Ozone Therapy

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I am really interested in the various uses of ozone. The mother of one of my doctors died recently, and she had been a long-term heavy smoker. An ozone air purifier eliminated all of the cigarette smoke from her house in just a couple of days.

This same doctor used to offer ozone sinus treatments at his office. It got rid of a staph infection after just one time. However, even several treatments did not help a pseudomonas infection.

@Hip, I think I will get an ozone generator and try your transdermal method to see if it could help my constant sinus infections. My doctor suggested trying ozonated water for my twice-daily sinus irrigations, so that's another way I could use it. Are you still doing transdermal ozone treatments?


Senior Member
Are you still doing transdermal ozone treatments?

I don't use ozone regularly because it is a bit of a chore to create and apply transdermal ozone water; but I sometimes use this transdermal ozone water when the various mental health comorbidities I have (like depression, anxiety) get worse, as I find transdermal ozone water has a noticeable beneficial effect on those mental health symptoms.

However, transdermal ozone water does not seem to improve my ME/CFS (although I've never tried transdermal ozone water for long periods, only a few weeks at most).
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@Hip have you drank the ozonated water? Is it safe to do so? I heard is good for gut issues. I have done IV w great result for my cfs, but is very costly $350 so I was wondering if I can frank instead


I find transdermal ozone water has good effects (see my easy ozone method post), but drinking the same water I find has negative effects.
Thank you for the fast reply. I have heard is good for Gut issues Why I wanted to try, I have really bad belly (pre cfs), I also have colitis so hoping this might help. I can try the skin method! TX!
I had both ozone therapy (autohemotherapy) and hyperbaric.
The ozone did nothing for me. Very disappointing.
When I was very sick in 2017, it was the hyperbaric, at a pressure of 2.0, that was the one thing that worked. I wish it was not so expensive.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
When I was very sick in 2017, it was the hyperbaric, at a pressure of 2.0, that was the one thing that worked. I wish it was not so expensive.
Not to sidetrack too much but a number of patients are buying home hyperbaric units which, while expensive, are less expensive in the long run then going to a hyperbaric clinic.
true and I'm going to look into it. However, you can't get the higher pressure in a home unit or the same mix of oxygen. I did not start to heal until they increased my pressure from 1.5 ATA to 2.0 ATA.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
true and I'm going to look into it. However, you can't get the higher pressure in a home unit or the same mix of oxygen. I did not start to heal until they increased my pressure from 1.5 ATA to 2.0 ATA.
Yes the home units are usually 1.3 ATA though some go up to 1.5. With a rebreather mask you can get about 80% oxygen while in the chamber I believe.
I'm very interested in whether people here have had benefit from that. It would be very convenient to have a smaller home unit here.
I have questions for everyone that knows anything about Ozone therapy:

Where's the research? Can you point me toward any research that has been done on it ?

Have there been any bad outcomes... does anyone know anyone or has anyone heard anything about different possible negative outcomes?

Also, if it's known to be antiviral why haven't we been using it for SARS and other viruses we have problems with? Why isn't it a commonly used therapy if it's all good and no downside?

I'd like to try it but am fairly scared to as my body has reacted badly to so many supplements, I can't imagine doing something strange to my blood and then reinserting it, it sounds crazy!

Trying to sort out information is so difficult, especially in the brain fog that accompanies this disease! Any help is much appreciated.
Hi Tiffyshea - I had autohemotherapy ozone therapy. I did not feel anything. No bad effect. No good effects that I could detect.
For me, CFS was not just fatigue. I felt ill all the time. HBOT cured me of that, but left me with fatigue.
I'm successfully addressing the fatigue with diet and supplements. I can eat only very low carb. I don't like it, but it works. VERY LOW CARB! Lots of water. It's the best thing for my mood and drastically reduced my anxiety. The some of the supplements I take are - exogenous ketones - be careful with this. But I had to way reduced the amount. Just a very small amount every day works for me. Too much and it's bad. L-Tyrosine is good for mood and energy.
What I know is that everyone is very different. I see that you've tried a number of supplements. Something unusual that I tried and liked was LDN. But it gave me a rash so I had to stop. I used a microdose of .25mg and it felt great. Too bad.
I'm happy to create a longer list of supplements that I like if you want.
Hi Tiffyshea - I had autohemotherapy ozone therapy. I did not feel anything. No bad effect. No good effects that I could detect.
For me, CFS was not just fatigue. I felt ill all the time. HBOT cured me of that, but left me with fatigue.
I'm successfully addressing the fatigue with diet and supplements. I can eat only very low carb. I don't like it, but it works. VERY LOW CARB! Lots of water. It's the best thing for my mood and drastically reduced my anxiety. The some of the supplements I take are - exogenous ketones - be careful with this. But I had to way reduced the amount. Just a very small amount every day works for me. Too much and it's bad. L-Tyrosine is good for mood and energy.
What I know is that everyone is very different. I see that you've tried a number of supplements. Something unusual that I tried and liked was LDN. But it gave me a rash so I had to stop. I used a microdose of .25mg and it felt great. Too bad.
I'm happy to create a longer list of supplements that I like if you want.

