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KPU & Mercury and other Heavy Metal Chelation

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast

Well, I am back from walking on the wild side with a laser/photon detox for mercury! Within hours of the treatment I started having energy and feeling better and by this morning I felt like a new person!:D

I'm seeing that mercury must be responsible for a bunch of my worst symptoms. The doc gave me a low dose of DMSA and a high dose of chlorella before the laser treatment. I know there is a whole lot more to come, but this stuff is working!


Hi Sushi,

Very exciting!! Please keep us updated on how you are doing. When one of us improves, it helps everyone here by sharing that experience and giving us hope.:Retro smile:

Take care,



Senior Member
Congrats on your progress Sushi! I know some people who tried to use photon therapy to detox mercury using homeopathic vials of mercury taped to their abdomens similarly to how they treated lyme, and it completely knocked them for six - maybe in your case the DMSA picked up what had been stirred up by the photon treatment? I think mercury is one of my main problems too...I'd had an amalgam filling about 2 yrs prior to becoming ill, then had a few thimerosal containing vaccines too so I really think its a important factor in my case.

Janis, yes does sound like its to do with metals, I have had symptoms lasting up to a week or even more sometimes after doing some chelation, it can be a real rollercoaster ride!! I can get extreme personality/psychological changes aswell as lot of other nervous & endocrine type symptoms. Its really tough i know especially if your sleep is messed up too, although with me as i do the Andy Cutler protocol and takng doses throughout the night by the time I've finished a round I'm so exhausted from lack of sleep I usually sleep pretty well for a few nights afterwards luckily.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I know some people who tried to use photon therapy to detox mercury using homeopathic vials of mercury taped to their abdomens similarly to how they treated lyme, and it completely knocked them for six - maybe in your case the DMSA picked up what had been stirred up by the photon treatment?

Not sure about this, but the exact technique may make a difference. Here is what the doc did: 300mg of DMSA + about 10 caps of chlorella. Photon treatment with a mercury vial inserted inside the photon pulser. He goes over the major organs and brain at skin-close range with the photon pulser. Then the laser is "painted" over all the meridians, hands and feet, front and back (even energy lines a few inches away from the body). I think he uses mercury for one of these sweeps with the laser--not sure--but he definitely did it with 10 different vials of homeopathics and flower remedies inserted into the laser.

Then avoid all electronics, jewelry, watch, metal glasses :ashamed: , exercise etc. for 25 hours. The glasses bit is hard for me as I need them to see--it isn't the glasses, but the metal frames. Avoid certain supplements that could increase chelation--zinc for instance.

I have had about 5 of these treatments--starting with sulphur/sulphite residues which block detox. Any unpleasant symptoms were always gone by 25 hours.



Senior Member
A couple of questions...

KPU stand for kryptopyrroluria. A more proper name for it is HPU or Hemopyrrollactamuria. If you read Scott Forsgren's paper, which Sushi cited, you can get the whole story.

The main things are that it involves an abnormality in the metabolism of heme, and it causes depletion of some important nutrients, including zinc and vitamin B6. The tie-in with methylation is that these are cofactors for enzymes in the methylation cycle and related pathways, so that if they become depleted, even though a person treats with B12 and folate to lift the methylation cycle block, the methylation cycle can still remain blocked. I think that HPU might account for some of the treatment failures of the methylation treatment.

Dr. Klinghardt is finding HPU in a lot of his patients, and I think he reported at the last Lyme Induced Autism conference that it can be a major barrier to restoring the methylation.

There's a test for it offered by Vitamin Diagnostics, and described in Scott's paper.

Best regards,


Hello all,

A couple of questions:

Is kryptopyrroluria the same thing as pyrryoluria (or pyroluria as I see it spelled sometimes)?

And Sushi...what is an LED? :confused:




Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Dan,

I am not sure whether it is the same--though HPU is often called Kryptopyrroluria. The article I linked is very interesting and accessible--written by an educated patient.

And LED is laser energetic detox. In Cliff Notes terms, a homeopathic remedy (which tests well in you for the thing being treated--in my case he used 10 different remedies) is inserted into a laser so that the laser passes through the remedy and then the remedy is "painted" onto the meridians of the body. My doc precedes this by photon pulsing the thing he is treating (in this case mercury) into the major organs and the brain--again the mercury vial is inserted into the photon pulser so that the pulse passes through the mercury. I can feel the effects very strongly while he is doing this. I feel it most strongly in places that I suspect are harboring a lot of mercury--like certain places in the brain.

