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Ozone Therapy

Speaking of Oxygen, I am contemplating doing at home injections of H2O2 but I am not sure how to proceed.

Can it really be injected? It seems like the H2O2 would bubble up in the blood stream, but maybe not if there is no air in there?

And what strength? Is the standard 3.5% okay to use, or should it be diluted by half? or less?

BTW, I will be using the "body type" of H2O2 [others have metal residues from the distilling process I think].

The point of doing it is to oxygenate tissues, and to kill pathogens.
I understand that this is about ozone but I really would like to know more about acyclovir. I understand that researchers found that an equal proportion of patients improved from placebo and with active treatment. The authors concluded that the improvement reflected either spontaneous remission or the placebo effect. I mean is it really worth looking into?


Senior Member
Just wanted to say, I've been using an oxygen tank + generator to give myself ear insufflations of ozone for a year now so I guess you could PM me if you'd like to know how I feel about it.

Noah, I get my injectable H2O2 from Apothecure.com http://www.apothecure.com/_if/pdfs/apothenews_sale/apothenews.pdf. I use 1 ml of 3%, mixed with 250ml saline (just be careful never to inject food grade!! and they also say to add magnesium if it feels painful or sore).
Hi, I`m new here and just getting acquainted with the site.

I might have to agree with you about ozone being a bit too strong for some of us. I purchased a medical grade high quality ozone generator and so far, not very good. As much as I do have detox symptoms in just about all forms of treatment, I figured with ozone I woud be better than this. The ones that I do know that went for ozone took it with autohemotherapy. ( I.V.) They had no side effects. But, I would never go for I.V., seeing even the weakest of water is too much for me. ( or cupping, ear insufflation ). Never tried the big gun at the bottom but don`t think I will. :) Think I will experience a bit more with it. I took some gsh precursors right before yesterday and the ozone didn`t knock me out. However, I have to agree with you, the gut and lymphatic system is priority. Actually, I would go kidneys before hand if I knew then what I know today. Trial and error, not fun sometimes, but the way it can go. Think I will start going for FIR`s for a test. Btw, were you serious when you said: ``I know of one other therapy that might have a better one two punch! ( private joke ? ) Take care.

I know of one other therapy that might have a better one two punch!!.lol :)

I agree with alot of what you said!! Ozone destroyed me, however looking back, my body was not prepared for such a treatment.

And I think this gets us back to working with docs who really know what they are doing. Knowing the ins and outs of detoxing and the bodies physics behind it.

We mention some very good treatments, but if the body simply is not prepared for these agents put in the body, the results can be negative.

The integrative approach with these therapies seems to be sooo important.

Yea, ozone is a great treatment, if you can find a doc who does it and can make sure the body is prepped for the release of toxins!

A key also, I think doing these therapies consistently and often.... as can be tolerated to keep them toxins flowing, rather than just lifting toxins off the cells and kinda just landing on other cells, if that makes sense to ya.

All detox treatments will have a degree of redistribution, but minimizing this is very important!

I think it's really important to reiterate an integrative approach to all ME/CFS patients for reasons above, so nobody gets hurt, which is most important!

I did get hurt by B-12, glutathione, ozone and some other treatments. However if these docs would have worked on my gut, lymph system..e.t.c. I think the results could have been dramatically different!!

Hi, I`m new here and just getting acquainted with the site.

I might have to agree with you about ozone being a bit too strong for some of us. I purchased a medical grade high quality ozone generator and so far, not very good. As much as I do have detox symptoms in just about all forms of treatment, I figured with ozone I woud be better than this. The ones that I do know that went for ozone took it with autohemotherapy. ( I.V.) They had no side effects. But, I would never go for I.V., seeing even the weakest of water is too much for me. ( or cupping, ear insufflation ). Never tried the big gun at the bottom but don`t think I will. :) Think I will experience a bit more with it. I took some gsh precursors right before yesterday and the ozone didn`t knock me out. However, I have to agree with you, the gut and lymphatic system is priority. Actually, I would go kidneys before hand if I knew then what I know today. Trial and error, not fun sometimes, but the way it can go. Think I will start going for FIR`s for a test. Btw, were you serious when you said: ``I know of one other therapy that might have a better one two punch! ( private joke ? ) Take care.

