I have been on the old Freddd’protocol for over 15 years and generally with good success until I got a little lax on consistency. About a year ago I decided to take B-Right, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Magnesium etc. I did well on thowe for about 6 months and was only taking intermittent low dose folate and B12). After about 6 months, I began to have extreme symptoms (although only a few of the original B12 deficiency symptoms). After having an intense anxiety attack (never had those before) I tried a sublingual Solgar Folate tablet……holy smokes, the intense anxiety stopped almost instantly. FOLATE was obviously an issue. Small doses of folate held it at bay but not for longer than 2 hours. So I am up to 20+mg of folate and large doses of B12. For over a month. I am like everyone else struggling to manage the potassium problem.
Now for the questions:
A decade ago, Freddd wisely advised me that I would know a “showstopper” when it happened. Way back then, for me it was L-carnitine and Zinc—-I added those at at six weeks into the protocol which was simply B12, folate, B-right. I remember telling Freddd I would never take l-carnitine and zinc again. It was such a shock to me as to how intense the reactions felt.—-I had extreme weakness and really felt like I was going to need to go to the ER. He told me that I would likely never have that same intense reaction again and that I needed to try them again. I waited a few days and mustered up the courage to try it again. Nothing—-no reaction at all. I really appreciated his “showstopper” label and his nudge to try again.
It seems by reading these forums now that things are changed as to reactions—-they seem to be lasting longer than 2 days.
I tried the B-right again which I had previously done well on just less than a year ago and I can not tolerate it past two days now since titrating the folate and B12 to higher levels (20-25 mg of folate per day and 1 - 10 mg injection of Methyl B first thing in the am and then sublinguals throughout the day. for when I add my additional doses of folate.
As I get ready to add refeeding items………
First Question: The showstoppers seem to be many more than I dealt with before and it appears the intense reactions are hanging on longer for many people. Why ? I really want a two day reaction…….wishful thinking?
Second Question: Are there ”showstoppers” that behave as I initially described above——meaning the reaction is very short lived (2 days) If so which ones are they?
Finally, I think so many people don’t know exactly what the reactions are when they read “I had a bad reaction.“ What exactly does that mean,? So for explanation that might help people——my reaction has always been intense weakness, dizzy, and sort of our of it mentally, so much so that I was house bound for those 2 days of intensity and then I improved rapidly.
Refeeding makes such logical sense to me having been through this before and there is a deeper knowledge base here than before—-grateful for that!
I didn’t take potassium way back when so I suspect that that may have helped in my two day intensity and of course didn’t realize how important the folate piece was back then. I did really well with small dose folate for a long time—-or at least I thought I was. As of right now, my dosing of B12 and Folate only last about 5 hours (mostly the folate wears off I think). I’m dosing 3 times a day. The nights seem to be the worst—insomnia, and feeling pretty crappy in the morning.
Finally—-so happy to hear of Freddd’s amazing progress and a few others that are doing so well.
Thanks for any observations and thoughts.
Now for the questions:
A decade ago, Freddd wisely advised me that I would know a “showstopper” when it happened. Way back then, for me it was L-carnitine and Zinc—-I added those at at six weeks into the protocol which was simply B12, folate, B-right. I remember telling Freddd I would never take l-carnitine and zinc again. It was such a shock to me as to how intense the reactions felt.—-I had extreme weakness and really felt like I was going to need to go to the ER. He told me that I would likely never have that same intense reaction again and that I needed to try them again. I waited a few days and mustered up the courage to try it again. Nothing—-no reaction at all. I really appreciated his “showstopper” label and his nudge to try again.
It seems by reading these forums now that things are changed as to reactions—-they seem to be lasting longer than 2 days.
I tried the B-right again which I had previously done well on just less than a year ago and I can not tolerate it past two days now since titrating the folate and B12 to higher levels (20-25 mg of folate per day and 1 - 10 mg injection of Methyl B first thing in the am and then sublinguals throughout the day. for when I add my additional doses of folate.
As I get ready to add refeeding items………
First Question: The showstoppers seem to be many more than I dealt with before and it appears the intense reactions are hanging on longer for many people. Why ? I really want a two day reaction…….wishful thinking?
Second Question: Are there ”showstoppers” that behave as I initially described above——meaning the reaction is very short lived (2 days) If so which ones are they?
Finally, I think so many people don’t know exactly what the reactions are when they read “I had a bad reaction.“ What exactly does that mean,? So for explanation that might help people——my reaction has always been intense weakness, dizzy, and sort of our of it mentally, so much so that I was house bound for those 2 days of intensity and then I improved rapidly.
Refeeding makes such logical sense to me having been through this before and there is a deeper knowledge base here than before—-grateful for that!
I didn’t take potassium way back when so I suspect that that may have helped in my two day intensity and of course didn’t realize how important the folate piece was back then. I did really well with small dose folate for a long time—-or at least I thought I was. As of right now, my dosing of B12 and Folate only last about 5 hours (mostly the folate wears off I think). I’m dosing 3 times a day. The nights seem to be the worst—insomnia, and feeling pretty crappy in the morning.
Finally—-so happy to hear of Freddd’s amazing progress and a few others that are doing so well.
Thanks for any observations and thoughts.