Stem Cells


Senior Member
Stem cell therapy removes AIDS receptors

This has been posted elsewhere but in case you hadn't seen it...

"Researchers at UCLA AIDS Institute have demonstrated for the first time that a human blood stem cell can combat HIV. It all begins with an immune cell that is engineered into a stem that combats the deadly AIDS virus in lab mice."


Senior Member
Yes I think this has been posted in this thread previously. The focus is on the lack of CCR5 receptor. There are researchers in the CFS community anxious to see what role the CCR5 receptor plays in xmrv pathology. I hope Neil Riordhan at Panama is taking notice of this.


Senior Member

Here are the instructions from the researcher on preserving the sample:

"Obtain a sample from the physician in a small tube- the hospital should have one....You'll just need to freeze it as quickly as possible. I don't need live cells- I'll be looking at the DNA and RNA."

Honestly I have no idea how I'm gonna convince the physician to give me a sample in this manner.
Washington, DC
Hi all,

As the Panama Clinic and Dr. Cheney have said that age (and lower growth hormone production) can affect response to stem cell treatment, has anyone considered taking a "good" HGH supplement as part of your pre-stem cell protocol? I have no idea if ANY non-injectible HGH supplements are effective. But those shots are out of reach for a lot of us. Any thoughts wise researchers?
I know that having a bunch of threads dedicated to stem cells idea has been nixed, but what if we had one thread for ONLY reports from people who have had or are currently undergoing stem cell therapy? No other discussions - that could stay on this thread - but just a very focused thread where we could follow actual first hand experiences and results? There a number of people getting ready to give it a try through Molly and Joeys efforts (and a huge thank you guys!) and it would be nice to be able to follow those people as well without a lot of extraneous static and flack.
Yes? No?


Senior Member

let's see what others think, but i think two threads will make it harder. we'll have questions for the folks and then discussions will emerge and then we'll need to post the info on both threads. that is my best thinking. but i hear you re: yr desires for an easy to read thread on just the results of hte trips.

joey: so you were planning to ASK UP FRONT (not clandestine or hidden) for a sample? if so, i think then we can just email them in advance and ask for this now, instead of waiting for your (and hopefully, my) trip in sept.



Senior Member
joey, if you were going to just ask upfront... if you want, i can do the asking of the panama clinic for a sample now, unless you have an established relationship with the clinic and think you'll get better results that way? or we can ask molly to help us with this, as she clearly has a good relationship with them...



Senior Member
traveling to panama

i just heard that the cost of a passport (which we need for RE-ENTERING the US) is going up in price from $75 to $110. if you get yr application in before tues next week, you still get the OLD price.

does anyone know if we need vaccination shots for panama?



Senior Member
Hey Rrrr,

The Scripps researcher seems to be giving me mixed messages. In one email, she wrote "You need to be the one requesting it. I won't accept samples directly from the clinic- the idea is not to give them information- it's to give YOU information." Today she sent me the following: "I think you have to play it straight. Say that you have asked an independent lab to analyzes the cells. Any legitimate physician should agree."

So to sum it up, she wants me to ask for the stem cells for myself so that they won't do anything "special" to the sample. But then she tells me there's no real way of getting around telling them I'll be sending this to an independent lab. If that's the case, I fail to see the advantage of having a patient get this sample.

She wants the request for the stem cells to be as off-the-cuff as possible, so asking for the sample via phone won't work according to her. So I'll definitely try to get the sample from my IV line and if they ask why, I"ll say it's to take to an independent lab. I can't promise anything beyond that.


Senior Member
Regarding Vaccinations:


Yellow Fever
Yellow fever requirement Country requirement: a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from all travellers coming from countries with risk of yellow fever transmission
Yellow fever recommendation Yellow fever vaccination recommendation: yes; for all travellers over 9 months of age travelling to the provinces of Comarca Ember, Darien, Kuna Yala (old San Blas) and Panama east of the Canal Zone, excluding the Canal Zone, Panama City and San Blas Islands.

