Never a pleasant topic of discussion, but such an important one. It is sad that doctors, even many gastroenterologists, and especially most family practice doctors completely ignore the importance of stool tests and a detailed discussion around it. I took pictures with me to my gastro.
Things to look for in stool are color that is not brown, and consistency. For example, if it is soft and/or sticky on the toilet. Is it yellowish at all? Does it smell more pungent than normal. Are there undigested bits in it? Is it stringy? Are there slimey threads on the sides? You may notice symptoms such having to wipe more, having to go more than 1-2 times per day, a feeling of not satisfactorily done on the toilet, as if there is more coming. A general intestinal discomfort, bloating, along with nutrient deficiencies are also things I had. That does not mean you have to have all those symptoms, nor consistently all the time, to have insufficient bile or pancreatic enzyme production.
Liver, gallbladder, pancreas, food sensitivities or allergies, are all things to look into.
These two tests are super standard, and relatively cheap:
- Stool test pancreatic elastase
The results of
stool elastase should of be shown in micro gram/mL. But it still is not a completely accurate test and can be a bit finicky.
- Stool test: fecal fat level
Regarding stool
fecal lipids, it might be worth doing a 24hr (what I did) or 72hr one. It will show in grams per 24 hours.
MRI with MRCP test of the
abdomen looks at liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and provides a 3D map of ducts, was a great one. However, since this is pricier, doctors and insurances will be more reluctant with this one.
This one might be intesting as well, that is often used by veterinarians (they seem to be far more advanced on anything EPI than most human docs):
- Blood test fasting trypsin (to see if you produce enough enzyme for protein breakdown)
These tests were also very helpful but not covered by my insurance:
- Genova Diagnostics - Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis 2.0 with Parasitology, Fecal Fat Distribution, Elastase and Chymotrypsin.
- Genova Diagnostics - FMV
Here is another thread that may be of interest if you have not already seen it.
From another thread:
Fat in stool, pale yellow, sticky stool are all not normal and point in the direction of not digesting food properly. This in turn will cause nutrient deficiencies, which in turn can have CFS type symptoms.
Many doctors have no clue how to properly test for it, nor help sufferers holistically even after diagnosis. When the pancreas is not making enough enzymes to break down fat, carbs and protein it is not immediately apparent. Only when it is 90% impaired are many doctors willing to give it a diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Which is ludicrous, as you will lose out on nutrients for the proper functioning of all your metabolic pathways, on far less of a percentage. It can be a slow decline, with many doctors scratching their heads as to the root cause of your symptoms.
Some gastroenterologists, like Steven D Freedman, do understand. He will even prescribe pancrelipase (contains pancreatic enzymes including amylase, protease and lipase) as a way to diagnose. If it helps reduce the symptoms....It can not hurt to try.
You can also experiment with Ox Bile supplement. Both Pancrelipase and Ox Bile must be taken with the meals in order to have effect.
Hope that helps a bit.