I am quite a ways behind you knowledge wise, but thanks for this post. Because our SNPs are similar (I know it comes down to how things get expressed), was wondering what your supplement regimen looked like.
From what I could tell:
molybdenum - 1500 mcg per day
B6 - 8mg
Malic Acid - 2400mcg (3 pills)
Interestingly, you didn't seem to take any methylfolate. Was curious to see if you had ever tried it and whether it seemed to hold any benefits for you. Being homozygous for MTHFR I wondered if I would see any benefits. For me it seemed to give me a ton of mental clarity. Unfortunately, I think my dose was too high and some intermediaries got depleted, when I tried to supplement and clear I began to understand my homozygous CBS status was a hot stove.
I have two interests in this.
First, I am usually on a ketogenic diet (do some carb cycling), which depletes oxaloacetate (malic acid is precursor). Not sure how that will play out because oxaloacetate may keep my Krebs cycle running on glucose and oxygen. For a n=1, one day, today I took one 800mcg of malic and a 500mcg B12 Methylcobalamin and I feel much better today. The ketogenic diet typically gives me a ton of brain fog, so I have to supplement with salt, potassium, B12, sometimes curcumin, and tried to use methylfolate (1000mcg). That combination with methylfolate cleared my brain unbelievably, but as I took it 4-5 days something was slowly increasing my blood pressure. I figured I needed B2, some B6 as it seemed perhaps I was getting depleted on BH4, thereby decreasing NO and slowly increasing BP. After pumping in too much B6... YIKES!!!... 5 days of flight or fight ( I wanted to see how long it took to go away without chasing it with supplements) later and I was done with B6 and methylfolate. Let me just clear the brain fog a bit and be done with it! It might be that malic acid and some B12 might be a solution there... we'll have to see how it goes. Not the greatest solution but it might work. Also might be that the involvement of the TCA cycle might bring the best and/or worst of glycolitic and ketogenic energy pathways, but I'll have to play with that.
Second, am thinking that if I cut my prior dosages in half, I might be able to fit
molybdenum - if I need it/ when I need it
B6 - 7.5mg
Malic Acid - 2400 mcg
methlyfolate - 500 mcg
B2 - TBD how much
B12 - 500 mcg
When I take about 3mg of B6 the next day I suffer from some fight or flight. One pill of malic seemed to calm me down... so if tolerated I might give the methyl another shot. I am hopeful that this should allow my BH4 to not be overwhelmed by ammonia issues. We'll see I can smell a little ammonia today... so I may be too optimistic. But would be awesome to have the mental clarity I had with methyl along with some functioning BH4 capacity.
Anyway. Thanks for posting this. Who knows if it works out but it gives me something to experiment with and am crossing fingers it works as a solution for me.
My SNPs:
++: MAO A (R297R); MTHFR (C677T); CBS (C699T); VDR Bsm
+-: MTRR (K350A); MTRR (A664A); BHMT-08; AHCY-01; AHCY-19;
I am quite a ways behind you knowledge wise, but thanks for this post. Because our SNPs are similar (I know it comes down to how things get expressed), was wondering what your supplement regimen looked like.
From what I could tell:
molybdenum - 1500 mcg per day
B6 - 8mg
Malic Acid - 2400mcg (3 pills)
Interestingly, you didn't seem to take any methylfolate. Was curious to see if you had ever tried it and whether it seemed to hold any benefits for you. Being homozygous for MTHFR I wondered if I would see any benefits. For me it seemed to give me a ton of mental clarity. Unfortunately, I think my dose was too high and some intermediaries got depleted, when I tried to supplement and clear I began to understand my homozygous CBS status was a hot stove.
I have two interests in this.
First, I am usually on a ketogenic diet (do some carb cycling), which depletes oxaloacetate (malic acid is precursor). Not sure how that will play out because oxaloacetate may keep my Krebs cycle running on glucose and oxygen. For a n=1, one day, today I took one 800mcg of malic and a 500mcg B12 Methylcobalamin and I feel much better today. The ketogenic diet typically gives me a ton of brain fog, so I have to supplement with salt, potassium, B12, sometimes curcumin, and tried to use methylfolate (1000mcg). That combination with methylfolate cleared my brain unbelievably, but as I took it 4-5 days something was slowly increasing my blood pressure. I figured I needed B2, some B6 as it seemed perhaps I was getting depleted on BH4, thereby decreasing NO and slowly increasing BP. After pumping in too much B6... YIKES!!!... 5 days of flight or fight ( I wanted to see how long it took to go away without chasing it with supplements) later and I was done with B6 and methylfolate. Let me just clear the brain fog a bit and be done with it! It might be that malic acid and some B12 might be a solution there... we'll have to see how it goes. Not the greatest solution but it might work. Also might be that the involvement of the TCA cycle might bring the best and/or worst of glycolitic and ketogenic energy pathways, but I'll have to play with that.
Second, am thinking that if I cut my prior dosages in half, I might be able to fit
molybdenum - if I need it/ when I need it
B6 - 7.5mg
Malic Acid - 2400 mcg
methlyfolate - 500 mcg
B2 - TBD how much
B12 - 500 mcg
When I take about 3mg of B6 the next day I suffer from some fight or flight. One pill of malic seemed to calm me down... so if tolerated I might give the methyl another shot. I am hopeful that this should allow my BH4 to not be overwhelmed by ammonia issues. We'll see I can smell a little ammonia today... so I may be too optimistic. But would be awesome to have the mental clarity I had with methyl along with some functioning BH4 capacity.
Anyway. Thanks for posting this. Who knows if it works out but it gives me something to experiment with and am crossing fingers it works as a solution for me.
My SNPs:
++: MAO A (R297R); MTHFR (C677T); CBS (C699T); VDR Bsm
+-: MTRR (K350A); MTRR (A664A); BHMT-08; AHCY-01; AHCY-19;