LED red intranasal light therapy


Victoria, BC
A few more things I have I think learned. One is not to use a pulsed unit like the 810 with another pulsed unit–that might confuse the brain. It would be OK to use the 810 with a continuous wave unit. Don’t overdrive–the "hormesis" principle–a tiny bit may be useless, too much may damage, get it just right in the middle–though noone knows exactly where that is. We need to recognize that we are participating in an ongoing and very interesting experiment; we are part of the experimental team, not just passive patients. There is ongoing discussion about the best wavelengths for specific purposes ( essays by T. Karu and M. Hamblin), pulsed or continuous (pulsed seems to be winning–deeper penetration, less danger of heating effects), total energy delivered, rate of delivery: all are still being discussed.

Hi Chris - My father (87) suffered a hemorragic stroke due to Warfarin about two weeks ago. He was at first very lucky to have survived and seemed very weak but fine. A few days later however it seems like he fell into a fairly significant state of dementia (vascular?). He has been experiencing fairly severe sleep disturbance and depression. I gave him the 810 to use and was adviced to use 25min treatment twice a day with the 810 by the seller. Some days it seems his cognition skills are improved and I am encouraged. We have gotten him to 4.5 hours of good night sleep before anxiety and restlessness (kind of like a sleep disturbance syndrome - seems like he goes into kind of a trance. I see it in his eyes). Other days, days he is far away mentally. Do you have any suggestions re the treatment frequency for this condition? Sometimes I wonder about the 25min treatment twice a day. My mom sometimes does treatment in morning and afternoon instead of evening. Have you seen any studies on dosage treatment and length of time to see significant improvement... you mentioned something about timing treatments 8 hours apart for 810 and 663. (We don't have a 633). Also, I heard one researcher indicate that with the rat model, there is definitie improvement with stroke up 810 treatment up to the 14 day mark, but after that the results go backward. I haven't been able to find more about this finding but was concerned that many of the Chinese studies seem to be for a very short period of time... 14 days, 20 days.... no longer studies. I am so happy for the improvement I believe I see (some days). But, I also find myself wondering if the 810 treatment is making his bad days worse as well as whether the treatment should be done everyday twice a day as we have been doing.


Fine, thank you
Some blurb that Vielight emailed me about Lew Lim's upcoming webinar:

Lew Lim said:
Firstly, thank you for your interest in our Vielight technology. If you own a Vielight device, you will certainly appreciate this email which invites you to a documentary webinar that presents the science behind our devices:Photobiomodulation (or low level light therapy).

One condition that we have paid particular attention to is its application for the brain, especially Alzheimer’s disease. To date, there is no medication that offers the promise of reversal for Alzheimer’s disease; and as far as I know, not even in the pipeline.

If you or someone you know is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, this webinar would be especially interesting to you.

Join me as I present a documentary webinar on how light can heal the brain. This will take place on Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 9 pm Eastern Time as part of the World Summit on Integrative Medicine 2015. For a preview of what’s to come, click the link below.

Watch this photobiomodulation webinar trailer

The webinar will be packed with information and educational insights, including those from knowledge leaders at Boston University Medical School and Harvard Medical School.

I will be presenting video interviews with Alzheimer’s disease patients in an ongoing randomized placebo-controlled study using our Vielight devices. This is the first time a randomized placebo-controlled study has been carried out on patients with Alzheimer’s based on photobiomodulation. More importantly, the outcomes so far have exceeded our expectations.

This webinar will give you a better understanding of:

• The healing potential of photobiomodulation

• The cellular effects of specific light energy

• The hope for neurological issues, such as Alzheimer’s

Click here to sign up for this free photobiomodulation webinar for free.By doing this, you will also get free access to the other webinars in the World Summit of Integrative Medicine 2015. Learn from some of today’s top minds in integrative medicine in this major educational event.

Hope to see you soon![

Lew Lim, ND, MBA, FCMA, Grad. Cert. Eng
Founder & CEO


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
How quickly do/did you get headaches after using the device?
Almost immediately. That is why I gave it a break, but as I have posted recently, I can now tolerate the full cycle, though I am doing it every other day to be cautious.


Fine, thank you
Almost immediately. That is why I gave it a break, but as I have posted recently, I can now tolerate the full cycle, though I am doing it every other day to be cautious.

That's good! Have you noticed any benefits?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Sinus clearing in a good way? :eek:
How long have you been using the device for the full 25 mins now?
Isn't sinus clearing always good? :lol:
I've only used it a few times recently as I had to go out of town to see my doc for a few days and wanted to minimize all possible stresses as travel was bad enough!


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
@foggyfroggy, the base of the skull is a key point for both Fred Kahn in his treatment of ME, and for the Polish group that is still treating MS; I guess the aim is partly to irradiate the spinal column, in the belief that the fluid circulating there bathes the brain and will have a wide effect, and partly perhaps to try to reach the brain stem and cerebellum where much of the Autonomic Nervous System is based.