Malaria risk Malaria: Malaria risk due predominantly to P. vivax (99%) exists throughout the year in provinces along the Atlantic coast and the borders with Costa Rica and Colombia: Bocas del Toro, Chiriqu, Colon, Darin, Ngobe Bugle, Panama and Veraguas. In Panama City, the Canal zone, and in the other provinces there is no or negligible risk of transmission. Chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum has been reported in Darin and San Blas provinces.
Malaria prevention Recommended prevention in risk areas: Mosquito bite prevention plus chloroquine chemoprophylaxis; Recommended prevention in eastern endemic areas: Mosquito bite prevention plus atovaquone-proguanil chemoprophylaxis doxycycline or mefloquine (select according to reported resistance pattern)

Rabies risk Medium risk
Rabies recommendation Medium risk: pre-exposure immunization recommended for travellers and other people for whom contact with bats and other wildlife is likely.


Senior Member
Table 2-12. Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission1
Africa Central and South America
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Congo, Republic of the
Cte dIvoire
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia
The Gambia
Niger2 Nigeria
Sierra Leone
So Tom and Principe
Uganda Argentina2
French Guiana
Trinidad and Tobago2


Senior Member
From CDC's website

Vaccination or Disease Recommendations or Requirements for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Recommended if you are not up-to-date with routine shots such as, measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus (DPT) vaccine, poliovirus vaccine, etc.

Yellow Fever CDC yellow fever vaccination recommendation for travelers to Panama: For all travelers ≥9 months of age traveling to the provinces of Darien, Kuna Yala (old San Blas), Comarca Ember, and Panama east of the Canal Zone, EXCLUDING the Canal Zone, Panama City, and San Blas Islands Panama requires travelers arriving from countries where yellow fever is present to present proof of yellow fever vaccination. Vaccination should be given 10 days before travel and at 10-year intervals if there is ongoing risk. Find an authorized U.S. yellow fever vaccination clinic.

Hepatitis A or immune globulin (IG)
Recommended for all unvaccinated people traveling to or working in countries with an intermediate or high level of hepatitis A virus infection (see map) where exposure might occur through food or water. Cases of travel-related hepatitis A can also occur in travelers to developing countries with "standard" tourist itineraries, accommodations, and food consumption behaviors.

Hepatitis B
Recommended for all unvaccinated persons traveling to or working in countries with intermediate to high levels of endemic HBV transmission (see map), especially those who might be exposed to blood or body fluids, have sexual contact with the local population, or be exposed through medical treatment (e.g., for an accident).

Typhoid Recommended for all unvaccinated people traveling to or working in Mexico and Central America, especially if staying with friends or relatives or visiting smaller cities, villages, or rural areas where exposure might occur through food or water.

Rabies vaccination is only recommended for travelers involved in any activities that might bring them into direct contact with bats, carnivores, and other mammals. These travelers include wildlife professionals, researchers, veterinarians, or adventure travelers visiting areas where bats, carnivores, and other mammals are commonly found.


Senior Member
Hey hubcap_halo,

I'm mixed on hgh. I would like to know definitively whether hgh would increase, maintain, or decrease retroviral load. My doc has mentioned a few times he doesn't use injectible hgh until viral loads are managed.


Senior Member
Hey all... just got home. Newark airport was an absolute nightmare again. Hope the wear of the travel doesn't expunge or diminish what potential benefits these stem cells might (or might have) brought. All I know is that it's going to take awhile to recover from this whole deal.

Anyway, I thought I would share a couple quick things with you all:

First of all, when I went in for my first infusion, my administering doc (Dr.Hernandez), had a really hard time getting a catheter in me. It took him 4 different veins before he was able to get a good one (thought we had it on the 3rd one but the area around it started to swell up a lot.) This was completely unsurprising as it has happened to me many times in the past. Many docs have told me that I have "hard veins." Dr.Hernandez told me this was extremely common among the CFS patients he's treated at the clinic.

The next day when I went in for my second infusion and this time it only took him two tries to get a good vein. They seemed plumper that day... and were undoubtedly so the next two days where the doctor only need one try to get the catheter in. I commented on this and he said, "Oh, yep, this is an affect of the stem cells." "Really?", I replied in a skeptical tone. "Oh yes. This happens very often (with other patients)."

"Huh. Could they really work that fast? (How would they even work to do that, especially so quickly?)", I thought to myself.