Gut and lymphatic makes a lot of sense, I agree. However, I've had a monkey on my back for about 20 years now. My issues and symptoms are a bit complicated. The 64K dollar question, like others I met or hear of, is "how does one get better if he can`t take any supplements and or reacts to just about everything"? Pretty simple really. I've been eating about the same 10 foods for about 15 years now. It does have it's advantages. I don't spend much time in the kitchen or writing shopping lists. I have gotten better over the years though, but like Bill Cosby says: "How long can you tread water ha ha..". I remember Great Smokies Lab but I think they changed names now. But, is finding out what I suffer from really going to help? Do I spend 100 grands or so to find out about my g.i. flora, detox system, liver weaknesses, kreb cycle or mitochondria or who knows what....Then, after the diagnosis, they suggest a protocol that still doesn't work and usually makes me worse. ( so far anyhow ) I know there are mycoplasma theories, sneaky Hep's and Epstein Barr's etc...I actually did get better over the years ( was bed ridden before and home ridden) by thinking differently. I told myself, who cares what it is, just see what the body can handle or take. Doesn't matter about the what, why's and where's for a while. As much as like modern medicine for what they are, there is not much they can do at the present time. If they can ever find a pill that my body assimilates, I'll take it. It kind of comes to the mighty dollar on the long run doesn't it? The further one goes on his own and the more complicated the symptoms, the more finances one needs. But, I think that one has to try keeping a sense of humour about it. I went to a seminar once where a holistic doctor was speaking. He started by saying ," the human body is really funny if you think of it. "If you are a bit depressed, just get naked and stand in front of a tall mirror.and look at yourself." Guess depends on the body I guess...:)

I had an ozone sauna, did ear insufflatitions and dranks loads of ozonoated water.

I did it for about 3 months

Couple of issues,

1) you have to do liver flushes top balance your system. Otherwise your body can react to food. ( Pounding heart, sweating alot...not fun) It did in my case

2) it not cheap buying all the equipment

I found just drinking ozonoated water to be the best way to kill any stomach bugs or candida


I had an ozone sauna, did ear insufflatitions and dranks loads of ozonoated water.

I did it for about 3 months

Couple of issues,

1) you have to do liver flushes top balance your system. Otherwise your body can react to food. ( Pounding heart, sweating alot...not fun) It did in my case

2) it not cheap buying all the equipment

I found just drinking ozonoated water to be the best way to kill any stomach bugs or candida

Wish I could do the liver cleanse. I tried the ozone because I cannot touch most herbs, vitamins, minerals and the whole nine yards. Figured I'd cheat and go ozone but ozone says go back to Go and do not collect. FIR sauna next on the list but maybe that will sing the same song. At least I don't have to buy the sauna this time. Can't even take a sip of the ozonated water anymore. ( Longevity system). Used to drink a glass which shows that something did happen in the detox department. Will try the ozone later maybe. Finally found a green food that my body accepts. Maybe can build with that and a GSH precursor I can take. Actually good news this week. I found a water I can drink that is not distilled. Unbelievable how good water with minerals tastes after drinking distilled for years. Actually, I can drink nettle tea about the only herb I can take. Nettle tea has antihistamine proprieties. I've introduced the tea to others that can't take much herbs or with intolerances and the majority of them can take nettle also. Tx Sean.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I found just drinking ozonoated water to be the best way to kill any stomach bugs or candida

Hi Sean, thanks for your post. I was wondering how you were able to discern that drinking ozonated water killed off Candida overgrowth. Thanks for any insights you can provide.


Senior Member
Hey Wayne, there was someone here that I used to converse with via private email, who was drinking ozonated water and found that it really helped kill off the pathogens in his gut. He said he had to start slowly because the die-off was intense. He was doing well with it over time though and felt his gut was healing. We haven't spoken in awhile and I can't access our email anymore since I switched providers.
Hi Wayne

Shortly after drinking ozonated water everything felt better back "there".

"There" being the small intestine, where candida tends to reside (unfortunately, I have a lot of it).

Pretty sure feeling better was because of the effect of the candida being killed, but I could be wrong

I did three months of solid ozone work- sauna's, cupping, ear insufflations,drinking the stuff- it did not kill off the viruses that I have (EBV, CMV).

I didn't continue with the ozone because of the severe allergic reactions that I encountered after the 3rd month, when eating food. This was because I did not do a liver flush.

However, I did feel lot better and had a lot of energy, when doing ozone in the first 10 weeks or so.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi, I`m new here and just getting acquainted with the site. ......... Never tried the big gun at the bottom but don`t think I will. :)

Hi Howlistic, welcome to the forum. Since you're new, I thought I'd give you a link to a thread that was made by one of the forum members. I think you'll get a pretty good howl out of video he created entitled:

Video: Hitler Learns He Has CFS

This video makes reference to "the bottom", which is why your post made me think of it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I try to remember to go back to it when I need a good laugh!



