If anyone is not going to write a letter but has references that make this point, feel free to share them on the thread or to me personally. Thanks.2. Changing protocol after research is scientifcly not done
If anyone is not going to write a letter but has references that make this point, feel free to share them on the thread or to me personally. Thanks.2. Changing protocol after research is scientifcly not done
White et al. sets a standard for recovered CFS patients in the following way: "The mean (SD) scores for a demographically representative English adult population were 86.3 (22.5) for males and 81.8 (25.7) for females (Bowling et al 1999) . We derived a mean (SD) score of 84 (24) for the whole sample, giving a normal range of 60 or above for physical functioning”.
White et al. use a score according to the general population (60), without taking into account age. According to table 3 increases in age lead to significant decreses in physical functioning (Bowling et al 1999) http://jpubhealth.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/3/255.full.pdf html
The SF36 PF scores according to table 3 (Bowling et al 1999) show the following means: (16-24): 83.4 (25-34): 81 (35-44): 79.9 (45-54): 66.3 (55-64) : 51.7
‘’The average age of the participants in the study of White et al was 38, 77% of them were female and 93% were of white ethnicity’’.
In Bowling et al. 1999 those aged (35-44 years) tabel3, the mean - 1sd for physical functioning is a score of 79.9.
This is much higher than the score of 60 used by White et al.
Using a general population, of whom 28% are aged over 65 has led to White et al claiming that low levels of physical functioning are normal for the working age patients that were being assessed. According to White et al 2013, 22% of CFS patients who received cognitive behavioural therapy had recovered, however it is only once patients fall in to the ages of 55-64 or above that a score of 60 can be said to fall within the mean -1sd of an age matched population.
No problem Graham. If you want do good statistics you need all data of individuals. But it is clear that the standard white et. al. used is not representative for his population by age and sexe. His population is relatively young and that substantially influence the outcomes. It is not comparable.
If anyone is not going to write a letter but has references that make this point, feel free to share them on the thread or to me personally. Thanks.
change of primary or secondary endpoint which is likely to have a significant impact on the safety or scientific value of the clinical trial;
a change in the definition of the end of the trial, even if the trial has in practice already ended;
(n) a change of study design which is likely to have a significant impact on primary or major secondary statistical analysis or the risk/benefit assessment.
5.1 Prespecification of the Analysis
When designing a clinical trial the principal features of the eventual statistical analysis of the
data should be described in the statistical section of the protocol. This section should include
all the principal features of the proposed confirmatory analysis of the primary variable(s) and
the way in which anticipated analysis problems will be handled. In case of exploratory trials
this section could describe more general principles and directions.
The statistical analysis plan (see Glossary) may be written as a separate document to be
completed after finalising the protocol. In this document, a more technical and detailed
elaboration of the principal features stated in the protocol may be included (see section 7.1).
The plan may include detailed procedures for executing the statistical analysis of the primary
and secondary variables and other data. The plan should be reviewed and possibly updated as
a result of the blind review of the data (see 7.1 for definition) and should be finalised before
breaking the blind. Formal records should be kept of when the statistical analysis plan was
finalised as well as when the blind was subsequently broken.
If the blind review suggests changes to the principal features stated in the protocol, these
should be documented in a protocol amendment. Otherwise, it will suffice to update the
statistical analysis plan with the considerations suggested from the blind review. Only results
from analyses envisaged in the protocol (including amendments) can be regarded as
In the statistical section of the clinical study report the statistical methodology should be
clearly described including when in the clinical trial process methodology decisions were
made (see ICH E3).
The only way to set targets or levels is to actually look at the scores of healthy people in the right age range and make an educated and informed decision.
While I can see why Graham criticised it, it can still be useful to show that that using the PACE Trial investigators own methods (mean - 1 SD), the threshold could be different if the the range of ages was restricted, as Gijs did.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tabel 3
age 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+
N for each group n = 204 n =415 n =319 n =297 n = 297 n=281 n=296 n=36
Mean (SD), 95.5 (12.1) 94.5 (13.5) 93.3 (13.4) 87.2 (20.9) 78.0 (26.3) 72.7 (26.7) 57.9 (28.6) 39.3 (31.5)
physical function
Male 86.3 (22.5) n=925
Female 81.8 (25.7) n=1117
Bowling et. al., 1999
Standard for recovery: ’The average age of the participants in the study of White et al, mean (SD) 38 (12), 77% of them were female. The mean (SD) scores for a demographically representative English adult population were 86.3 (22.5) for males and 81.8 (25.7) for females (Bowling et al 1999) . We derived a mean (SD) score of 84 (24) for the whole sample, giving a normal range of 60 or above for physical functioning''.
The average age (38) in the studied group of White et.al. falls between 26 and 50 years. The standard to determine recovery should consider the average score in this group of age not the average general standard stated by White et.al., because the average age of this population falls between 16 and 85+ years table 3. The standard for normal physical function in this age group will be substantially lower because an older group of age steal a proper standard.The standard of White et. al. therefore is not representative for participants with an age between 26 to 50 years.
Example on data table 3 *
age normal range or above
(25-34) 81
(35-44) 79.9
(45-54) 66.3
Average score in the age from 25 and 54 years = 75.7
*This standard is statistically not accurate because you need individual data but it is an indication to show that the standard for recovery stated by White et.al., is not correct without taking age by groups in to account.
The standard giving a normal range need to be adjusted.
At least a few of us hope to/plan to submit letters. We would then intend to collate letters that are published as well as those that are not published, the way we did with the Lancet PACE Trial paper:Is there any way to start a wiki-type project to pool the main criticisms of this paper? A lot of important points are being brought up in this thread.
Regarding the latter, I gave an example here:Has anyone identified a clear case in which the change to the Chalder Fatigue Questionnaire (CFQ) from binary scoring to Likert scale had an effect on meeting case definition criteria? Is it possible to score worse at 52 weeks and be classed as recovered? The study has a heavy reliance on this tool.
While I can see why Graham criticised it, it can still be use to show that that using the PACE Trial investigators own methods (mean - 1 SD), the threshold could be different if the the range of ages was restricted, as Gijs did.
ME Association response to PACE trial recovery paper | 15 February 2013
by Dr. Charles Shepherd:
Useful letter, has a chance of being published I would have thought.
Note: I wouldn't recommend making your letter public until the letters are published in the journal (or you are told it is not going in) but perhaps the ME Association can get away with it.
One can get free access to Cambridge journals published in 2012 incl. this journal to see what they published. They published plenty of letters - more than some journals, but less than others.Dolphin, Does the journal that published the paper routinely publish letters do you know? I know that some are more amenable that others to do so - and on-line. I presume there is a process and not all submitted letters 'make the grade'. Hopefully this one will and will prompt a response. Am guessing that authors are obliged to respond?