2016 will be remembered as the year when things began to turn in the right direction for us after decades of horror. I can feel it in my (dysbiotic) gut.
That made me giggle. Not to be party pooper but I'd gently suggest that it'll be at least 2019 before we actually get anywhere, and even then I'd add another year. (2018 is the first,
single country, autoimmune CFS conclusion) of which no other country has had the guts to replicate, or even bother considering. So we have one lone country (Norway), and that was mostly funded by private donors. That, is how much Governments care about us.
Remember this is a battle of profit for people getting rich of our
denied sufferance. Ignoring us saves trillions of dollars over time, they are used to neglecting us, and humiliating us. with fake news stories, claims of victim-hood and so forth. The 'lived experiences' of our lives, have never been told, few know we even exist, or how we exist.
So the battle lines are drawn:
Good Science vs mentally challenged bean counters and their allied nitwits who control the research funding and the public opinion via news media propaganda (such as in UK) massive saturation of low quality pro-psych journal publications and never letting go of the empire they created.
In comes Dr Navieux and Dr Davis (and hopefully others), Vs this mighty force, an army when we have one white horse, that's weakened but utterly determined to get to the destination -
the truth.
The Government allied health system agenda is CFS = cause unknown at all costs + generic fatigue. By ethical Scientists breaching the stalemate (private funded research overtaking agenda's of government funded fatigue research) suddenly making CFS a serious debilitating disease, well their entire house of cards collapses and the fools are no longer us, but them.
Basically, the bad people have to relinquish ideological power away from blaming the patient, to apologizing, accepting they were wrong, and moving forward with their tails between their legs, with a good dab of fake remorse for the cameras. With millions invested each year in 'talking therapies', that have nothing to do with mitochondrial dysfunction, will they do this? No, they will have to be forced to do it, by flawless, reproducible, unquestionably beneficial scientific studies
that they refuse to fund.
Producing unquestionable quality studies is the epitome, of what the psych lobby (and their donors) never did, could do, or would want to do, as then their strangle-hold on power is released and equality walks straight in, and we get what other patients do - respect. Hence I think, realistically, we're talking years or decades of seeing infamous people we all know and love....saving face, new retirements, and ultimately slow hand claps until the bad blood is well and truly gone from influence once and for all.
So to be realistic, this will take a long long time, because of who controls the funding, to validate the Science on mass global scale.