Senior Member
Easy Ozone Transdermal Application Technique

I developed an easy ozone transdermal application technique which I suspect may be just as effective as the ozone full body bags you can buy, but my technique is simpler, quicker, more convenient — and very inexpensive. The total outlay is around £30, which is the cost of an ozone gas generator machine that you can buy from China on eBay.

Cheap ozone generators like this one can be bought on eBay:

These generators create ozone gas from the oxygen in the air. They pump out ozone gas from a nozzle, and are supplied with a flexible plastic tubing that you attach to the nozzle, as well as some airstones that fix on to the other end of this tubing, so that you can bubble the ozone gas created by the generator into water. The tiny ozone gas bubbles that issue from the airstone are dissolved into the water to make ozonated water. These inexpensive machines typically pump out 400 to 600 mg of ozone per hour.

Easy Ozone Transdermal Application Technique: My Method

You first need to create 60 ml of ozonated water. You do this as follows: place 60 ml (2 fl oz) of tap water into a glass vessel (but don't use plastic containers), and then immerse the airstone of the ozone generator machine into this water, and bubble in the ozone for 30 minutes. This should be done outside (or out of the window), so as not to pollute the indoor air with ozone.

Then immediately splash this 60 ml of ozonated water all over the skin of your naked body, from head to toe, and let it dry into your skin for the next 2 minutes, without putting my clothes on. As the water seeps into your skin, it will bring the ozone dissolved in the water right into your body and bloodstream.

I find that within an hour or two of applying this ozonated water to my skin, my normally congested sinuses and nasal cavity become totally uncongested and nicely opened, and I feel much more relaxed mentally (I find there is a strong anti-anxiety effect of ozone).

I found this ozone therapy also rapidly made my weak leg muscles firmer, with 30 minutes of application (I have slightly weak leg and pelvic girdle muscles). So its conceivable be that this ozone therapy will help ME/CFS patients with muscle symptoms or pain.

I have the impression that this can help kick you out of a bad phase, when your symptoms have got temporarily worse. Ozone seems to produce a beneficial jolt to the system.

This transdermal use of ozone seems much kinder to the body that oral ozone water. If I take ozonated water orally, it really messes up my digestion. I think ozone is a bit rough on the intestinal mucous membranes. Whereas absorbed transdermally on the skin I get no side effects.

General Notes

➤ Much more ozone gas dissolves into cold water than it does into warmer water: twice as much ozone is dissolved into water at 5°C, compared to water at 20°C (ref: here). So for best results use tap water than has been cooled down in the fridge (or just put an ice cube in the water)

➤ Ozonated water will lose most the ozone dissolved in it within an hour, so you have to make this ozonated water fresh every time you apply it to your body (the half life of ozone in water at room temperature is 20 minutes, ref: here).

➤ Do not use a plastic vessel to make your ozonated water, because ozone can react with the plastic and contaminate the water. A glass vessel should be used.

➤ Ozone is more stable if the water is acidic, so it is a good idea to place say a tablespoon of vinegar in your 60 ml of water.

When water is acidic (at pH less than 6) the dissolved ozone remains in its molecular O3 form. But when the water is more alkaline (at pH 7 or higher), this molecular O3 ozone rapidly decomposes into the hydroxyl radical. Even in neutral water at pH 7, about 50% of the ozone dissolved into the water decomposes into the hydroxyl radical. Ref: here.

Mechanism of Action of Ozone Therapy

There is scant research into the therapeutic mechanisms of ozone. However, a very interesting scientific analysis of ozone therapy can be found in chapter 4 of the book 'OZONE. A New Medical Drug' by Velio Bocci. Bocci suggests that the benefits of ozone therapy arise from the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the lipid oxidation products (LOP) created by ozone application.

In effect, ozone therapy provides benefits by creating short-term, acute oxidative stress in the body.

Because ozone causes acute oxidative stress, although this may have therapeutic benefits, it may be a good idea not to perform ozone therapy too often (say no more than twice a week), to avoid depleting the body of antioxidants.

I will just quote the conclusion of chapter 4 of this book here:
What Happens When Human Blood is Exposed to a Therapeutic Dose of Oxygen-Ozone?