This effect goes on for about 25 hours during which time you observe a lot of energetic precautions (I described it more on another thread today--I think the heavy metal detox thread). Any unpleasant detox symptoms only last 24 hours, then I have felt great!:victory: I have had 2 laser detoxes for mercury and oral chelation in between. The mercury only became "available" for chelation after my doc had treated XMRV--quite interesting for me.



Senior Member
Curioser and curiouser...

Thanks Sushi and Anne.

Sushi...that LED/photon therapy is a new one for me...never heard of it before, but am always open to new treatments (if I win the lotto). You've probably been asked this a million times (well, maybe 999,999), but what percentage improvement or progress do you think you've seen/felt doing this protocol?

Anne -- thanks for the confirmation. I find it interesting because I think I heard about pyrroluria even before I crashed with CFS back in 1998, after about 10-15 years of prolonged, intense stressors (physical, mental, and environmental), if not longer, and with all of that came increased anxiety. Pyrroluria, when I read about it, was in the context of helping to explain unexplained, long-term 'generalized' anxiety...often a kind of 'inner tension', as compared to obvious panic attacks where one becomes shaky, outwardly nervous to others, etc.. At least that's my recollection. This thread, and Joey's mention of it on his threads are the first I've heard of a heavy metal connection, among other things.

I just checked the PDF again, and many of the possible symptoms ring a LOUD bell for me: Poor dream recall (unless I take a supplement called true calm, which has (among other things) taurine and b-6 in it), poor breakfast appetite, anxiety(!), and another long term one for me...sensitivity to sound and light, especially sound. Don't hate me but when I think about it, going back 40 years (argh) I never ever could stand really loud rock music) and even as a teen, loved fireworks, but couldn't stand neighborhood firecrackers, and even my sister drove me nuts because she made so much noise when she chewed with her mouth open! I know, too much info...

Then there's pessimism (despite my cheery demeanor :rolleyes:), cold feet (sometimes cold hands), joint pains, hypchlorhydia (for YEARS), dandruff, dermatitis, low white blood cell count, etc., etc., etc...............

How can we possibly get better or improve our immune function if our white blood cell count is low?

Call me stupid, but I think that sounds like a test I should save my pennies for, and try to get asap.


Thanks again,



Moderation Resource Albuquerque

That's a tough one--per cent of improvement--cause I am in the middle of this treatment and my doc says that getting through the KPU and mercury detox is likely to be hard. I think Joey said the same about treating KPU and in the video of Klinghardt that is linked somewhere in this thread (I think Anne-Likes-Red posted it), he said that the KPU/HPU protocol had puzzled him for years too. He seems to have a figured it out now though.

I have been seeing this doctor since September and every step in the treatment has had good results....BUT he has been treating the toughest things for me--XMRV, autoimmunity, Lyme, bacterial infections and heavy metal toxicity. None of that stuff is fun to treat, but it has all been tolerable and I have remained functional. What I have liked is that he continually tests you to see what the body is ready to deal with next. So far so good. The XMRV & Lyme (tested by direct resonance testing against vial samples) treatments have gone well and I am no longer testing positive for them (less in me than in the vial), though he expects the Lyme to resurface--he obviously has no prior experience with XMRV except that the ten or so patients he has treated so far have all gone from positive to negative after the first course of treatment.

So tackling all these things are biggies, and so far I am very encouraged. Klinghardt is also doing LED/photon treatments now too.

I'll keep everyone updated on this course of treatment. It is far less body stressing than some other routes. Ultimate outcome...?

But yes, I do feel a lot better so far.



Senior Member
Hi Sushi

Thanks for explaining your treatment, yes that is different and an interesting way your doctor does things. I never did the photon treatment for mercury myself but I dont think that it was as stuctured or as strict with regard to avoid metals as your treatment is...maybe thats why it was quite tough for people who did it the other way. Yes I can imagine how inconvenient it is to not be able to wear your glasses! Its great that you dont suffer to much afterwards anyway. Sounds like you're doing really well, good luck with the rest of your treatments.

