Stem Cells


Senior Member
credulus non sum

Skepticism is merely doubt. It is worthless without the ability to review all available information and examine it critically. When you remove those skills and abilities, you become nothing more than a cynic or a preacher with an agenda.

Gap, you know I love ya, but I don't think it's right for you to be spamming these links (you have already posted them earlier in the thread.) Many of us have already reviewed that information. I'm not saying there isn't a place for it, but it isn't here; at least not when it's already been mentioned and thoroughly discussed.

I know you mean well and that you may think it is being helpful but I would politely disagree with at least the second part. If you are interested in learning more about the Stem Cell treatments we are receiving in Panama (or about SC therapy in general), I encourage to read through this thread. Yes, it's 63 pages long, however, that is plenty of time and space where I can guarantee you that legitimate concerns have been raised and addressed throughout. And of course, to really get a grasp on it all, it will take much more research from external sources. It's a little insulting to the rest of us who have already done all that.

As for the rest of you - I plead for you to not resort to personal attacks, as it only exacerbates the situation. I would also like to request (if we cannot do so ourselves) that an admin to sort this out in the manner suggested earlier in this thread. (Gap, I believe there is always a place for what you are posting, but I do not believe that here within this thread is one of them.)

Oh... by the way, for anyone who might be wonderng, I am doing fine here in Panama. :Retro smile: Results from the therapy itself have yet to be seen (as external benefits can take up to 3 months or longer to notice), however, I can honestly say my experience down here has been quite exceptional.

I refer not just to the lovely Panamanian weather and scenery, but my exeperience with the clinic and it's personnel. I won't go into many details at this point, but I can tell you that there hasn't been a single person I have met on their staff who wasn't extremely kind, knowledgeable, and down to earth. I even got to meet and have a pleasant conversation with Neil Riordan who happened to be in the office yesterday as I was receiving my second infusion. (He just finished getting his furniture and equipment over the border from CR to Panama and is starting to begin his transition to living and moving his SC operations over here.) If you want to talk down to earth, there's your man.

Again, while I cannot speak for the treatment itself yet (the proof is in the pudding), I have been thoroughly impressed by clinic itself as well as it's staff. As for the procedures themselves, both the intrathecal and especially the infusions have been very quick and "painless" (informal sense... naturally the needles have a bit of a sting to them... as, you know, needles tend to. :Retro wink:) I've also had no adverse reactions aside from a mild headache the night of receiving my intrathecal, but I do not know whether was caused by the puncture or the fact that I took a two and a half hour nap mid-afternoon when I got back (something that tends to normally give me headaches these days.)

Anyway, my old man is currently taking a tour of their lab facilities (something that they plan to do regularly in the future for patients and their families who may be interested.) Now I am going to take Molly's suggestion and go back to resting before I receive my second to last infusion in a couple hours.

Yours truly,

edit: My Dad just came back from the tour. Surprisingly, they allowed him to take photos of the med lab as they explained the processes of how they store, culture and transport the MSC and CD34+ cells. According to my old man, "The lab is housed in an old US Army base and is unimpressive from the outside. Inside, however, it is immaculately clean with state of the art equipment. The director of the lab showed us around, was very knowledgeable and answered any and all questions we had, and allowed me to freely take pictures with your [my] camera."
Hang in there!!

Ben, I am so glad to know that you are doing well.

I thought we had agreed to disagree about the stem cell treatment and I hope you really understand that it does not mean you don't have my support and well wishes. If there was a misunderstanding, I apologize. It was not my intention to worry you.

Thank you are providing updates. Don't tire yourself out.

Yes, I will read the other pages. I think I will need a lot of caffeine, though. :D

Take care.



senior member
Concord, NH
Re: the questions, skepticism, etc. It can't be resolved online anyway. That's why it's sound and fury amounting to nothing.

If you want to know if a clinic is legitimate, the first thing you have to do is your own due diligence and call and speak to the doctors and nurses, ask your own questions to your own satisfaction. Ask for studies. Ask to speak to patients. Ask about what the doctors did previously. Ask for credentials. Ask if you can have a sample tested. Etc.

Ask whatever you need to ask to satisfy yourself that this is a place worth considering for treatment.

Spewing out posts in the intrathecal space of the internet is just self-satisfying. No answer will suffice. A person could post lies.

You all have too much time on your hands, on the one hand, and too little on the other. Go do your research...or scroll on by.

Sounds like very good advice to me!

Obviously you have been around for a while 750 posts and counting!


Senior Member

It is so good to read yr post! I'm so happy for you (and thus, for all of us). I'm amazed you had NO reaction to the stem cells except that mild headache, which i understand is sorta normal for spinal injections of any sort, am i right?

When I talked to Molly, I think she said that she felt a weird floating feeling after the stem cells, but maybe I misheard her and we covered a lot of ground in a short phone call, so i could have gotten that wrong. It did not sound like it was too weird for too long tho. I have also heard of intense nausea happening after the stem cells, but not sure where I heard that. Sorry for being so unreliable with the info I'm sharing today.

Anyway, Ben, I'm so thrilled to hear you are as happy with the experience as you are. And I'm so grateful to your dad for going with you and for checking out the lab. Please let him know that we all appreciate him and all he has done for you and, by extension, for all of us.



