Glad you had some good days in the first month - that's very encouraging! I feel like c**p today so I'm very grateful for that.
I think my MAF's taste is getting stronger even while it's in the fridge - this morning's first spoonful tasted like vomit (there has always been a vomit aftertaste but it's more upfront now!).
So, top tip: I mixed this morning's dose with cinnamon and cocoa powder, which was an improvement, but what made the real difference was adding three drops of stevia. Much more pleasant. Still not what you'd eat for fun but it really took the edge off and I was able to get through it much quicker. The taste has been slowing me down before - I've been trying to swish it round my mouth for a few seconds as per Ruggerio but needed a bit of a rest between spoonfuls because of the taste.
I used stevia because it's the only sweetener I've got in the house but hope to be able to get out to buy some honey today and will use that tomorrow. I'm just adding these things in straight before I take the MAF - I wouldn't want to add it to the big jar in the fridge in case it alters the culture or something.