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Need help with understanding folate and folic acid


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
..Another sunny day in Paradise... I'm using Country Life 5000mcg (5mg) MB12. Sublingually = in upper gums. Lasts about 2 hours. But I'm in the decision-making phase re which direction to go next: vaping or transdermal oil. there are very interesting threads re both of these. It seems that vaping, in particular, gives much better saturation, equivalent w/ injections. The oil manufacturer is in Aus.:thumbsup:


..Another sunny day in Paradise... I'm using Country Life 5000mcg (5mg) MB12. Sublingually = in upper gums. Lasts about 2 hours. But I'm in the decision-making phase re which direction to go next: vaping or transdermal oil. there are very interesting threads re both of these. It seems that vaping, in particular, gives much better saturation, equivalent w/ injections. The oil manufacturer is in Aus.:thumbsup:


The vaping sounds facinating! Would definitely be up for giving that a go once I'm up and running
@ahmo Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! You say that you noticed that your body was not happy after eating sprouts, wat kind of reaction did your body give you?

I'm a bit lost now; i can't take folic acid because then I get sick and dizzy. But now I am taking b-complex with l-methylfolate and I get sick and dizzy too. Any ideas on that?


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@Jodie28 I didn't eat enough sprouts to create folate deficiency symptoms. But when I self-tested afterwards, my body clearly did not want me to continue.

Your original post said
My reaction to folic acid is: dizzyness, nauseau, stomach pain and the muscles in my neck and shoulder get very painful and they can't loosen up anymore.
I'v noticed that I also respond on food with a lot of folate in the same way.
I can't account for these symptoms. the only thing I can think of is the possibility that it pushes you into a need for potassium. That would seem unlikely from the small amount in a B complex, but you might try taking a small amt of K+. Sorry, I can't offer anything other than this. I'm sure the neck/shoulder pain probably relates to something specific, but I don't know what. Actually, I recently linked shoulder/trapezius pain with spleen. Just my experience, I've not looked for any info to back this up. @caledonia has a very good understanding of methylation issues, maybe this makes sense to her. There are a number of docs attached to her signature.


Senior Member
@ahmo Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! You say that you noticed that your body was not happy after eating sprouts, wat kind of reaction did your body give you?

I'm a bit lost now; i can't take folic acid because then I get sick and dizzy. But now I am taking b-complex with l-methylfolate and I get sick and dizzy too. Any ideas on that?

It could be several things - try reading "Roadblocks to Successful Methylation" linked in my signature below and see if that helps with an answer to what it could be.


Senior Member
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and my English isn't great ( i am from the Netherlands) so i hope everyone can understand my writing. I am B12-deficient ( and use injections ) and I have read a lot on this forum the last few days, but i don't understand everything (yet). I'm very interested in folic acid/folate, because I seem to have a problem with it.
My reaction to folic acid is: dizzyness, nauseau, stomach pain and the muscles in my neck and shoulder get very painful and they can't loosen up anymore.
I'v noticed that I also respond on food with a lot of folate in the same way. Is this even possible?
And can I do something about it? Should I take methylfolaat or rather not and why?And which one must I take, L-methylfolaat, L-5-methylfolaat, is there a difference between them? Should I avoid food with a lot of folate?

Can someone tell me what to do (try)? Thank you so much voor reading and hopefully answering
( please keep your answers in simple English, I am working on my English).


Hi Jodie,

( sorry peeps i answer in our own language...!) haha

Zo eindelijk eens in het nederlands dat praat makkelijker! Welkom hier! Eindelijk een nederlander met intressen in methylatie! Ik neem aan dat je nog geen test hebt laten doen bij 23 andme? Raad ik je wel aan ! Je kunt je resultaten uploaden via genetic genie en krijgt dan een mooi schema over methylatie snp"s!
Hier op het forum zotten behoorlijk wat mensen met verstand ervan. ( zelfs ik heb veel geleerd in korte tijd/ lastige materie ).. Maar je kunt daardoor wel je lichaam beter begrijpen ... En je voedingssuplementen erop aanpassen! Wat zijn je symptomen?

Groetjes kel