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KPU & Mercury and other Heavy Metal Chelation


Senior Member
Oh yes, Sushi. This is such tricky stuff. I cant tell a mercury dump from a lyme flare.. nothing I can tell apart except for the first time I took slivers of methyl folate and felt as if my legs were going to rot off.. got off the methyl folate and the symptoms calmed down.. followed by a UTM that showed the metals were dumping. How do you tell your symptoms apart and identify what is what? How much zinc do you take? I am taking 15 mg. B6 at 35 and P5P at 44 ish.


Senior Member

Thank you. This helps. I am taking B6, zinc (15 mg), and your simplified 5. I am taking some of yasko's helpers like nucleotides and NADH and trying to take a good look at gaba and glutamate balance esp since I am a COMT++ and have enough problems with excite-ment.

Also not knowing what to do with the NOS+ info.. I read limit omega 3s and thats all fine, but then that changes to a generalized "lipids" which means all oils and KPUers probably need alot of omega 6. Do you have thoughts on that?

What do you recommend for the detox fall out? Yasko seems pretty strict with the detox binders. I dont know if EDTA complex is enough for me for example.

Adding on one last question: is it commo to run low grade fevers on this protocol?

Thank you.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
i can't believe it. this is it for me. i have always wondered about the white spots on my fingernails. now after 3 days of treating myself , i am actually dreaming. what is the other thread that deals with kpu? it was mentioned in the beginning of this thread, with mo joey? anyone? i want to get all the information i can.


Senior Member
watch it with the b6; you can also take too much. i had numb arms and neuro stuff flare, and it was due to too much b6/p5p


Senior Member
marin co, ca
slaya, my excitoxicity is so much better from this protocol. but i am also taking lithium that i started with the zinc and b6 and epo. i wish the people who started this thread would come back and report their progress.
Good to hear your excitotoxicty is coming down Sela. My main challenge. I have to avoid caffine liek the plague, it prevents healing. I get ear wax and tooth plaque from caffine, which I believe are biofilms and prevent me from getting better.

I found out I was taking too much b6 on this protocol. Made me extremely jittery and anxious. Not good.

I was doing really well on this KPU protocol, along with freddd's methylation. It was like turning on the lights for me mentally, and physically for a few days. Just a lot of metnal fatigue vanished for a few days, sensitivites to light and EMFS, physcial fatiue went away. Everything turned on like a lightbulb. then I had some stress and added some edta and got whacked. I guess the XMRV boogie man got me with the increased stress and metals in my system:( Haven't been able to get the protocol working again since. Of of the things that happened was metals started coming out when the KPU protocol really started to work.

I found out I am very deficient in minerals through trial and error with this KPU protocol. So like I take cholrella whcih strips my minerals and I get really miserable. then I go back and replace zinc, mag, manganese, and feel better.

Haven;t been able to feel good since my EDTA experience though. However, for me the methylation and KPU seemed to work well. I think the main thing is managing the metals properly when they come out. No excitotoxic events and screw-ups.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
klinghardt says to keep up the detox no matter how hard it is, because after you get the metals out then your body can deal with the other stuff like lyme, etc. i am clearly in detox and it's miserable. i just heard from someone who has been in it for 16 months and it turned up after 11 months. this is hard to face. a lot of the kpu literature says you can feel better quickly. not. funny about the b6, i wonder how much you were taking. i have been upping mine, now at 400mg, and my sleep is just getting better. no anxiety, but i do have irritability and intolerance of noise , people, etc. i can get emotional super fast and it's scary and embarrassing. i am in constant stress so that explains nothing for me. mark, how did you take the edta? i am thinking of stepping up the chelators , kling. really really believes in them , to the point of telling mothers to inject their kids several times a day if necessary.
klinghardt says to keep up the detox no matter how hard it is, because after you get the metals out then your body can deal with the other stuff like lyme, etc. i am clearly in detox and it's miserable. i just heard from someone who has been in it for 16 months and it turned up after 11 months. this is hard to face. a lot of the kpu literature says you can feel better quickly. not. funny about the b6, i wonder how much you were taking. i have been upping mine, now at 400mg, and my sleep is just getting better. no anxiety, but i do have irritability and intolerance of noise , people, etc. i can get emotional super fast and it's scary and embarrassing. i am in constant stress so that explains nothing for me. mark, how did you take the edta? i am thinking of stepping up the chelators , kling. really really believes in them , to the point of telling mothers to inject their kids several times a day if necessary.

I was taking about 100 mg a day plus some 50mg of plain b6 and was WIRED from that.

I believe one can get better quickly. (however I have been detoxing for 2 years now to get to this point) quickly certainly seemed to be the case for me with KPU though. I was feelling really great for a few days. And it came on very suddenly. I was actually getting stuff done, which is very rare for me. Great to hear your sleep is improving. I got that when I added freddd b12 protocol, lots of sleep. However the KPU prtocol made me notice my appetite and libido improving. I'm guessing those are all hormone signals. I have been completely crashed and back to a mess for weeks since my screw up. I was taking wonder labs 625 mg EDTA, 2 a day.(no idea if EDTA caused my probs, but coincidental) along with all my stresss(more to my crash than just stress though)

INtersting about keeping the detox on, I will try and remember that.

