Me/cfs worldwide patient alliance (mcwpa) progress report by tina
We have a progress report
Posted by Tina Marie Miller Tidmore on Oct 2
We are glad to report the progress we are making. So much has been going on behind the scenes. We want you to know that the MCWPA Team is working hard for you.
See here:
If you would like to donate, please go here:
Exciting things will be coming out soon.
Tina Marie Miller Tidmore: The patients who have been working behind the scenes would like to give you a progress report.
Website- Finishing touches being done now. Will have discussion forum for people who aren't on Facebook. Also good thing since we have had problems with Cause page in the past. Look for announcement very soon.
Ads- We have one submitted to researcher. We have another ready to be submitted. We have one that will be ready to be submitted early next week. We have another that will be ready for researcher review sometime next week. We are having researcher review them for accuracy. Don't worry, we know this is not a researcher ad but an ad of the patients' voice. Then advisers will make suggestions on the ad samples. Then the best will be presented to you for a vote. You should know that these ad designers based their ads on the comments the patients have given here on the Cause page discussion board. You will find the ads reflect the spirit and much of the specific suggestions you have expressed here.
Other patient activists- We have been in conversations with other patient activists to collaborate on timing and message and graphics.
Ad Sales person- I had a conversation with one of the ad sales people late last week. They are really going out of their way to help us.
Media spokesperson- We have a media spokesperson with years of experience. This person will be coordinating with a group of patients to form media talking points to make sure the message is clear and concise with good soundbites. Also, this group will also be putting together a press release. And they will be gathering media contacts.
Fund raising- Sarah has been keeping you up to date on donations, including those received outside of Facebook. This group is also considering putting together some products for purchase that ME/CFS patients particularly need. They are also open to other ideas. They have been spreading the word on message boards, including Autism message boards, with wonderful success.
Video- When we get an ad selected by patients, then we can do videos with same tone.
How many helping- We have a list of 24 patients who have offered to help. If you have an interest in any of these areas, please join us. Contact me at or call me at 205-680-6890.
Particular areas of need:
More advisers with advertising experience or PR experience
More to help Sarah with fund raising by giving ideas and doing legwork (She has only two who are active now.)
More to help who have PR experience or news media experience
Someone who can check into opportunities for free advertising
Also, don't forget to donate here:
Thank you to everyone who is working so hard. It truly is amazing what has been done in such a short time through volunteers, most of whom have severe limitations because of our illness. I am so impressed. We have gathered professionals, those with experience, yet we have not had to pay. All your donations are going to the ad.