What symptoms do you get? I also cant tolerate store bought sauces of any kind. Symptoms vary but usually get head pressure, scalp itch, bloating and also neurological symptoms.
Same as you, I get a whole host of symptoms, most prominently:
*Dizziness, brain fogg
*Fatigue (have to lie down), sleepiness (suddenly fall asleep for up to 2 hours during the day)
*Palpitations, unpleasantly strong heartbeat, higher pulse frequency
*Chest pain
*Nervousness, slight tingling sensations in hands and arms
*Lower back pain
*Pain in various bones and joints
*Upset stomach, bloating, getting slightly nauseous
These symptom flares are 100% correlated with some offending foods or combination of foods and then last for about 3-4 days, which is about the time it needs for the foods to pass the digestive tract. If the offending food is avoided, the symptoms subside.
I am never symptom free, I have most of these symptoms whatever I eat, but to a MUCH lower extent.
I haven't found a way to eat that would make me completely symptom free or set me on a path where I get less and less symptoms over time (just as I got more and more before I did the diet adjustments). I feel like such a diet *could* exist, but I am not sure if it exists or if I will ever find it.
The more I find out, the more complcated it gets.