I have a decent grasp of some of the other concepts if anyone has questions.
all my gut progress just tanked: in a two week crash, my immune system is jacked up for some reason and I had a pretty intense: what I call a COLITUS attack.
Long ago: that is what I called Gut reaction in which everything has to leave. Its what my Mother called it.
As in: it's a total Everything Must go Sale. So sleep was disrupted, cramps, and alot of what is in chinese, WIND.
I can feel the pit of my stomach is now off again. vagus nerve and SIBO which I had backed off, returned.
I'm needing to do an even bigger rest and START OVER on my GUT rebuild.
No toast with breakfast today.
- AWKWARD issues with diet: I have a woman who cooks, and she makes food for us, and food for employees like the nurses. The nurses are to eat like beans, and tortillas and maybe some soup.
We are here eating butter, and expensive things sometimes imported.
so there is Canola oil on the shelf and I do NOT WANT to be eating ANY of that but I'm embarrassed to just flat out tell my Cook that.
It's part of an awkward cultural thing. I don' t like. But I cannot afford to buy super expensive food for all these people, either.
I guess I need to focus on my dietary sensitivities. (and not so much say: I cannot eat canola oil) ,
(Frankly, my husband should not be consuming it either)