Potential Suramin Alternatives - Sytrinol and Kudzu (Anti Purinergic Therapy)


Senior Member
Hip what do you think of the bioavailability and viability of that transdermal lapodin stuff I posted earlier in the thread?

Looks like Lapodin contains emodin, and we found earlier that transdermal emodin (at least in the form of Liu He Dan ointment) will not be effective.


Senior Member
Does the solvent matter in this case, at all?

It might do, and the concentration of emodin in the Lapodin would also be a major factor. Without a pharmacokinetic study of Lapodin, though, it would hard to know what blood levels of emodin Lapodin will achieve. The problem with emodin is its toxicity, which means you should not really use it for more than two weeks in a row (even when using normal safe doses).


Senior Member
I guess it's impossible to know without studies, but I have a feeling that this would be more bioavailable than the aforementioned ointment. Considering testing it out but since emodin is known to lower cortisol and I have super low cortisol idk if its a good idea.


Senior Member
Three days ago I took 200 mg of the Brilliant Blue FCF food dye powder that I bought. I took it in two divided doses of 100 mg, dissolved in 200 ml of water. The first 100 mg I took at 2 pm in the afternoon, and the next 100 mg I took at 6 pm.

There were no noticeable effects from the first 100 mg in the hours immediately after taking it, but a couple of hours after the second 100 mg, I noticed I started to feel angry and irritable (which are symptoms that I have experienced as side effects from several supplements in the past). This anger side effect lasted for around 24 hours.

The next day I noticed that my stool was an intense deep green color, which looked rather odd. So obviously 200 mg is quite a high dose, as you would not normally expect a food dye used in the food or drink you consume to color your stools in this way.

In the next few days after this single 200 mg dose I found that my IBS-D symptoms were noticeably worsened, so I guess the Brilliant Blue FCF may be mildly irritating to the gut (although my intestines are pretty sensitive, because even spicy food will greatly worsen my IBS-D).

I did not notice any improvements in ME/CFS symptoms from the Brilliant Blue FCF, although I only took that one dose.

Because Brilliant Blue FCF seems to worsen my IBS-D (which then makes me feel generally worse) and causes these anger and irritability side effects, I am not going to take it again in these high doses, but I may at some point experiment with much lower doses, eg 20 mg daily.
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Senior Member
gah i've gotten so much worse since a month ago, when i was more active on this forum. to that end i am considering experimenting with emodin even tho risky


Senior Member
do we know if any of these P2X7 inhibitors drugs penetrate the brain barrier? does Suramine?

"The microglial ATP-gated ion channel P2X7 as a CNS drug target 2016

Based on promising preclinical evidence, microglial P2X7 has increasingly being recognized as a target for therapeutic intervention in neurological and psychiatric diseases. However, despite this knowledge no P2X7-related drug has yet entered clinical trials with respect to CNS diseases. We here discuss the current literature on P2X7 being a drug target and identify unsolved issues and still open questions that have hampered the development of P2X7 dependent therapeutic approaches for CNS diseases. It is concluded here that the lack of brain penetrating P2X7 antagonists is a major obstacle in the field and that central P2X7 is a yet untested clinical drug target. In the CNS, microglial P2X7 activation causes neuroinflammation, which in turn plays a role in various CNS disorders. This has resulted in a surge of brain penetrant P2X7 antagonists. P2X7 is a viable, clinically untested CNS drug target."
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Kudzu - Had 7 grams the other day to no effect
Clemastine - I have taken this the last two nights and my muscle strength has improved. Its too early to say how much else it can help with. I get no sedation from it at all. I took 1mg.


Senior Member
Anybody still on Clemastine ?
It stopped working for me after about 10 weeks, more or less. And when I tried increasing from the half tablet I'd been taking to a full tablet I felt worse. I also tried a half tablet again on several subsequent occasions with no effect (or I felt worse).


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
are there any meds that might be good alternatives to suramin? what about plavix? i'm not sure why i'm saying that med, but for some reason it came up in my research around suramin alternatives. anyone with more of a brain than me have any ideas?
Plavix is a serious blood thinner.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Does anyone remember when we took blue green algae, er pond scum early on in the hunt for the brass ring? Sworn to by all the witch doctors:devil: