Just to give you update:
Marly Silverman, with PANDORA, who has been handling relations with patient organizations, reports she has commitments from three other patient organizations to have their logo added to the advertisements. They are:
Vermont CFIDS Association
Wisconsin ME/CFS Association
Rocky Mountain CFIDS Association
If you support this ad campaign, please show your support for these organizations also. The ad will contain five logos: MCWPA, PANDORA and the ones above. The MCWPA website address will be included. This will show we are uniting in our message. We plan to provide these organizations a list of the media talking points.
Media Relations - Speaking of that, Sita is working on getting media talking points, forming a press release and preparing to send out the press release. The press release message will complement the ad, explaining why this group is doing it. Basically, the message is that patients will not be silent any more. We are taking our message to the public because it is a public health concern. It will include many other patient activist activities this year, including those in UK. Sita would love to have more help her. Particularly, she is asking for administrative help. Go here to discuss the issues:
http://forum.mcwpa.org/ You may have to register. Then when you want to see the topics, you may have to enter the word "action". Also, feel free to contact Sita directly. You will see she is an administrator on our Facebook Cause page.
Website - Andrea is working on adding content to the website. We still have an issue with AT&T. We have been on the phone with them almost daily. We will keep you posted.
Fund Raising - Karen is working on getting the MCWPA logo on products that you can purchase. A percentage will go to MCWPA. Look for a bulletin soon where you can help decide through a vote what products should be included. Karen also would love to have more helping her. Go here:
http://forum.mcwpa.org/ and you will see a topic for fund raising. Also, she has posted on the Facebook Cause page. Her name is: Karen Mascuch Ravitz. Feel free to contact her directly. Don't forget, we got this far by donations. With more donations, we can do more. Go here to donate:
Ad design - The designers made refinements after receiving the patient feedback. Many commented that they were impressed with the insight the patient feedback showed. A report was sent to each designer showing every suggestion given. Today or tomorrow we will be contacting Washington Post for their committee review to see if these are eligible for charity rate. If changes must be made to get charity rate, we will have to make them. We are getting big discount because of getting charity rate. Overall, we were told charities can educate. We were assured we can give a strong message with that rate, but sometimes it has to be worded in a different way. The newspaper will advise us of what changes have to be made to get that rate, if any.
We are making history.