get off the bed my head feels like I can’t even lift it off the pillow....

I am actually sleeping soundly...only waking to use the bathroom once. But something has to be happening during my seemingly deep sleep and I am actually terrified this will go on for weeks.

I am useless all day as the exhaustion is overwhelming and very uncomfortable. If I had to go anyplace...even an appointment there is no way I could manage.

I have never in 14 years of this illness have had this type of exhaustion/heavy head feeling upon waking. I almost always have unrefreshing sleep but that I can deal with.

Any clues what has suddenly happened to my brain overnight...I know with this illness anything can happen but I really am not doing or taking anything different than a week ago.
This is truly scary...

I have had sleep studies ...two of them


Senior Member
North Carolina
@Mary ...I haven’t changed anything. I am still taking exactly the same supplements and Lunesta 2mg at bedtime. I have been on Lunesta for 9 months now. I actually feel like I am sleeping soundly and only waking once or twice but falling back to sleep quickly.

I was on Lunesta 3mg for six years 2006-2012 and never felt like this.

The really strange thing in all this is that when I get up to use the bathroom which is usually around 3 or 3:30 I can feel the weird exhaustion in my head. So it must happen quickly after falling asleep. I never ever use to feel like that prior to these past three days.

I am so upset and very worried that this will be a long term problem and I seriously can’t even function during the day,


Senior Member
North Carolina
@alkt...I feel perfectly fine except for this problem. I have no symptoms of any kind. This just happened over the weekend and I actually never went anyplace all weekend because of this severe exhaustion/fatigue.


Senior Member
I'm going for a real long shot here, but ....

With the change in seasons, have you started sleeping with the windows open ?

One thing many people don't consider is that lots of stuff blooms at night. For people who know they have allergies -- and people who might have allergies and not know it -- this can cause no end of problems.

And allergies don't have to cause stuffy nose, sneezing, wheezing, or itching. They can hit some people as significant brain fog (and/or eye issues).

Just taking a chance. Hope you figure it out, and soon :)


Senior Member
North Carolina
@TenuousGrip ...We don’t have the windows open at night....too much pollen in the air. I know I have allergies since after years and years of my ears popping my new Functional Medicine Doctor told me I had fluid in there and my nasal passages were swollen. I was floored since someone told me ear popping was a sign of anxiety.

This had been going on at least five years and not one other doctor mentioned it. I take a natural allergy medication that she recommended called D-hist.
I have been taking it daily for about a month.

I truly appreciate your message as at least people are giving thought to this issue I am having....


Senior Member
I would suspect the Lunesta. Bad reactions to sleep meds can occur almost overnight and become permanent. Do you have another med you can use to get off the Lunesta for several days? Maybe a benzo? It's not the perfect test, because most of the sleep meds operate by a similar mechanism, so a different sleep med may yield the same result. But, if you switch to another med and your problem goes away then you can assume it was the Lunesta. Then you'll still have to figure out what to do going forward, but at least you'll know that Lunesta isn't the answer. Sleep meds taken over the long haul can get you in a lot of trouble, and doctors will be of no help in getting you out...


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
This had been going on at least five years and not one other doctor mentioned it. I take a natural allergy medication that she recommended called D-hist.
I have been taking it daily for about a month.

@soxfan - it's possible the D-hist is causing high levels of Lunesta to build up in your system. d-Hist contains quercetin, which is found in grapefruit, and here's a blurb about quercetin inhibiting the enzyme CAP3Y4:
Side effects: Quercetin inhibits an important enzyme (CYP3A4) involved in the metabolism of many common medications, which can alter blood levels and effects of the drugs. It’s well known that grapefruit (which contains quercetin) can cause such interactions.

And see this,, which talks about grapefruit potentially causing high levels of Lunesta to build up in your system.

I'd stop the D-hist and see what happens.

Someone did a post recently on grapefruit noticeably increasing their absorption of CoQ10 and increasing their energy. So I tried grapefruit juice, and felt good for 2 days and then crashed, I kept up the grapefruit juice and got progressively more and more tired, and by the end of 2 weeks finally realized it must be the grapefruit juice interacting with one of my supplements. I focused on B12, stopped the grapefruit juice, and almost doubled my B12, and slowly my energy came back. I found one sentence in one article which said not to take grapefruit juice with B12. I am amazed, it's very powerful stuff.

eta: I just realized your D-hist may be depleting your B12 as well, as grapefruit juice (with its quercetin) did to me.
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Senior Member
North Carolina
@geraldt52 ...@Hip...@Mary....Last night I decided to put aside my fears of Trazodone and give it a try. I cut a 50mg in half and then shaved a little more off the corner. I took that at 7:30 and knowing it would not knock me out took a 2mg Lunesta.

I can’t say my sleep was perfect as I woke at least 3 times but this morning I don’t have the heavy head or torture exhaustion. I don’t really feel refreshed but still a little sleepy.

I am so thankful not to feel that weird exhaustion but with this illness I know it could return at any time and my sleep issues are still not corrected. I will keep up with this combo for now unless I have problems again .

I see my Functional Medicine doctor on Monday to get results of my saliva cortisol and hormone testing.

She gave me Progesterone pills 100 mg to try but I have been afraid to ....

What is CBD oil?

I have stopped the D Hist for now since I am not having allergy issues.


Senior Member
Rocky Mountains
CBD is Cannabidiol oil - a hemp based oil that may or may not contain THC. Its great for anxiety and also lowers cortisol. If you are having higher than optimal cortisol around bed time, it might be helpful for you.

Progesterone may also be very calming for your system, you'll just have to try.

I take CBD sometimes and also take progesterone for about 1/2 the month (day 14-28 of the cycle). If they do work for you, you'll know right away.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
CBD oil has greatly helped my sleep lately. The brand is really important for CBD. I was using the Plus brand, but am getting much better results with the Waayb Organics brand.

I'm also rubbing the Waayb transdermal 5 MG creme on my cat's ears. We had an appt. to put her to sleep, but the CBD has really improved her appetite, digestion, and sleep. She has IBS and a slightly enlarged pancreas. The CBD has improved my digestion, too.


Senior Member
gerald what do you mean the reactions become permanent? even if you stop?
No, what I meant was that once a drug has stopped working, or begun causing side effects, you'll probably never be able to take it again.

I will say that I have no doubt that Klonopin permanently ruined my sleep. It's been nearly 20 years since I stopped it and went throught the withdrawal, and my sleep is still pretty messed up...and I was not taking the Klonopin for sleep in the first place.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Progesterone helps my sleep, too.

@soxfan, it's great you can take D-Hist. I used to take it, but the quercetin in it gives me insomnia. It's a shame because it's in a lot of natural allergy supplements.


Senior Member
North Carolina
@Learner1 ....I am taking 100 mg Progesterone tonight. I will report back tomorrow.

@BadBadBear ...I will look into the oil. I have had it with all these prescription sleep meds. They only help me sleep but I never feel rested. I gave the horrible Trazodone another try and I woke up so sleepy and pressure behind my eyes. It lasted almost all day. I am so done with that one.

@perchance dreamer ...The D hist was doing a great job with the fluid in my ears. I only take it when my ears start popping. Then I know I need it. I am going to give progesterone a try tonight. I am praying for a good nights sleep.