Some reason I think my heme is screwed up and my blood doesn't carry oxygen, and think the KPU helped that. Just a hunch though. I keep reading about heme when I read about KPU, or porphyria, or distorted cells trying to carry oxgen through capillaries. I just have a strange feeling that I am trying to treat my heme cells to get them to carry more oxygen to my body, for whatever that is worth. I benefit tremendously from yoga, which probably helps with oxgenation.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
your situation seems very paradoxical to me. i assume you are taking a lot of zinc. the zinc put me in detox. period. i was hoping edta or dmps would help detox not speed it up. kling's idea is that edta gets it out of the body. it is just strange that you felt quite well and then the edta whacked you. theoretically you would be detoxing constantly with the zinc anyway. it sounds as if you did a lot of detox before you tried the kpu protocol . that is what it sounds like, so you didn' t have all that much to do left , so the zinc didn't wipe you out . ( the only other thing i can think of is that it
was a delayed reaction, it took me a couple of weeks of kpu protocol to start the bad detox)

heme is what i understand is that root problem of kpu. frankly i don't even try to follow the biology. brain can't handle it.

yeah, k was begging mothers to not give up the edta, just push it on through. i dunno, can he be trusted?
your situation seems very paradoxical to me. i assume you are taking a lot of zinc. the zinc put me in detox. period. i was hoping edta or dmps would help detox not speed it up. kling's idea is that edta gets it out of the body. it is just strange that you felt quite well and then the edta whacked you. theoretically you would be detoxing constantly with the zinc anyway. it sounds as if you did a lot of detox before you tried the kpu protocol . that is what it sounds like, so you didn' t have all that much to do left , so the zinc didn't wipe you out . ( the only other thing i can think of is that it
was a delayed reaction, it took me a couple of weeks of kpu protocol to start the bad detox)

heme is what i understand is that root problem of kpu. frankly i don't even try to follow the biology. brain can't handle it.

yeah, k was begging mothers to not give up the edta, just push it on through. i dunno, can he be trusted?

Hi sela,

I guess I mis-communicated about the EDTA. I'm not sure the EDTA gave me problems or if it was kind of a caffine and stress binge that got to me while doing the EDTA and the metals were coming out. caffine is my worst enemy and sometimes I crave it then start and can;t quit. So can;t say what caused my crash it was probably the caffine and overdoing it. Caffine messess with my heme, causes excitoxcity(not sure if my excitoxcty feelings are really just messed up heme), and interferes with zinc.

That's good to hear about the EDTA to mop up the metals. IS there somewhere I can follow klingahardts work you are referring to? Am I supposed to take the EDTA after zinc in the morning? I am not taking anything to mop up the metals at the moment. Just take olive oil with fiber and silmarin extract a couple of hours from vitamins. Along iwth sauna on occasion.

My man prgram is to follow Freddd's protocol and add in some ALA/carnitine. My main cofactors for freddd's protocol are ALA 150mg twice a day everyday(not per Andrew Cutler, I may switch to sustained release and pulse) The ALA is critical for me. I can tell because my gums get infected without it. I probably should be following Andrew Culters program though. The I also take a bunch of folic acid, methyl folate, malic acid, and alot of jarrow b12 5000mcg(3x a day) The jarrow really keeps the detox going. ANother thing I do is take OSR on occasion(can;t handle it for long durations becasue of the yeast, but it is great for bringing up gluatathione levels temporarily)

Yes, I was quite a ways along since I had been working on detox before. I do take about 100-150mg of zinc a day on an empty stomach. The zinc makes me detox too.

Now that I think about it, maybe the metals are attacking the heme and that is why I get those porphyria symptoms worse when I am detoxing metals. so absorbing those makes alot of sense. I have that EDTA and won;t give up, just try and research Klinghardts program more.

PS: my main problem is chlamydia pneumonia that I know of. No real meaningful infections I know of. Probably XMRV. I have spuradic severe mental fatigue and some physical faigue along with a lot of cognitive issues.

As I have posted on this site about my ongoing battle with Lyme, HHV-6 and EBV and other blood anomalies, I thought this may be of interest to those of you concerned with heavy metals. Most are looking at parts per million and as I worked with architectural sheet metals (mostly copper, tin and lead) all requiring 50/50 lead/tin soldering that contained significant amounts of arsenic, mercury, and cadmium and flux. I believe the fact that I personally held bare handed 1 lb. bars and breathed in the smoke and vapors from what amounted to 1800 lbs. annually, this times more than twenty years equaling well over 36,000 lbs or 18 tons. Although unimaginable now, poor was really poor and a lot of people did whatever it took to provide a living, the above figures were based on company records.

