Methylene Blue -- The "Perfect Supplement" For ME/CFS (?)


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I'm interested in trying this, but of course it has the dumb side effect of permanently staining toilets. I have a job so I'm often going in business bathrooms. I can't be going around coloring their porcelain.
Hi @forestglip -- Small amounts of MB (which is what I recommend for maintenance purposes) shouldn't cause a problem with staining. I posted a testimonial on the first page of this thread where one guy said 3 drops a day prevented him from getting recurring UTIs. So there's benefit to be had even at doses that aren't high enough to cause staining.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
That company looks kinda sketchy to me. For one thing their website makes outrageous, unscientific claims about what MB can do. There's zero evidence that it prevents aging.

The below is from their website. Seems pretty benign to me; wouldn't exactly call it making outrageous, unscientific claims.

Defies Aging​

MB helps to slow aging by enhancing mitochondrial function and energy production. Its antioxidant properties help to protect cells from oxidative damage, which is a contributing factor to age-related degeneration.​


Senior Member
United Kingdom
[EDIT on February 27, 2024 - THIS MB Product is what I'm currently using and recommending.]

I read a fairly extensive (and excellent) ARTICLE back in February on Methylene Blue (MB)......

4) Powerful anti-fungal -- It's used in fish tanks to control fungal growth, and it's what gives aquarium's their familiar blue color. It made me think of how many of us have some level of candida overgrowth, or some other opportunistic fungal infection(s). It seems these kinds of infections are often factors in digestive disorders many of us have, like SIBO, IBS, or something that doesn't even have a name yet. After taking MB for a few weeks, I've come to believe it likely knocked out a low-grade fungal infection in my sinuses.

5) MB apparently has some potent anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It appears from THIS STUDY that it prevented 2,500 people in France being treated for cancer with MB from ever getting COVID. BTW, MB is also being used by various health care practitioners to treat Lyme, Bartonella, and other co-infections.
If anyone gives this a try then you can write off yet another antimicrobials on top of all the other antimicrobials made totally ineffective against the pathogens that cause ME/Fibro. You could be digging yourself into a hole that you may never get out of! I can 100% guarantee that biofilm protected pathogens WILL adapt to ANY antimicrobial if their biofilm is untreated/unremoved when you take ANY antimicrobial.

Short term gain for long term pain seems appropriate IMO.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
Timing question for those that are on MB. I’ve only had one drop, yesterday morning. Last night, I felt energized, even after taking the garbage out to the curb. But my sleep was ragged because my legs were vibrating. I didn’t notice energy in the daytime, but I didn’t expect to on day one either. Should I be taking this at night? Or is morning better timing wise, and poor sleep last night was a fluke?


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Should I be taking this at night? Or is morning better timing wise, and poor sleep last night was a fluke?

Hi @Strawberry -- I doubt that your disrupted sleep was a fluke, and likely the result of the "energizing" MB. It can do that, and for those of us with sensitive systems, only a very small amount is all it takes. That's why when I start literally anything new, I make sure to take it in the morning, in case it has the potential to disrupt my sleep. I think the fact you felt energized is a good sign. Perhaps cut back to a fraction of a drop and see what happens. Good luck finding the dosage that turns out to be the "sweet spot". :)


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
So how long does it take to kick in with everyone? Is 12 hours normal? I’m at the end of my rope.

I don't think there's one right answer for everyone. When I first took it (2 drops, one in the a.m. and one in the afternoon) it made me extra tired and I slept better. The extra fatigue and sleeping better lasted a couple of days and then suddenly I started getting extra energy AND sleeping worse. I cut back to 1.5 drops and was awake all night. So I stopped the MB altogether.

I plan to try it again, this time maybe 1/2 of a drop since I seem to be ultra sensitive to it. And as with anything that causes insomnia, I plan to take it in the morning.

I do see your point - if it takes 12 hours to kick in, one would think it was best to take it at night, but I'm not brave enough to give that a try!
The Netherlands
Methylene Blue helps me. 3 times 10 drops per day (= 15mg) is the minimal dose for me to be noticeable. 2 times 10 drops per day was not noticeable. I have just started experimenting today with a single dose of 15 mg= 30 drops per day (increasing it eventually). You guys are way too careful with the dose. I have been taking it since January daily.
Try CTZL powder. I read about it on My order is enroute.
That's where I bought it too.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
You guys are way too careful with the dose.
People with ME have to be because there is too much of a chance of causing a major set back, even a permanent one.

Not everyone responds to these things the same. We see that all over this forum. So low and slow is always the best way to trial things. If no negative reactions then increasing slowly would indeed be a possibility.


Senior Member
Ran across a good 10-video on PEMF. This LINK goes to a reference in the video on remarkable success using PEMF for insomnia. Here's a LINK to a reference in the same video to 100% of people with scalp psoriasis having it clear up with PEMF. Pretty amazing data!
Get in contact with the earth instead!


