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Methylfolate causing inflammation behind nose?

Brief Background: 31/Male, MTHFR A1298C GG, Anxiety, ADHD, I don't believe I have MS/CFS

Both methyl-folate and folonic acid initially make me feel great, but then cause inflammation right behind my nose and seemingly in my general nasal/sinus tract. It also happens even with cofactors/methyl-B complexes.

The intensity of inflammation/pressure can range from "not all that bad" to feeling like a "broken nose" and manifesting into an awful sinus pressure like headache. It kind of feels like getting hit in the face with a basketball, the lingering after fuzziness and pressure.

I don't actually know if it is my sinuses, mucous lining, or even perhaps even something related to my CNS.

At one point several months back, my throat began to occasionally swell as well, although I'm not sure if this was related.

It's frustrating because methyl B's make me feel significantly better for a while until this starts happening, there's a reason I keep trying.

Dr. Ben Lynch's MTHFR guide says something along the lines of "if you have inflammation, it will need to be addresses before taking methylfolate" although I have no idea what this actually means.

A few notes:

- I have a peculiar reaction to B6 as pyridoxine HCL, but B6 as P-5-P feels like a benzo
- My C-Reactive Protein (CRP) test came back normal
- Almost all Blood Tests are Normal, I've had several
- I do have a recurring "mouth virus" that causes gum inflammation and ulcers, but I don't believe it to be related. I think the virus is a HSV type and I usually take a week of Valtrex at the first signs of it, although I don't take Valtrex daily
- I do have a deviated septum, but I've had that for over a decade without any issues until I began trying B methylation.

A few hypothesis:

- Methylfolate is causing a specific nutrient/vitamin to diminish?
- Methylfolate is causing dormant viruses to activate?
- Methylfolate is creating an auto-immune type reaction?
- A histamine reaction?
- B6 related issue

Any advice is appreciate, questions are welcome, I can go into more detail about anything.

Thank you for your time,



Senior Member
I won't be much help, but...

I get air hunger when I supplement B12. Accompanying this air hunger without fail is a popping noise deep in my sinuses. A very deep sounding pop that doesn't clear anything. It's very strange.

However, methylfolate seems to have stopped my B12-induced air hunger and, along with it, the pop. I did notice more mucous etc around my nose and upper throat when I upped my folate. So, I've been wondering about the effect of methylfolate on the sinuses too, but from the opposite point of view.


Senior Member
@yayitsjon and @seamyb......Is it possible that you're actually allergic to both of these substances...especially if you feel better in the beginning?

Sinus inflammation is hard to control. Antibiotics are suggested, but I've had no relief from them, although I never did go back for a third trial.

Allergies can begin at anytime in life and can also cause throat and ear problems (if the sinuses are involved). Perhaps an ENT may be your best choice at this time in life. It would seem that 99% of the population has a deviated septum. However, an infection is something else. At least you'll find out for sure if it is an infection or exactly what the Dr. thinks. I know, I know...another Dr.! Just a thought. I wish you well. Yours, Lenora.
@yayitsjon and @seamyb......Is it possible that you're actually allergic to both of these substances...especially if you feel better in the beginning?

Sinus inflammation is hard to control. Antibiotics are suggested, but I've had no relief from them, although I never did go back for a third trial.

Allergies can begin at anytime in life and can also cause throat and ear problems (if the sinuses are involved). Perhaps an ENT may be your best choice at this time in life. It would seem that 99% of the population has a deviated septum. However, an infection is something else. At least you'll find out for sure if it is an infection or exactly what the Dr. thinks. I know, I know...another Dr.! Just a thought. I wish you well. Yours, Lenora.

Hi Lenora, thanks for the response.

Is it possible to be allergic to folinic acid and methyfolate? This occured even when I ceased all supplements and took only 1 drop of folinic acid daily (roughly 140% RDI). I understand many people have wild reactions to folate, but I'm not sure if you can be allergic in a traditional sense.

Regarding allergies, I did visit a doctor about this and the first line of treatment was Allergra + Nasonex. I tried Allegra for a few days, but just felt a bit dry and thirsty. The Nasonex at first irritated it, but then I believe it helped some - but around day 3 or 4 a mouth sore popped up so I discontinued.

I'm fairly certain at this point I'm either awakening a CNS virus or creating a nutritional deficiency. Mouth blisters/sores are a common occurrence. I'm breaking out in acne is odd places, not my face but thighs and hairline.

An infectious disease doctor didn't seem to think it was a virus since it's chronic and no fever and the ENT wasn't sure, just gave me allergy treatment. I think I'm past the point of any general practitioner understanding what is going on.

About 4-5 days ago I ceased all supplements to try and "get back to normal" - also taking a week cycle of Valtrex in case it is HSV related. Unfortunately I'm still getting the sinus inflammation and now an eerie neck pain - not muscular, but rather a deep nerve/neurological pain right at where my spine and skull connect. Some of the nasal inflammation is manifesting into a general headache.

I'm trying not to get too worked up, but I'm quite concerned it's mild encephalitis or something like that. At no point have I had an actual fever, although I can only recall having a fever (that I knew of) maybe once or twice in my life.

I may take some methylfolate and purposely induce some of the inflammation and get a CT scan to see if any irregularities. Covid has made this all the more stressful.

My best,
