What kind of chlorella did you take, and did you ever try other similar binders like algae or spirulina?
I've never really paid much attention to the scales. I've never found them to characterise my changes in severity very well. I can maybe have a look at one if you can link me to it?
I've been housebound now for about 3 months - literally have not left the house in this time. Perhaps on occasion I've been well enough to, but I sort of suit the housebound life anyway.
At my worst over this time I have had to lie down in a dark room for considerable time throughout the day. Not exactly bed bound but my head has been so plagued with an inability to engage with stimuli that I've had to lie down for several hours. This has been after a herx or detox reaction from nasal antifungal treatments or binders.
The baseline over this period has been a day where I get several waves of feeling overwhelmingly ill. It peaks for half an hour to an hour but usually ebbs and flows, so I get a good few hours where I'm able to get stuff done. The severity of these waves can increase without changing the number of hours I have not feeling as bad. This is mainly why I don't like the scales. Plus, PEM isn't something I've experienced in quite a while - I seem to be living within my exertion envelope. So nothing I do worsens my condition, outside of trying to treat it. I have never rested and felt any better.
The severity of these waves are the lowest they have been in a long, long time and it comes immediately after a worsening caused by the chlorella. It usually takes a lot longer to get back to nowhere near as good as this whe I've had a detox reaction from binders. I accredit this to going slow and steady with gaps.
I need more time to be sure I have actually gained improvement, but the signs are very good. I'll fight the temptation that because some has been good, more must be better.
Sure, this is one of the most commonly used ones: link
Sure, this is one of the most commonly used ones: link
I'm around 15 on that scale, plus or minus 5 points depending on supplements, activity, etc.
Are you on this thread because you're thinking mold/biotoxin illness?
It's tough with binders because the proponents sometimes attribute any good reaction to the binder, any non-reaction to not trying it enough, and any bad reaction to herx-ing. By that math, anything is great.
Incidentally, I have seen that it is not recommended to take glutathione before you have the binders in place. So makes sense.
It's tough with binders because the proponents sometimes attribute any good reaction to the binder, any non-reaction to not trying it enough, and any bad reaction to herx-ing. By that math, anything is great.
All I know with binders is that the only possible reason that charcoal and bentonite could both exacerbate my illness is through binding the toxins causing my illness. And the only reason a range of chemically unrelated antifungal nasal substances could do the same is because they're upsetting the source of those toxins.
Thank you both @hapl808 @seamyb, I find it much easier to relate when I can get some sense of function using the scales. You're right they're not perfect but they do work to broadly illustrate how we are.
How is it going now, are you still noticing improvements?
Glutathione is weird. There's a complicated dynamic going on. When the body's in certain states it makes you feel better. When it's in others, it makes you feel worse. Still can't be sure what has been causing these short bursts of illness, but glutathione has been the common thing.
Currently reading over that megathread on the Brewer protocol from 2014 or something. There are so many people who were very active on it who are no longer around. Possibly a good sign, although there are a lack of posts from any of them saying they're completely cured. There are people claiming good improvements, so maybe the remaining improvements happened so gradually that they had just lost interest in PR in the meantime. I'd love to be able to get in touch with them.
So do you think these symptoms are as a result of the Chlorella, do you think it's helping but you're doing a bit too much?
Yes I did the same thing a few months ago and noticed exactly the same thing lol. I do wonder though whether it's just people dropping off the forum, I did a hunt through a bunch of older threads a while ago and most of the names I didn't recognise. I think it's just a thing that happens. It'd be nice to think they'd all been magically cured but I suspect they'd be shouting it from the rooftops if that were the case.
Equally though I'm surprised by how little mention of mould in general there is on the site - we have all these studies by people like Brewer, books by Nathan where he says in 80% of his CFS patients the problem was mould, but the mould area of the site is one of the least active. And within that, almost no mention of the method of first using binders to sort out the body's detoxing ability (I wonder how many considered mould but were put off by awful reactions to antifungals).
With regards to yourself, I wouldn't be too put off if you don't see any improvement when you get out of the worsening... If you haven't been binding then I imagine there's a chance you only get back to baseline. In the model I'm working in, if you induce a worsening and then stop altogether, it's not the ideal way. A constant flow out is what's needed and you may have just got rid of a good bit, but dumped more in for recirculation. If you don't see an improvement I would keep it in mind that you have yet to try the orthodox Nathan way - taking so low an amount so infrequently that you expect - and feel - nothing. Then increase slowly until you feel any worsening and go back to the dose you felt nothing on. I think if it's going to work, it needs a lot of time and not too fast a flow out of the gut. I'm not completely free of doubt myself, but if I don't have faith I'll never find out.