Senior Member
Methylene Blue (I think I took 5 or 6 drops in the morning) triggered me into adrenal crisis. Probably not a good supplement for those who have low cortisol issues.
lol cortisol= lack of AM sunlight, which will rasise it.


Senior Member
lol cortisol= lack of AM sunlight, which will rasise it.
I meant LOW and RAISE lol Keyboardis sticking. Sorry. Bright morning sun, and dim light(fire) at night is how we evolved, do not get away from that.


Senior Member
I can 100% guarantee that biofilm protected pathogens WILL adapt to ANY antimicrobial if their biofilm is untreated/unremoved when you take ANY antimicrobial.
do you have an idea on how to treat such biofilms? i've read that amylase can aide it and wheat seems to contain an amylase inhibitor.


Senior Member
I meant LOW and RAISE lol Keyboardis sticking. Sorry. Bright morning sun, and dim light(fire) at night is how we evolved, do not get away from that.
I have been trying for years to go to bed earlier so I could wake up earlier and be more in sync with daytime natural rhythms. I wouldn't have ever thought I would be this hard. I guess it's mainly because I finally get slightly more energy in the evening and then I try to get some things done off my never-ending to-do list. And then I go to bed too late.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
do you have an idea on how to treat such biofilms? i've read that amylase can aide it and wheat seems to contain an amylase inhibitor.
There are many anti biofilm supplements, many are enzymes. Biofilms can vary in their constituents therefore one enzyme is unlikely to be effective IMO.
I like the Interfase products, the one without the plus ie EDTA which uses up space in the capsule and reduces the enzyme levels because of that. EDTA is cheap and I purchased some and put that into capsules to take along with Interfase (non plus). It's important not to take too much EDTA because it can affect blood cells and it can bind to minerals in the blood. I believe that the maximum is meant to be around 1.5 grams in the blood but it is not all absorbed from the digestive system. The 1.5 grams was using IV EDTA because more than that was found to be damaging.

I use 2 size zero capsules when I am working on the biofilm(s). It's very important not to take any new antimicrobials without first removing the biofilm(s) because they will adapt to any antimicrobials very quickly when they are inside a biofilm. I also add some extra Serrapeptase and Nattokinase. I do use a lot of capsules, I use around 12 decapped.

Quorum Sensing Inhibitors would also be helpful and those depend upon the microorganism(s) involved. QSI's tend to inhibit micro-organism communication within a biofilm which helps prevent them from signalling to carry out activities within the biofilm such as strengthening the biofilm when it is being broken down. They can rebuild it very quickly therefore blocking this process can be very helpful. EDTA binds to minerals such as calcium, magnesium and other metals which are released from the biofilm which helps prevent them getting the nutrients to rebuild the biofilm.

Other antibiofilm enzyme formulas in no particular order:
Interfase and Interfase plus - note that the plus is not really an advantage because the EDTA amount is too small IMO and it takes space away from the enzymes and there are less enzymes contained within it.
Biofilm Defense by Kirkman Labs
Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced (containing bismuth a known antibiofilm compound which is often used when treating helicobacter pylori.)
BioDisrupt - This looks quite poor to me.

My personal rating would be Interfase (87.5mg more enzymes than the plus variety per capsule), SerraDefend, Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced and Biofilm Defense which is missing and important enzyme if used against Candida. It may possibly use an alternative enzyme. I dislike the rice products which it contains because the enzymes could potentially work on them.

BFB 1 and BFB 2 are essential oils which work as QSI and Efflux Pump Inhibitors. Ideally these would benefit from being made into liposomes so that the oils do not form clumps so that they can have a wider affect on biofilms in different locations.

Efflux Pumps are what can make pathogens resistant to antimicrobials therefore inhibiting them can make antimicrobials more effective. There are many EPI's and some in food stuffs, Green Tea contains some among many others. Particular QSI's and EPI's largely have similar effects on different microbial mechanisms affecting both Efflux Pumps and Quorum Sensing. If something is effective against an Efflux Pump then it is likely to also be effective against Quorum Sensing of the micro-organism.

Be aware that some of these products, most notedly Interfase and SerraDefend both contain Chitosanase which has been shown to be effective against Candida cell walls and Candida biofilms. Also be aware that pathogens can share a biofilm, there can be different species within a biofilm and it is not uncommon for Candida to share a biofilm with some bacteria species.

NAC also works against biofilms and might explain why many of use react badly to NAC. The dosage needs to be fairly high for maximum effect, I did seen an article on it but lost it unfortunately.

There are many other things which are effective against biofilms. There are many natural anti biofilm herbs and supplements and PubMed Central lists quite a few of them.
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Senior Member
I have been trying for years to go to bed earlier so I could wake up earlier and be more in sync with daytime natural rhythms. I wouldn't have ever thought I would be this hard. I guess it's mainly because I finally get slightly more energy in the evening and then I try to get some things done off my never-ending to-do list. And then I go to bed too late.
Cold showers in the evening will help you.