I am so grateful for this site: for the information that is shared, the learning acquired, the acquaintances I have made, I chose not to comment on the banner, I am just happy to be here. :Retro smile:
It is wonderful so many folks have participated in this project, a lot of work has gone into this project, a lot of energy spent and we all know how valuable OUR energy is.
The decision was made to go with the abstract phoenix, for a banner, that is a good choice.
However: Abstract art is subject to the interpretation of the viewer. So, I have to admit, and I am going out on a limb here and "exposing" myself, I am having difficulty with "seeing" or "feeling" this. My best interpretation is the phoenix is sitting on a tree branch. If that is so he is "Sitting" not getting ready for flight.
Humm! So, I elicited the help of my husband, I asked him to tell me what he sees. He also could see the "Phoenix Rising" words at this time so he knew which website I was on. He is familiar with this site from my sharing some of the information. His answer, "I see a C and and A."
OK, maybe hubby and I should stay out of modern art museums. While I know it IS up to the viewer to do the interpreting.... obviously hubby and I would not get a lot from our viewing experience.
I am not suggesting a change here on my part. I am just interested if I am "seeing" what others do? I know, abstract is just that.... but......
Victoria, the dark blue on my two computer monitors is no darker than blue-jeans blue, (well, the original blue-jean blue). Curious is that what you are seeing?
"Rising" I agree with all should be the same color and font as "phoenix."