Major Public Media Campaign Launched - This WILL Get the Attention of MILLIONS!


Senior Member
Can NOT wait to see what happens after the AD hits the Washington Post

We expect the journalists will go digging. We expect people will want more info so we are trying like crazy to get tons of info, videos, etc. on the new website. The Team is working like crazy to get the website really robust and loaded with info for the public/journalists, etc.

But you never know what else will happen when you put out a heavy-duty AD like this one into the Nation's newspaper - The Washington Post. It will be very interesting to see what all goes on.

Everyone should keep hitting our causes site and I think it would be a great idea to put this amazing video (I don't KNOW you did it) out everywhere they can - every website, blog, etc. so that people can see how far back this disease goes and what the CDC has done to us - and what they have not done for the American public in protecting their health:


I have posted this Youtube video address everywhere since it is brilliant!

Also, do all other advocacy things that others suggest like the email/fax/call idea. HIT THEM ALL HARD!!
Great idea!! I do that everyday and will start the faxing/calling next.

Also, do send something to the peole at CFSAC. I was NOT going to but Marly Silverman said that it would be best to do so. I did. But I told them what was going to happen to their organizations after the public/world found out about the cover-up of this retrovirus and the damage it is possibly involved in. No more story telling to the CFSAC. I'm mad and they need to hear it and know that the public is being alerted to the failures of our Federal health care system and the cover-up by the CDC.

Recovery Soon

Senior Member
Our disease and that Retrovirus (and the Defreitas Retrovirus) may well be part of a larger cover-up of "deliberate-infections" by our government(s) or rogues within our government health orgs - experimenting on their own people is NOT new to the US as we now know. Wonder about those other 40 "deliberate-infections" that Dr. Collins spoke about. Are WE in that group? Bet we are!

I am in awe of the advocacy efforts you guys have accomplished in such a short period of time. And can't wait to see the ads.

But I think it's an extremely bad idea to throw out wacky Government Conspiracy Theories that CFS is part of some deliberate infection program. That happened 70 years ago. And comparing CFS to it damages your credibility- especially at a time when we need it the most.


Senior Member
Recovery Soon et al,
According to the list of 40, creepy things continued up until and through the 2000s. But I agree with you that adressing that is not the approach here. It is the quickest way to be relegated to the Lunatic Fringe, even though I too have serious questions about the weird CDC denialism and the UK's bizzare 50-or-so year Official Secrets protection of ME documentation.
Those subjects should be separate, and perhaps wait for *after* we have gotten the positive attention and action we need. Alienating our allies would be a serious mistake at this point--especially by accusing them of unsubstantiated misconduct that may even be true! That really gets peoples' hackles up!

This excellent Campaign has the potential to turn alot of people we need into our allies and advocates. This is of the utmost importance, and I'd rather have cure/treatment/respect now, and wait 70 years for unpleasant truths if it turns out there are any. Let them save face and look like heros no matter what the reason for these years of denial. If their intervention helps get us well, that's what really counts.

Recovery Soon

Senior Member
I am as angry as anyone about the CDC denialism- which is very substantiated. But there's no evidence whatsoever of the Government infecting us on purpose. Anyone can think anything- but saying it, or writing it, in the absence of credible information, correctly lands you in the Lunatic Fringe- right along with the 911 Conspiracy Theorists.

But- enough of that.

This campaign is amazing. I am closely following it- have contributed- and think it is one of the most empowering developments we have seen to date. I can't wait to get that Washington Post!


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Ad samples coming soon.

Money is there. We hope to do many ads though.

This is so great in that many have wanted to do public demonstrations for so long, but we are so sick. this gives us a chance to be heard.

I am giddy. Thank you to all who have helped. We are all getting along so great. We are benefiting from the expertise of the patients.

We will have multiple ads to choose from. The majority will say what ad and what message is included.

Yeah Team.



Senior Member
Leela: We all agree that we need funding for research and clincial trials NOW. Not to worry about a mixed message and the conspiracy stuff. That is not any part of the message and should not be. Sorry if I misled, I was tired and rambling and that gets me into trouble.

I believe the media will pick up on all of that possible cover-up stuff anyway and run with it. I also thnk our Ad will give a great deal of info and things to think about and ideas for the media to go looking into - and that is what we want.

So no, there will not be wild accusations against the CDC - the press is already doing that with the experiements that the CDC has/is engaged in. Dr. Collins handed the rope of 40 other deliberate infections to the media to hang the CDC. Collins already did them in.

We ALL need help NOW. We need massive funding NOW. And I and others do believe this media campaign will help get us that money and attention soon.

Stay tuned. We are doing great! And yes, as Tina said we do have a really wonderful group of people. We lucked out big time with so many good, decent, well-meaning Team mates and members. It has been hard work but it also has been rewarding dealing with these guys. Tina and Marly deserve a huge pat on the back for their intense dedication and amazing skills. I am particularly fond of both women and also my other team mates. Could not ask for nicer people. And super decent people are what gets the job done. Guess that's why we are almost there in just two months. Or rather, "there" for Round One.


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
August, we expect within the next month, if we can get the charity rate and still get our message.

We have five designs. One is completed and has been reviewed by researcher. Two others are ready for researcher review. Two are not quite ready for researcher review, but should be soon.

When they are finished with researcher review, we will put them out to the patients for feedback. Then the designers will make their changes. We will then have an official vote.

After votes are tallied, we will submit to newspaper and ask if we can get charity rate as it is.

Because of CFSAC and New Jersey meetings, researchers are busy, patients are distracted.

Some of those speaking and holding up the cards made by PANDORA discussed that having the ad after this demonstration, if you will, is better, as it reinforces the message they are giving. It shows we will not stay in a little room where a committee meets and no reporters are. We are going public. They will have to deal with the issue.

I other words, the volume is getting louder, the pressure is getting stronger. The people are organizing and are asserting, claiming power.



Senior Member
Well said Tina, as usual. Plus it should be noted that those ADs must be hard-hitting and accurate or we wasted a good shot and money, time, energy, effort. So, a little more time on the ADs will yield the very best that can be put out there into the public domain. It has to be right. So, a tiny bit longer ensures those ADs are done well and are accurate. Don't want slop going out to the publlic or you just lost any interest and credibility.


Senior Member
Tina maybe provide me and some other activists with some demo ads to put on free channels, maybe linking back to the website, i'm thinking of facebook and so on...


Senior Member
I'm so excited. We should all give ourselves a pat on the back for getting this far. The ads look GREAT. I can't wait to vote and see them in print!