Enter bleeding gums: Now, I brush my teeth regularly and do a good job making sure I get all the gums. Despite this, I've always had a problem with my gums bleeding since I've gotten sick, mostly with the bottom front ones. Suffice it to say, I was a bit shocked when on the night after my second infusion I noticed that they were not bleeding at all.

I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for the fact that pure fact that those bottom gums bleed nearly every single time I brush my teeth. After examining them for a moment, I went over those bottom front ones again a couple times with my electric toothbrush and was able to get part of my gum to bleed under one of my teeth. Again, usually they all bleed, and that's with one swipe through. "Wow", I thought to myself, now thinking back to what the doctor had said about my veins, and wondered if this was a rapid affect or merely strange coincidence.

On the night of the day I had received my fourth and final infusion, I tried this experiment again. This time I went over my bottom gums like normal; no bleeding. I went over them four more times, applying more pressure and... nothing. Mind blown? Eh, not exactly, but I was certainly intrigued, just not entirely convinced it was due to the rapid action of the stem cells.

Finally, on my last day visiting the clinic, I was in the waiting room and met some nice folks; a woman with MS who was receiving treatment with who if I remember correctly were two of her family members. She had told me that she had already noticed very mild (but noticeable, nonetheless) changes already after her treatment thus far. (Now mind that she had already been receiving treatment for 3 weeks there, as that's their protocol for MS.) Details of her "very mild changes" I wasn't able to attain, unfortunately, as our conversation was cut short as we had to leave and they (or she) had to go in and receive an infusion.

Another thing I have noticed that I have heard is a common side effect of SC treatment, is increased appetite. Sure enough, I certainly experienced (and continue to so far) just that.

Mere coincidence? Result of other factors (being in a different place, exerting myself much more than normal, etc)? Or are these the result of the stem cells? Can't say for sure but I thought it was interesting enough to share and see if others who go experience these or similar things, not to mention stories and the assertion of the doctor that this is a common phenomenon with this treatment.

Anyway, this is probably the last you guys will hear from me for a good while; hopefully not too long (or forever :eek: ...nah), but certainly I do not want this financially, not to mention physically and mentally expensive trip to be all for naught. I'd like to get a little more out of it than just a line of resilient gums and easier to poke veins. :Retro wink: :Retro tongue:

Anyway... long day... long couple weeks... (hell, long past several years...) I am going to pop a couple Klonopin and rightfully pass the f--- out. :D

Night all.


P.S. (urg... must stop... typing...): Like I said, I probably won't get (or, rather, if I have any reasonable brain cell left that isn't already fried, allow myself) the opportunity to post for awhile. Gonna unplug the laptop and have my old man hide it for awhile. Hope y'all understand; I know many of you are probably eager to know or glean as much as possible from my experience thus far with these treatments and my trip. I hope that at least for now, despite being rather "computer illiterate" my Dad, perhaps with the aid of my sister can "fill in" a bit in my absence. Something I'd rather like to see is for the photos we took to be uploaded, especially of the lab.

Obviously, the most important thing, for myself and for you guys interested, is to see whether or not I actually gain any improvement.
Until (hopefully) then!


Senior Member
Ben -
Welcome home and yes, please rest!!!! Post when you (or your dad) are up to - but let those stem cells do their work!!!!
You produce a decent amount of HGH throughout your life, but less gets released into your system as you age. Trans-d-tropin is supposed to cause your body to release more, but is still expensive. I don't think there are any immediate side effects, but the long term effects are likely unknown as with many of these things. I believe the product is scheduled to go off patent shortly so perhaps the price will decline. Perhaps something like this will make stem cells more beneficial for older patients.


Senior Member

welcome home!! thanks for that update. we do hope to hear from yr father, if he is up for some emails/posts. i particularl want to hear if you had any negative reactions to the stem cells while there. did you feel dizzy, nausea, anything from them? if yr dad can clue us in on that, that would be great.

i hear it takes months for the stem cell to really kick in. i have heard 3-5 months. but i have not read this whole thread either.



Senior Member
i have heard via an email from a top xmrv researcher that they are thinking that taking antiretrovirals after stem cells may be the route to go, to protect the new good cells from re-infection with xmrv.

this is what i am thinking for myself. i have two appts with two separate infectious disease doctors, in case i can't convince the first to oversee my (at least current) choices of stem cells followed by antiretrovirals.