fatty & acid : )
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Arvan said: ↑
Also Staphypan being discontinued in 2005, if, like the Russian vaccine it has a shelf life of 2 years or similar it is difficult to understand how Professor Goffries could be still using successfully his life's supply. Unless shelf life and real efficacy don't line up.
I was also thinking that. It is possible that Professor Gottfries froze the Staphylococcus vaccines. Some proteins or peptides in solution can be frozen without incurring too much damage.
this is from instructions on this drug:
"Транспортирование. В соответствии с СП при температуре от 2 до 8 °С. Замораживание не допускается.
Условия хранения. В соответствии с СП 3.3.2. 1248-03 при температуре от 2 до 8 °С в сухом, защищенном от света месте. Замораживание не допускается."
so you can't freeze it. you can freeze dry compounds, like human growth hormone you've used before, they called "лиофилизаты" if i remember correctly, tho i don't know how much (if any) it will extend its shelf life.
also (contrary to what you've thought) it's written there, that it contains preservative:
"В 1,0 мл препарата содержится 10 ЕС (2 дозы) стафилококкового анатоксина, алюминий (сорбент) - от 0,9 до 1,3 мг, мертиолят (консервант) - от 80 до 120 мкг."