Hey all... just got home. Newark airport was an absolute nightmare again. Hope the wear of the travel doesn't expunge or diminish what potential benefits these stem cells might (or might have) brought. All I know is that it's going to take awhile to recover from this whole deal.
Enter bleeding gums: Now, I brush my teeth regularly and do a good job making sure I get all the gums. Despite this, I've always had a problem with my gums bleeding since I've gotten sick, mostly with the bottom front ones. Suffice it to say, I was a bit shocked when on the night after my second infusion I noticed that they were not bleeding at all.
I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for the fact that pure fact that those bottom gums bleed nearly every single time I brush my teeth. After examining them for a moment, I went over those bottom front ones again a couple times with my electric toothbrush and was able to get part of my gum to bleed under one of my teeth. Again, usually they all bleed, and that's with one swipe through. "Wow", I thought to myself, now thinking back to what the doctor had said about my veins, and wondered if this was a rapid affect or merely strange coincidence.
On the night of the day I had received my fourth and final infusion, I tried this experiment again. This time I went over my bottom gums like normal; no bleeding. I went over them
four more times, applying more pressure and...
nothing. Mind blown? Eh, not exactly, but I was certainly intrigued, just not entirely convinced it was due to the rapid action of the stem cells.
Finally, on my last day visiting the clinic, I was in the waiting room and met some nice folks; a woman with MS who was receiving treatment with who if I remember correctly were two of her family members. She had told me that she had already noticed very mild (but noticeable, nonetheless) changes already after her treatment thus far. (Now mind that she had already been receiving treatment for 3 weeks there, as that's their protocol for MS.) Details of her "very mild changes" I wasn't able to attain, unfortunately, as our conversation was cut short as we had to leave and they (or she) had to go in and receive an infusion.
Another thing I have noticed that I have heard is a common side effect of SC treatment, is increased appetite. Sure enough, I certainly experienced (and continue to so far) just that.
Mere coincidence? Result of other factors (being in a different place, exerting myself much more than normal, etc)? Or are these the result of the stem cells? Can't say for sure but I thought it was interesting enough to share and see if others who go experience these or similar things, not to mention stories and the assertion of the doctor that this is a common phenomenon with this treatment.
Anyway, this is probably the last you guys will hear from me for a good while; hopefully not
too long (or forever

...nah), but certainly I do not want this financially, not to mention physically and mentally expensive trip to be all for naught. I'd like to get a little more out of it than just a line of resilient gums and easier to poke veins. :Retro wink: :Retro tongue:
Anyway... long day... long couple weeks... (hell, long past several years...) I am going to pop a couple Klonopin and rightfully pass the f--- out.
Night all.
Obviously, the most important thing, for myself and for you guys interested, is to see whether or not I actually gain any improvement.
Until (hopefully) then!