I don't know if the Vielight 810 would be as good as the 633 for treating sinusitis--I would choose the 633 myself, and I think that would be their recommendation--they do have a helpful phone number. But the 810 would be the best bet for mid-brain stimulation. For a chronic toe infection your vet. laser unit would probably be better--I have used my MED-X capsule on a toe problem, and that helped; you could try one of the Vielight units, but that is not what they were designed for. And I just don't know if they could be used for vagus nerve stimulation--it is possible, and I may try it; some people have had luck treating tinnitus by applying an intranasal unit to the ear, and that is possible if you place the nostril clip below the transparent diode housing. I don't know that the 600 models have been used for wound healing--they would seem a bit awkward and underpowered for such use, but they would not hurt. Again, check with the phone no. given as contact on the vielight.com and mediclights.com sites.

@Chris - how would you try vagus nerve stimulation? That's what the PoNS does, but don't recall Doidge making that connection with laser.


Senior Member
Actually, looking for clarification....is the Vielight 633 being used intranasally and what model is being used for the base of the brain? I apologize if it is already been addressed....really bad brain day.


Fine, thank you
Actually, looking for clarification....is the Vielight 633 being used intranasally and what model is being used for the base of the brain? I apologize if it is already been addressed....really bad brain day.

Again, I think you need to say used by whom - people on this thread are using a variety of different devices, I think, and some seem to be even sticking them in their bellybuttons rather than up their noses! :)

FWIW, the Vielight 633 and Vielight 810 are both designed to be used as intranasal devices.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@Vineyard; any LED or laser device that gives a reasonable amount of power could be used on the base of the brain; the intranasal devices, particularly the 810, can at least potentially reach the underside of the brain; the approach from the back of the neck/base of the brain is likely to reach other parts--really depends on where you want to get to. Get an atlas of the brain. You will find some maps on both the Vielight and Mediclights sites.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
"...and some seem to be even sticking them in their bellybuttons rather than up their noses! :)

Whew... I’ve spent several hours over the past few days reading this entire thread. It’s been quite an exercise, with my brain feeling a bit fatigued from doing it. The reason I was finally able to do it however was because I recently discovered I could improve my mental stamina by drinking nettles juice regularly. Coenzymated B Complex helped as well.

Have to say this has been quite a fascinating read. Special thanks to @Lou for starting it, @Asklipia for her gregarious, humorous and insightful journaling, and @Chris for his generosity in sharing some in-depth information and experience. I was especially intrigued by how it helped with his tinnitus and OI. That to me has almost mind-blowing implications (course, it doesn’t take much to blow my mind these days). ;)

Of course, thanks to everyone else who contributed to make this quite a unique thread. I was fairly shocked to see that even though I had occasionally chimed on this thread over the past two years, I only understood barely a fraction of what was being discussed, and unable to really put it together in my mind in a sequential manner. Now that I’ve been able to (again, I think primarily due to the nettles), I look forward to following this whole topic far more closely.

There’s a number of things I have questions on, and other things I’d like to post some perspectives on. But I’ll save that for another day when I have a chance to review some of this a bit more. Regarding Sasha’s comment about some sticking the LED device in their bellybuttons... if I recall correctly, I believe they actually delicately placed it on their navels which led to an esoteric experience. :) :angel:

Best to All, Wayne
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
My father (87) suffered a hemorragic stroke

Hi @laj,

I'm sorry to hear about your father's stroke. Just wanted to briefly mention that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) could possibly be a very good thing for you to explore. There are a number of standalone HBOT facilities that have reported tremendous success with strokes and other brain injuries. I've even seen references to some with ME/CFS having benefitted from using it.

Best, Wayne
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Senior Member
southeast US
Hi @laj,

I'm sorry to hear about your father's stroke. Just wanted to briefly mention that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) could possibly be a very good thing for you to explore. There are a number of standalone HBOT facilities that have reported tremendous success with strokes and other brain injuries. I've even seen references to some with ME/CFS having benefitted from using it.

Best, Wayne

I agree, have read HBOT can have tremendous benefit, and the quicker post stroke, the better.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
@Wayne--this is no substitute for a full update, but just a note that the improvement in tinnitus has not been fully upheld--I would say there has been a bit of improvement, but no final victory. Though I still remember the silence after my first trial of the Vielight 810--it did happen. The same may be true of the OI improvement--there may be other factors at work here, and I will update in a while when the other possible factors have been further explored.


Fine, thank you
Got my Vielight 633 a couple of week or so ago.

Nothing to report yet (I'm always all over the shop, within certain limits, so I don't tend to report quickly on new interventions) but I suspect that it may be contributing to my insomnia if I use it close to bedtime so I'm trying to stick to the mornings. That might be a false observation - so many other factors at play. o_O


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Sasha, sorry to hear this negative report, provisional as it wisely is. But we are a bunch of differentiated problem children, and it is possible that intranasal --and perhaps the whole range of LLLT devices--are just not for you. Will update my own experiences and findings soon.