Ozone Therapy


Senior Member
It is worth mentioning

That in Germany when I did photon therapy with a practitioner that specializes in lyme treatment with photons, he followed up the photon session with 1) IV ozone and 2) drainage. He has developed this protocol after 10 years of treating patients both european and now a few years of americans with photons. If you read the literature on ozone, it is simply one of the most effective "drugs" ever invented (as well as one of the safest) and it is proven to kill almost indiscriminately (which almost makes it dangerous).

I'm sure for patients that aren't ready to handle it, it wouldn't be "effective" because the waste would just get recirculated. However, that really doesn't do justice to the actual efficacy of the therapy in the right situation.

For those that are interested, Dr. Saul has distributed his books on ozone pro bono on the internet. Just go to o3center.org if you wanna read up (they're about 100 pgs and I found them to be easy but illuminating reads.


Senior Member
Just wanted to point out

Last month, Dr. Klinghardt pracitcally begged my ND in San Diego (whom trained with K for 3 years) to get an ozone machine. The fact that he says it is "surprisingly ineffective" is utterly contradictory from his backchannel actions. I used to think Klinghardt simply chose to refrain from stating his opinon about modalities he approved of that would happen to fall under FDA suspicion, but his flip-flopping on ozone makes me question how much his published opinion has to do with promoting his own ozonated products.

I'm sure I may get bashed by some patients for saying this, but these opposing facts are incontrovertible.


Senior Member

Hi Joey

What was Dr. W's drainage therapy?

I'm very interested in the whole photon thing. Do you think a person can do it themselves, though, without the guidance of a practitioner.

I mean if I bought that PE-1 machine and some nosodes tomorrow..would it be obvious what to do?



Senior Member
Hyperthermia - Ozone Therapy

Hi everybody,

listening to the CFSAC testimonials I heard one woman talk about ozone therapy and that it had helped her a LOT.

I am currently trying hyperthermia but only had one session yet so I can't really tell if it works or not. What I do know is that it is incredibly expensive to I am unsure if it might be worth a try with ozone first.

If anyone has tried either of the two (or even both) I would be happy to hear your thoughts!



Senior Member
Wildaisy, yes, I am from Germany and thankfully it is legal here. There are lots of naturopaths who offer it so availability wouldn't be a problem.

m0joey, Thanks for the link. I had already read that thread before I started this one but it didn't answer all my questions, so I hope it's ok to start a new one.


Senior Member
Of course!

Also, combining ozone with sauna means you get both hyperthermia, opening the pores, and ozone through the fat, tissue, lymphatic tissue. That's what Dr. Saul Pressman says anyway. I've found it to be quite potent.


Senior Member
Sauna and Ozone

Thanks for the hint, that sounds really interesting! I am not sure if there is a place where I could get both but it is definitely worth investigating.

Also, do you know if the ozone used it only mixed with the blood? I read something about an option of treating it under a special light before re-injecting, which is almost 3 times as expensive. (This was called hematogen oxidation therapy).


Senior Member

One option is ozonating blood and putting back in (autohemotherapy). Another is oxidizing the blood with UV light (UV irradiation). The difference in oxidation is similar I think, but the UV irradiation has been claimed by some doctors to damage DNA. I've never heard of doing both ozone and UV..that would seem redundant.


Senior Member
I wish to try the ozone therapy. how do I go about this? do I buy a machine to do at home? do I go to a centre to do it? can someone please explainthe process? also can someone tell me the difference between oxygen , ozone and hyperbaric therapy please.
Ozone therapy, a revolutionary medical treatment producing far reaching results in human health care has now become a reality and is being practiced in the world today. With the noble intention of bringing up a healthy humanity such a privileged medical specialization is made available.You can also get more reliable information through online pharmacy.


I'm also curious about oxygen therapy. Has anyone tried oxygen bars or home oxygen, or oxygen from a naturopath. I don't know how to go about getting oxygen. If I could get it at a naturopath or an oxygen bar, that would be best. Thanks.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I have had a lot of ozone therapy delivered in most every creative way you could imagine. Two ways helped me the most:

1) Being in an air-tight "body-bag"--head out--and having ozone piped in. You absorb it through the skin.
2) Using an ozone generator that feeds into a long plastic hose or tube with a rectal tip. I would pulse 5 seconds of ozone in for about 5 rounds. This had an immediate effect of feeling much better.

I had this treatment at a clinic in Mexico many years ago and I'm sure my body is in a different place now, but if I had the equipment (you need a GOOD ozone generator) I'd try it again. I still have the "body-bag" and now have an air-purifier that can be set to emit ozone, so I should try that part again.

My guess is that this route might be a bit safer than inhaling oxygen, but what do I know! A friend was prescribed inhaled oxygen and did find that it increased oxidative stress. He got it in another country where medicine isn't such circus.

I tried the UV radiation of the blood but it required a very big needle, I have very small veins, and the result wasn't pretty! :eek:



senior member
Concord, NH
I'm also curious about oxygen therapy. Has anyone tried oxygen bars or home oxygen, or oxygen from a naturopath. I don't know how to go about getting oxygen. If I could get it at a naturopath or an oxygen bar, that would be best. Thanks.

Have you had a sleep study done? I think they monitor your Oxygen levels then, so perhaps with this info you can get a Dr to prescribe it?



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I've read the book, "Flood Your Body Oxygen", by Ed McCabe, and found it to be a wealth of information. Though not particularly well written, I would recommend it for anybody with a desire to learn more about various kinds of oxygenation therapies that have been used successfully in medical facilities around the world for the past several decades.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
Have you had a sleep study done? I think they monitor your Oxygen levels then, so perhaps with this info you can get a Dr to prescribe it?


I have had 2 sleep studies and the way they checked oxygen was with the little red (infra red) light that is taped to the end of your finger (aka - "SAT reading" > which I think stands for oxygen saturation)


senior member
Concord, NH
I have had 2 sleep studies and the way they checked oxygen was with the little red (infra red) light that is taped to the end of your finger (aka - "SAT reading" > which I think stands for oxygen saturation)

Well if you get a copy of this document, perhaps your Dr will write a prescription for Oxygen? Mine did after I got him records of my study.


reply to GG

Well if you get a copy of this document, perhaps your Dr will write a prescription for Oxygen? Mine did after I got him records of my study.

I did get sleep study done earlier this year. They didn't say anything about my oxygen saturation, though the oxygen meter was one of the pieces of the sleep study equipment. Still, I can contact them and see if it was out of the normal range.

I'm going to try an oxygen bar next week, which gives 30% oxygen concentration. If that has much benefit I may get a home model.

Thanks for the advice! Do you have prescription oxygen?


senior member
Concord, NH
I did get sleep study done earlier this year. They didn't say anything about my oxygen saturation, though the oxygen meter was one of the pieces of the sleep study equipment. Still, I can contact them and see if it was out of the normal range.

I'm going to try an oxygen bar next week, which gives 30% oxygen concentration. If that has much benefit I may get a home model.

Thanks for the advice! Do you have prescription oxygen?

Yes, Script from Dr, I use Oxygen concentrator, not tanks. FYI