I've obviously led a sheltered life ... what is this thing with spoons?!Bad day. No spoons left.
I've obviously led a sheltered life ... what is this thing with spoons?!Bad day. No spoons left.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoon_theoryI've obviously led a sheltered life ... what is this thing with spoons?!![]()
Oi - you forgot someone. If you're not going to include honorary members I'm taking this bloody dress back to the charity shop.Have all the MRW of the South West signed? @Invisible Woman @hellytheelephant @Molly98 @MeSci @Alison
Was that ornery members did you say @TiredSam?Oi - you forgot someone. If you're not going to include honorary members I'm taking this bloody dress back to the charity shop.
Now I can't get Les Dawson out of my head!Oi - you forgot someone. If you're not going to include honorary members I'm taking this bloody dress back to the charity shop.
Oi - you forgot someone. If you're not going to include honorary members I'm taking this bloody dress back to the charity shop.
A mistake surely??
So who......?
It's me both times, but 30 years apart.
The CDC has a long history of collaborating with key members of the PACE team and others in the U.K. medical and public health establishments; it is not surprising that prescribing CBT and/or GET should have become standards of care in both countries. It is now incumbent on U.S. public health officials to alert their British colleagues, including those at NICE, that they have just abandoned these longstanding recommendations. They should also explain why they have taken that major step, and why NICE should consider doing the same. (More on the NICE guidelines later this week.)
I did Graded Exercise Therapy in good faith when I was mildly affected by ME. It put me in a wheelchair. Now I am housebound and need to be in bed 22 hours a day. There are no mention of harms of Graded Exercise Therapy in the NICE guidelines, and thousands of patients are being harmed every day. We now have scientific evidence of why GET is dangerous for ME - this needs to be taken into account before any more ME patients - both adults and children - are made disabled.
I have been ill with ME/CFS for nearly five years and fed up of being discharged and considered uncooperative by the CFS Service, OTs and physios because I'm not "helping myself" by failing to do Graded Exercise Therapy. Many days I have to choose between having a shower and making myself something to eat. If I could gradually do more I damn well would! None of us choose this life. No one would!
NICE clearly don't understand that the PACE trial has no scientific merit whatsoever. It has been comprehensively demolished in every way. It is based on a false premise and, because it is founded on the Oxford criteria, it isn't a study of ME/cfs anyway. To base treatment decisions on such a fundamentally flawed study, is grossly irresponsible, if not criminally negligent.
I am a divorced mother of three, had severe ME/CFS for three years and am desperate for REAL help. My children need me !!!!!! The help and guidance on offer are NO GOOD AT ALL !!!!
Even the US CDC has updated its website removing recommendations of GET. We know the treatment is not simply unhelpful but actually causes damage. NICE must update. Lives are at stake.