Then something else.
Last Summer I noticed that when I had been using my red and near-infrared unit three months before the sun really started to shine only on Aprill, I got better one month earlier than during the previous Springs since year 2012. It seems that now that I have been using it the whole Winter, that I feel better yet another month earlier.
For example in year 2014, I was able begin to fix my boat starting in the beginnig of May and was so tired all the time with PEM and lots of other nasty CFS symptoms. This year I started to fix the boat in the middle of Aprill and I was also feeling pretty crappy with my CFS symptoms. But just this week I was six hours fixing the boat and I didn't get any other symptons but tiredness, which seems to be going away in two days. Not sure yet though. But I feel a lot better. Also, last Autumn was a lot better that the Autumns before. Usually, my symptoms start to worsen at the end of September. Last year my symptoms started to worsen in the beginning of December. So two months later than during earlier Autumns. Altogether atleast three months more quality time a year! But as always, I feel the best starting appr. in the middle of July untill to the end of August.
I have to warn you about two things.
1) This all may sound like so good but I have only heard of two other CFS patient that get this effect from the sunshine. I am sure that there would be more people if people would just hear that the sunshine could help them. Most of us CFS patients spent their whole life inside because they feel lousy in the sunshine. So do I, but I am willing to tolerate this lousy sick feeling for a month or so because I now the sunshine helps me. And with red and near-infrared light I have got rid of most of these problems that I used to have in the beginning of every summer, when I started to sunbath.
2) vitamin D has its own effect on my health. I don't know any other CFS patient that would benefit so much from high dosages of vitamin D but me. But my german doctor knows dozens of them during her time as a doctor. Vitamin D with the dosage on 200 micrograms a day really helps. I have got rid of appr. twenty symptoms with it. Some of them are similar to the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and many are symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndome. For example, I used to get bad headaches if I did too much physical exercises or used too much my brains. With this dosage I don't get these symtoms during Summer and rarely during Winter. So it may also be that some of me feeling better may come from vitamin D shoots that I frequently get. Especially the last year because my vitamin D level accidentally got way too high.
I know that both of these defenetly help me, but I don't know how much vitamin D helps and how much the sunshine/red and near-infrared helps.
One more thing. I have a genemutation that causes me problems with too much homocysteine in my brain. The sunshine takes care of this problem during Summer but during Winter, I need frequent methyl cobalamine (active form of vitamin B12) injections to takes care of the problem. The symptoms are cognitive such as depression, anxiety, I am very stresssed and feel angry and irritated most of the time, I have poor memory and concentration and I have brain fog. These are all gone during summer and also during Winter if I get my methyl cobalamine injections during Winters.
So, please take these into concideration when trying your own treatment. I hope you all feel better during Summer.
Have a nice Summer!