Methylene Blue -- The "Perfect Supplement" For ME/CFS (?)

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
@Wayne, all the stuff from the two attempts with MB have long passed now. I went to an allergy center before the end of last year and they were willing to test the MB with skin pricks... and wouldn't you know, I was found allergic to it. Makes sense...

Vibration, yes my wife and I have studied vibration therapies quite a bit over many years. We use various tunning forks regularly, for instance. We also practice deep throat vibration with humming which stimulates the vagus nerve functions. Some methods work and others not so much we have found. But that is vibration... it needs to be the precise frequency for the exact purpose or it won't be effective. Just like western music. All western instruments are slightly off key because they were all aligned with the piano, which isn't a pure overtone frequency, and so it is said that western music cannot be truly healing to the body for that reason. Jill Purce talks a great deal on this. Quite fascinating really.


Senior Member
Hi Wolf.....It's good to see you back on here.

I forget (yes, I've reached that point), but have you had trouble sleeping? Your wife? If so, has anything helped? Maybe even vibration therapy would. I'm sick of this all-night non-sleep problem. Just not good and I don't like the way I'm feeling.

I hope the two of you are doing better than last winter. Take care of yourselves. Yours, Lenora

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
Hi Wolf.....It's good to see you back on here.

I forget (yes, I've reached that point), but have you had trouble sleeping? Your wife? If so, has anything helped? Maybe even vibration therapy would. I'm sick of this all-night non-sleep problem. Just not good and I don't like the way I'm feeling.

I hope the two of you are doing better than last winter. Take care of yourselves. Yours, Lenora
Hey Lenora,

We are doing as best as we are able right now. I had a severe full body inflammation flare up 8 days ago that is only now starting to subside. Came out of nowhere and created full body agonizing pain 24/7. Couldn’t sleep, couldn’t sit or lay still… miserable. I have a few theories as to what caused it, but they are only speculation. Today is the first day since it started where I can sit in somewhat comfort and concentrate fully beyond the pain. I see that as a positive sign.

Sleep, yes, my wife with her Parkinson’s has sleep issues, and mine come and go depending upon what my dysautonomia and neurotransmitter issue are doing. A few things that help us (none are perfect and the body shifts around so we find shifting protocols necessary as well):

  • PS 200
  • Melatonin – 3 mg
  • GABA – up to 600 mg
  • never take melatonin or GABA with 5-HTP
  • 5-HTP – 200 mg
  • L-Tyrosine – 500 mg
  • Salt water before bed
  • Rub soles of feet with warm oil before bed
  • Rub the kidneys with warm hands before bed
  • Herb tea before bed; chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, valerian, etc., etc.
  • Wearing socks to bed helps cool the core body temp faster promoting sleep
  • Sleeping in a cool room
  • Elevating the head of the bed slightly
  • Inhaling lavender essential oil before bed – even just nearby on a cotton ball
  • Sometimes listening to soft music 30 minutes before bed
  • Sometimes reading 30 minutes before bed
  • Dimming the lights 30 minutes before going to bed
  • Sometimes a tablespoon of raw honey just before bed works great
  • Once in bed try visualizations; taking a walk, going for a drive, seeing a show, painting a picture, doing yardwork, etc. – it helps to focus the mind and bring it into deeper focus and eventually sleep
Those are some of the things that help us. There are others and the above need to be rotated for us so the body doesn’t get too familiar with the method to the point of ignoring it.


Senior Member
I'm beginning to think that being hit over the head with a mallet may be the only thing I haven't tried.
I have found that lower lights before sleep can help, but nothing for you said. Thanks, Yours, P.
after reading/skimming this whole thread i'm's all over the place. so many confounders. one issue i've found is that i don't know what triggers me and makes me feel better or worse. so when you try something new how can you be sure your reaction good or bad is due to this thing? you'd have to try it several times and then figure the odds of that happening. all i know to do is wait until i'm feeling somewhat normal. then try and live a somewhat normal life. until then it's naps and not much else.