Senior Member
Thanks Dipic. Sounds great so far, but don't forget to rest! :)

Hey, wouldn't it be great if Neil Riordan read this thread and could address some of our concerns personally? That would go a long way towards allaying most of our fears, (though I'm personally believing more and more in the legitimacy of his clinic - they're getting results which is more than other treatments are doing).
Ben, good luck buddy and thank you for posting ur experience.
Same thing I can say about kidness and professinalism in hospitals in thailand.
They saved my life overthere after I really bad reaction to some street vendor local food.
Also from my friends living there I know little bid about thai asc which have over 10 years experience.
Out of over 3000 stems treatment for various things lupus, alzheimer, cfids, etc in BKK hospitals none had any bad side effects (except few had headache for few days and some nocious) they followed up with them after 5 and some 7 years and lots of patient had great improvments and many had total recoveries..idea of asc and cfs is so new that now more and more ppl learn about it (thank you dr Cheney) and will go ahead and do tx. Not a promissed cure etc but how many of us spent $10Ks for just supplements that dont do squad so here is my 2cents.

here is a great video about ASC as best US best secret and this great old guy who got 2nd chance coz he did stems!!
Best part is when and what he says is after minute 8:40....9:55min

How Stem Cell Research Saved My Life


Senior Member
Virginia, US
how about someone ask an administrator to re-title this thread: Stem Cell Treatment in Central America

and then soutfeast can start a NEW thread and call it: Stem Cell Articles and General Discussion

do i hear a thumbs up? :)

I felt caught in the crossfire after I posted a link to research on stem cells and was just offering a suggestion or supporting one already mentioned to create separate threads. I am not starting a new thread since I have barely contributed to this one. I think renaming this thread is a good idea and it would be good if someone started a general thread.


Senior Member
I felt caught in the crossfire after I posted a link to research on stem cells and was just offering a suggestion or supporting one already mentioned to create separate threads. I am not starting a new thread since I have barely contributed to this one. I think renaming this thread is a good idea and it would be good if someone started a general thread.

okay, no worries soulfest!


Senior Member
Reading a book on umbilical cord stem cell (hUSC) therapy by Dr. Steenblock who heads the Steenblock Research Institute in San Clemente and has sent patients down to Tijuana for stem cell treatment. He wrote back in 2006 that there was a correlation between youth and success with hUSC. He also didn't find as much success with chronic MS using these stem cells, but that doesn't seem to be Neil's experience at CR and Panama. Of couse, Dr. Ramirez in Tijuana was only injecting ~2 mil hUSC (for 8K!) and Neil has been saying you need at least 30mil to have clinical benefit with MS and autism.

Anyway, my main point was that Cheney isn't the only doc that has found the positive correlation with younger age.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info. Mojoey.

I wish I knew more about the age thing. I'm 45, sick full-time about 4-5 years, but worse the last 2, (actually, my physical energy is up the last few months, with some degree of exercise tolerance, primarily attacking yeast, but cognitive energy remains pretty bad). The one woman that Dr. Cheney posted about having significant improvement following SC's was, I thought, 56, so I'm hopeful that the age factor is not a hard and fast rule.


Senior Member
I absolutely don't think it's a hard and fast rule. Molly is in her 40s and only needed 1 trip. I think it may be an issue of quantity rather than eventuality since our own stem cells decrease in number as we age


Senior Member
Hope you're right Joey 'cause I'm tired of feeling this way and I'm leaning heavily toward SC's as a treatment option. Even if it's not a "cure", if it helps clear out some of this brain fog, I'd be thrilled.


Senior Member
Something i've been thinking about and would appreciate some thoughts on: LDN helps bolster the immune system in some way, right? If one were to take LDN, (as I am), prior to getting SC's, isn't it likely that that would help the SC's be more effective - kind of like the immune sytem wouldn't be as out of whack, so the SC's could get to the problem(s) easier. Kind of just guessing here, but it also kind of makes sense to me.

Whadya think?
Something i've been thinking about and would appreciate some thoughts on: LDN helps bolster the immune system in some way, right? If one were to take LDN, (as I am), prior to getting SC's, isn't it likely that that would help the SC's be more effective - kind of like the immune sytem wouldn't be as out of whack, so the SC's could get to the problem(s) easier. Kind of just guessing here, but it also kind of makes sense to me.

Whadya think?

Y'know, I'm a Lymie as well as having classic M.E. - mostly neuro symptoms and I'm thinking that I'm going to really hammer down on my heavy metal detox as well as being more aggressive with the Lyme protocol that I'm on, just to get my bodies 'challenges' strightened out as much as I can. If you can tolerate the LDN, (I can't) that would be a great idea as well.
It seems like the stem cells would have more success re-setting our poor beleagered (spelling?) systems if we can get ourselves cleaned up as much as possible beforehand.

What is Cheneys protocol for before your stem cell procedure? Sorry if this has already been posted here, I've read the whole thread but can't remember :-/



Senior Member
i'd like to hear folks thoughts about LDN pre-stem cells, too. (i tried it one night and was bedridden for 2 days after, but i'll try it again, starting at a sprinkle dose) joey, have you tried LDN?

and can you tell us, joey and others going this summer and fall, what you are doing now to prep for the stem cell treatments (in terms of supps or meds you are taking, not in terms of what you are packing to bring to central america). i think molly said she did no pre-treatment prep.

lastly, the more i think about it, the more i think that one thread is best for all the stem cell info on this forum. if we put panama on one thread, and we ask questions like, "what are you taking to prep for panama?" on that thread, then the folks reading just the "general" stem cell thread don't get to hear that info.

i now vote for keeping all the stem cell info on this forum in just one thread.

but i think that we need to just not respond to posts that we feel are antagonistic or re-raising issues that have been raised already. that way we can avoid going down argumentative (read: waste of time) paths.
