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#MillionsMissing 2020 in Germany


Senior Member
This year #MillionsMissing global protests will take place between May 9th–17th.

#MillionsMissing Germany announced the participating cities from Germany today:

:hug: Aachen, Erlangen, Freiburg, Gütersloh, Halle, Münster and Ravensburg :hug:

These are more cities than in the years before (we had no more than three until now) and the list is still growing.

The volunteers in the individual cities would be very happy to receive shoes and messages. Friends and family can also send in messages. In addition, helpers are still being sought in all cities.

All info: https://www.millionsmissing.de/2020/02/12/millionsmissing-deutschland-aktionen-2020-9-17-mai/



Senior Member
Berlin and Munich will also organize #MillionsMissing actions! :)
We are now at nine cities in Germany: Aachen, Berlin, Erlangen, Freiburg, Gütersloh, Halle, München, Münster and Ravensburg.​
If you're from Germany (or if you're not but would like to support the actions), please send messages with or without shoes. Also active support on site is greatly appreciated. All actions are organized by pwME and family members.​



Senior Member
As the street protests had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic, #MillionsMissing Germany announced a new action today: postcards to the Health Minister.

Quick English translation:

"Jens Spahn, you got mail!" | #MillionsMissing4Action ❤✊

The protests around the international ME/CFS Day on May 12 cannot take place on the streets due to the current situation. #MillionsMissing Germany calls instead to send mail from the quarantine - directly to Minister Jens Spahn!

The #MillionsMissing campaign is supported by all German patient organizations - the German ME/CFS Society, Fatigatio e.V. and the Lost Voices Foundation.

ME/CFS patient know what it means to live in isolation. With the big difference that the end of quarantine or involuntary isolation is not foreseeable because there is no approved treatment, medical training and research funding. This action is intended to highlight the extent of the care crisis and the urgent need for action.
Institutions like the Department for Health have to take on their responsibility for 250.000 patients, among them 40.000 kids, with ME/CFS.

Write your personal postcard to Minister Jens Spahn. You can also write to politicians in your own constituency. We have compiled a list of addresses in the linked help section. The more cards arrive on May 12th in the Bundestag and other relevant institutions, the better! Everybody is invited to participate - patients, relatives, friends and all supporters like doctors, politicians, etc.

The postcards can be written by hand or sent from home through an online service provider . We recommend:

The date of dispatch can be freely selected in advance online at the provider urlaubsgruss.com, so it doesn't matter when the card is created - whether it's on 1 or 8 May. You choose a motif for the card yourself, for example a photo of your shoes including your message, a photo of yourself or a poster. On the back you can write a personal text.

Tipps for creating your cards and the addresses can be found here:

Before you send your card(s), it's best to take photos or screenshots of your card(s) so that you can post them on social media with the #MillionsMissing on May 12th.

We look forward to working together on the international ME/CFS Day to promote recognition, care and biomedical research!

Please write your cards in a respectful manner, as the goal is to open a dialogue.

- Your #MillionsMissing Germany team -
www.millionsmissing.de | kontakt@millionsmissing.de

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Senior Member
The main action at the international ME/CFS-day in Germany was, that the health minister and more politicians got postcards from pwME. There was also some great press coverage.

You can find a (non exhaustive) list of media reports, videos, statements by politicians, press releases etc. at the bottom of this article by the German Association for MECFS: https://www.mecfs.de/internationaler-me-cfs-tag-der-einsatz-geht-weiter/