"Both gases dissolve in the water of plasma depending upon their solubility, partial pressure and temperature. While oxygen readily equilibrates between the gas and the blood phases, the ten-fold more soluble ozone cannot equilibrate because it reacts with biomolecules (PUFA, antioxidants) present in the plasma. The reaction yields hydrogen peroxide (among other possible ROS) and lipid oxidation products (LOPs).

The sudden rise in plasma of the concentration of hydrogen peroxide generates a gradient, which causes its rapid transfer into blood cells where, in a few seconds, it activates several biochemical processes and simultaneously undergoes reduction to water by the efficient intracellular antioxidant system (GSH, catalase, GSH-Px).

This critical step corresponds to a controlled, acute and transient oxidative stress necessary for biological activation, without concomitant toxicity, provided that the ozone dose is compatible with the blood antioxidant capacity.

While ROS are responsible for immediate biological effects (Figure 1), LOPs are important as late effectors, when the blood, ozonated ex vivo, returns into the circulation upon reinfusion (Figures 2 and 3).

LOPs can reach any organ, particularly the bone marrow where, after binding to receptors in submicromolar concentrations, elicit the adaptation to the repeated acute oxidative stress, which is the hallmark of ozonated autohemotherapy. Upon prolonged therapy, LOPs activity will culminate in the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes, appearance of oxidative stress proteins (haeme-oxygenase I as a typical marker) and probable release of stem cells, which represent crucial factors explaining some of the extraordinary effects of ozonetherapy (Chapter 8).

It must be emphasized that blood exposed to ozone undergoes a transitory oxidative stress necessary to activate biological functions without detrimental effects. The stress must be adequate (not subliminal) to activate physiological mechanisms, but not excessive to overwhelm the intracellular antioxidant system and cause damage. Thus, an excessive ozone dose or incompetence in manipulating this gas can be deleterious. On the other hand, very low ozone doses (below the threshold), are fully neutralised by the wealth of plasma antioxidants and can produce only a placebo effect.

The concept that ozonetherapy is endowed with an acute oxidative stress bothers the opponents of this approach because they consider it as a damage inflicted to the patients, possibly already under a chronic oxidative stress. they do not believe that ozonetherapy induces a multivaried therapeutic response already well documented in some diseases.

Moreover they do not distinguish the chronic oxidative stress (cos) due to an endogenous and uncontrolled hyperoxidation with the small and transient oxidative stresses that we can precisely perform ex vivo with the ozone dose."

Source: chapter 4 of the book OZONE. A New Medical Drug, by Velio Bocci, Springer 2005.

This paper also succinctly describes the method of action of ozone:
The airways are precluded in this therapy, which uses ozone-enriched autologous blood transfusion; therefore, lung toxicity resulting from oxidative stress is avoided. Ozone, per se, does not enter the organism;
the effects that are observed are mediated by the rapid oxidation of certain substances in the blood in the transfusion recipient.

In appropriate concentrations, this can up-regulate the synthesis of antioxidants in blood (7). This property has been very actively investigated with respect to the protection against free radical damage associated with heart (8), kidney (9) and liver (10) disorders.
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southeast asia
i read controversy things about ozone therapy and its quite confusing...

Could you say more about what you mean by major ozone therapy?

patient's blood is withdrawn to a bag, then the ozone injected to the bag/blood in the bag then reintroduced into the patient's using a normal drip unit.

and for saline its using nacl intead of blood.

and here they also inject vit c, selenium.

i wonder if its fine.

@Hip dimethyl sulfoxide? was it usually used for ozone therapy?
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Senior Member
@kisekishiawase Yes, that's right DMSO = dimethyl sulfoxide. It's a solvent liquid. Sometimes people use DMSO for therapeutic purposes. DMSO has anti-inflammatory properties, for example. DMSO is not normally used as part of ozone therapy.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
i read controversy things about ozone therapy and its quite confusing...

patient's blood is withdrawn to a bag, then the ozone injected to the bag/blood in the bag then reintroduced into the patient's using a normal drip unit....
i wonder if its fine....

I had an attempt at this but because they need to use a very big needle, it failed for me. Some have found it helpful if it was successful, I believe, but I think it is also controversial.

I did have hydrogen peroxide IVs which, while they created a lot of die-off symptoms, did a lot a good in the end and gave me a few good years. But, they are very hard on the veins and for this reason, I wouldn't do them again.



Senior Member
Sushi, didn't you try the full body bag ozone therapy (where ozone gas is pumped into a large plastic body bag that you "wear," so that the gas gets absorbed into your skin)? I seem to remember that you said you tried this, and got good results.