I've probably spent less than $1000 on my ME, mostly for gas and some prescriptions (free prescriptions is still being debated).
I ended up with a job that came with the "good medical insurance". you discover your handing over 1/4 of your Gross Domestic Product. Staggering sums of money every month, and we don't go to doctors. Fix yourself, is the medicine I always was using.
So then I was receiving very poor HMO care. Extremely poor. But my husband's appendix ruptures and they save his life.
Every test is screwed up. Every referral is denied. The time and money wasted. Awful doctors. 5 minute appointments, 5 months waits.
And then Insurer # 1 just drops the policy. They get to keep EVERY dollar they collected of that money you were forced to give them. They own a giant bldg, and I"m on to some other insurer. Can I have back ALL THAT OTHER money?
So then you learn your insurance is covering the costs for the uninsured.
Why work?
I took an uninsured teenager, with a broken hand, to a US ER . After five hours, he was never treated. I never saw ANYONE leave the waiting room. To be treated. He was the only VISIBLE Injury. ANd they dont treat you.
He got his broken hand set about a week later. This is the great Medicine in the US your hearing all about.