How many dental fillings would 18 tons fill? Stupid what I did, yes, did we know any better, no. The truth
is you can still buy 50 lb boxes of 50/50 lead solder at your local sheet metal wholesaler and there is not one warning label on or in the box. Did it cause me problems, I believe so, mostly neurological in nature, and most did eventually resolve, excepting cold numb feet and some muscle twitching in my legs, so should you worry about heavy metals ? yes, but even in extreme exposures in adults, you should probably be okay.

The object of this post was to hopefully relieve some of the stress to those of you that
are concerned about long term effects of these toxins, and on the positive side of things, I
probably won't rust.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
mark, not sure how much you have read about kpu or if you sure you have it. my understanding is that kpu-ers cannot detox metals because we are dumping zinc and b6 , thereby screwing up all sort of enzymes etc. when you start to take zinc then you start dumping metals like crazy, all the metals you have stored all your life. i joined the yahoo group mentioned a page ago on this thread. that is where i found the kling video with so much info. i will try to find it and post it here. my main issue right now is that the detox is really bothering me , i don't want to spend the $ for microsilica though i will if someone swears it's worth it. i don't have enough first hand information from people who are doing this detox or have done it. i guess i assume you are in the detox too. i am doing ala also, nac, and chlorella. everyone seems to agree on chlorella.
I can find it


I am watching the video now, long one but highly imformative . All makes so much sense. Esepcailly the EMFs making bacteria create more toxins. I was working with computers all day long when I crashed. learning how to capture the toxins is key. I didn't here him mention EDTA once though, he is all about sing the KPU treatment to jumpstart glutahione and displace metals. He uses all kinds of stuff to catch those metals though

nventor, that's amazing you handled so much heavy metal and feel you detoxed it all. The belief of some doctors is the heavy metals take up place in ones brain and tissues helping infections and other problems. Lead also likes to go where zinc and other minerals should be, is what i have been told. But I guess we are all different and maybe you are a little bent differently then me. I have have detox issues bigtime but tned to believe that there is something else going on as a root cause that causes the constant havic. I am hoping it is XMRV and we can all get on with some solutions here.
15 years ago I was chelated by prescription medicine, but I really didn't feel like it made
much of a difference. The field was very new then and I remember reading an article
in Time magazine about heavy metals, particularly lead, and the author, the leading expert at the
time felt that lead migrated into the bones and generally only leached out when a person was
stressed, thus not to much of a threat.

I made somewhat lite of my exposure in my post trying to be helpful in relieving some angst,
but I didn't get to the doctor because of corrosion. I went through many years of Hell, at one time I
was going to one University after another. My muscle's were constantly fasciculating, I endured extreme
foot pain and the most excruciating penile pain that was similar to blunt force trauma.

The hope for those of you that have had an exposure is that at least in my case and considering
the exposure, the body does seem to deal with it, until contracting Lyme last year, I was an avid
hiker and over the years since have developed many proprietary products, so most of the brain seems to be in service, albeit older and wiser.

interesting. it could be LYME according to the video by Klinghardt. chronic Lyme,a nd other infections, causes the KPU. the KPU causes enzyme dysfunction screwing up the methylation cycle. Or we have the XMRV route. so who knows. Just looking for answers anyway I can get them.
I have been on Imunovir and Famvir for a month or more and it is the first time I have had a
noticeable improvement, I'm also taking Trans Factors along with antibiotics. A lot
of meds I know, but I had to do something. I'm back to work full time and no longer in need
of a midday nap. The reality as I see it is no one size fits all, who knows what the
underlying causes are, I suspect several at least, but try and stay busy and above all,
try to stay positive, difficult as it may be.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
mark, glad you found the video. i think i was just trying to underline what k said about keeping up the detox. actually his fave is microsilica rather than edta. i think so anyway. of course i dont 100% trust him either ( i think he is making money off supplements) but he seems to be the one doing the most work on kpu and lyme. yeah, did i hear him say nearly all lymers have kpu? if you get to the end you may feel encouraged that the kpu detox will help you with lyme , in fact , he is saying you can't even recover from lyme until you do the kpu protocol, that the abx won't even work.
i can' t face finding out if i have lyme, going to pretend i don't for now.
if anyone does want edta , a cheaper place to get it is purebulk.com. thought when i read its material on it , i decided against it, too harsh. sticking with chlorella for now.
thatnks for the tip on that chlorella; it's interesting stuff. Every time I took it before it made my hair dry and made me feel like crap. Now I think I understand why. I speculate it strips all my zinc and minerals out so my heme ezymes don't function right. Same with caffine and alcohol, they deplete zinc.

SO I took my minerals in the morning (er klinghardt) and took the chorella in the evening and I got a good headache and dieoff from the detox. Took zinc this morning (250mg), and 10mg biotiin, 100mg manganese, and hair is soft and doing ok. Soft hair=good for me.

I saw somebody posted a more cost effective version of silica somwhere if you are adverse to trying that $150 a bottle biopure. I also noticed life extension has a new product coming out for silica. I may just get some of that life extension stuff when it comes out. They generally make good supplements I think.