Thanks for the info Laura. I've tried a LOT of different things, and am trying the Hyperbaric chamber next week. I was very low carb back when I had SIBO, and at first thought that's what caused my fatigue in the first place since that's when I first started feeling terrible and not being able to move, etc.

I was on LDN for 3 weeks but it screwed up my sleep really, really badly. Last night I finally fell asleep more normally for the first time since I went off it.

I've never gone on any sort of anti-viral protocol, so was thinking about trying that, or the ozone therapy.
Huh. I got sick after SIBO treatment. I always wondered if the Xifaxan and Flagyl caused it. But it was also after a trip where I took walks near the woods so maybe it was Lyme? What was interesting was that the HBOT worked so it makes me think it was bacterial. But, FYI, the HBOT did not work at a low pressure. I only felt something when they increased the pressure to 2 ATA from 1.5 ATA.
Surprised to hear LDN was bad for your sleep. It was good for mine! It's all so personal.


Senior Member
@Hip - what were the negative effects from drinking the ozone water? Is it possible that it caused a herxheimer or detox reactin?

It created a lot of diarrhea, so perhaps the ozone might have been an irritant to the stomach and intestines (I have IBS-D, so I am sensitive to things like spices in my food). It also caused me to feel really mentally frail and depressed.

That was from drinking 100 ml of ozonated water. I never tried it again after that.

When I apply a similar amount of ozonated water on my body from head to toe, so that the ozone is absorbed transdermally, I've never had any sort of side effect.


Senior Member
It created a lot of diarrhea, so perhaps the ozone might have been an irritant to the stomach and intestines (I have IBS-D, so I am sensitive to things like spices in my food). It also caused me to feel really mentally frail and depressed.

That was from drinking 100 ml of ozonated water. I never tried it again after that.

When I apply a similar amount of ozonated water on my body from head to toe, so that the ozone is absorbed transdermally, I've never had any sort of side effect.

Since I didn't have the spare money at the time I just bought myself one of the cheaper ozone generators on the market and experimented with it like you did (drinking water) and thought it may have helped my general well being but not convincingly. I too have to deal with IBS though I did not get it the same negative outcomes you did. I also gave it a go with retained enemas and it was then that I felt worse after doing a few of those and I quit doing that. My girlfriend at the time used to infuse olive oil (kept it in the fridge) and rub it on her skin and it definitely improved her skin. I never tried transdermal as I thought the main benefit of that was topical rather than tissue penetration.


Senior Member

One option is ozonating blood and putting back in (autohemotherapy). Another is oxidizing the blood with UV light (UV irradiation). The difference in oxidation is similar I think, but the UV irradiation has been claimed by some doctors to damage DNA. I've never heard of doing both ozone and UV..that would seem redundant.

the clinic I go to and most I’ve seen utilize UVB and ozone in the same therapy.

Thinking about getting an ozone machine and doing large high dose autohemotherapy In the range of 2,000ml per session. Will report back if I get it set up and give it a go


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I was wondering if ozone might be detrimental to enamel, so I asked an AI website called Perplexity. I was pleasantly surprised to read that it doesn't, and is actually highly beneficial to enamel.

Question: Does ozonated water affect enamel?

Yes, ozonated water can positively affect tooth enamel in several ways:
  1. It strengthens and remineralizes enamel. Ozonated water has been shown to promote remineralization of early carious lesions (cavities) in the enamel. The oxidizing properties of ozone help reverse demineralization and strengthen the enamel structure.
  2. It disinfects and removes biofilm. Ozonated water is an effective antimicrobial agent that can eliminate cariogenic bacteria like Streptococcus mutans from the tooth surface. This prevents further enamel demineralization by disrupting the biofilm that causes cavities.
  3. It reverses early enamel erosion. Studies have found that ozonated water can reverse early erosive enamel lesions by promoting remineralization and reducing enamel surface roughness.
  4. It enhances enamel microhardness. The application of ozonated water has been demonstrated to increase the microhardness of enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks and abrasion.
The antimicrobial and oxidative properties of ozonated water make it an effective agent for strengthening, disinfecting, and remineralizing enamel, especially in the early stages of enamel demineralization and erosion. However, for more advanced carious lesions that have penetrated deeper into the tooth, traditional restorative treatment may still be required.


5 Ways That Ozone Therapy Can Heal Your Body
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