Hi Ari, from me too!
The fight you have on your hands
now is to resist the urge to fight it. It's really, really hard.
I call resting "Positive Inaction".
It helps me to cope with "doing" it.
It's like putting energy in the bank to save up for being able to do something nice.
A couple of tiny things which will help are;-
Never stand when you can sit, and never sit when you can lie down.
In fact, never stand.

If you have to, shuffle around a bit. It's a lot easier and uses up less energy than standing still.
Standing still involves about 360 different muscles working and pulling against each other. And you have to keep your balance.
Shuffling involves fewer muscles, the work is constantly being shifted from one group to another, no group tires out and you do not have to
maintain your balance. (more work)
When you are sitting, keep your feet raised.
Both those things help your heart loads!
Your heart has to pump blood around your body. The further away from the heart the blood is, the harder the heart has to work to shove it along. The furthest away the blood gets is to your feet.
Once it's all the way down there, your poor heart has to fight against gravity to get it back up your legs.
But the body has a wee trick going on in your legs here - it's called the "muscular pump".
As you move your legs, the muscles in them expand and contract and squeeze the veins, which pushes the blood up again - there are valves which stop it going back down.
So shuffling is better than standing.
And keeping your feet raised when sitting means that your heart isn't fighting against gravity - you're "on the flat".
These are just tiny wee things - but if you can encorporate them into your daily life, they will make a huge difference in your functioning.