Not sure about this, but the exact technique may make a difference. Here is what the doc did: 300mg of DMSA + about 10 caps of chlorella. Photon treatment with a mercury vial inserted inside the photon pulser. He goes over the major organs and brain at skin-close range with the photon pulser. Then the laser is "painted" over all the meridians, hands and feet, front and back (even energy lines a few inches away from the body). I think he uses mercury for one of these sweeps with the laser--not sure--but he definitely did it with 10 different vials of homeopathics and flower remedies inserted into the laser.

Then avoid all electronics, jewelry, watch, metal glasses :ashamed: , exercise etc. for 25 hours. The glasses bit is hard for me as I need them to see--it isn't the glasses, but the metal frames. Avoid certain supplements that could increase chelation--zinc for instance.

I have had about 5 of these treatments--starting with sulphur/sulphite residues which block detox. Any unpleasant symptoms were always gone by 25 hours.



Senior Member
Thanks Sushi and Anne.

Sushi...that LED/photon therapy is a new one for me...never heard of it before, but am always open to new treatments (if I win the lotto). You've probably been asked this a million times (well, maybe 999,999), but what percentage improvement or progress do you think you've seen/felt doing this protocol?

Anne -- thanks for the confirmation. I find it interesting because I think I heard about pyrroluria even before I crashed with CFS back in 1998, after about 10-15 years of prolonged, intense stressors (physical, mental, and environmental), if not longer, and with all of that came increased anxiety. Pyrroluria, when I read about it, was in the context of helping to explain unexplained, long-term 'generalized' anxiety...often a kind of 'inner tension', as compared to obvious panic attacks where one becomes shaky, outwardly nervous to others, etc.. At least that's my recollection. This thread, and Joey's mention of it on his threads are the first I've heard of a heavy metal connection, among other things.

I just checked the PDF again, and many of the possible symptoms ring a LOUD bell for me: Poor dream recall (unless I take a supplement called true calm, which has (among other things) taurine and b-6 in it), poor breakfast appetite, anxiety(!), and another long term one for me...sensitivity to sound and light, especially sound. Don't hate me but when I think about it, going back 40 years (argh) I never ever could stand really loud rock music) and even as a teen, loved fireworks, but couldn't stand neighborhood firecrackers, and even my sister drove me nuts because she made so much noise when she chewed with her mouth open! I know, too much info...

Then there's pessimism (despite my cheery demeanor :rolleyes:), cold feet (sometimes cold hands), joint pains, hypchlorhydia (for YEARS), dandruff, dermatitis, low white blood cell count, etc., etc., etc...............

How can we possibly get better or improve our immune function if our white blood cell count is low?

Call me stupid, but I think that sounds like a test I should save my pennies for, and try to get asap.


Thanks again,


Some of the symptoms you have outlined can also be caused by low magnesium levels as well as heavy metals.

This article is mainly about magnesium and fibromyalgia, but 95% of it also can be related to CFS and it explains among other things the relation of magnesium to high anxiety, adrenaline, cell permeability, cytokines and cell antioxidant defences.


Without enough magnesium, nerves fire too easily from even minor stimuli. Noises will sound excessively loud, lights will seem too bright, emotional reactions will be exaggerated, and the brain will be too stimulated to sleep, all symptoms commonly found in fibromyalgia. And if the oversensitivity to light and noise reminds you of someone suffering from a hangover, they are one and the same problem, as alcohol is known for decreasing magnesium levels, and magnesium supplementation has been found to relieve hangover symptoms.

The trouble with magnesium is it can be poorly absorbed,especially if you have low stomach acid.
I use 2 cupfuls of magnesium sulphate in my bathwater which also helps with sleep.


Senior Member
Anne -- thanks for the confirmation. I find it interesting because I think I heard about pyrroluria even before I crashed with CFS back in 1998, after about 10-15 years of prolonged, intense stressors (physical, mental, and environmental), if not longer, and with all of that came increased anxiety. Pyrroluria, when I read about it, was in the context of helping to explain unexplained, long-term 'generalized' anxiety...often a kind of 'inner tension', as compared to obvious panic attacks where one becomes shaky, outwardly nervous to others, etc.. At least that's my recollection. This thread, and Joey's mention of it on his threads are the first I've heard of a heavy metal connection, among other things.

I remember reading about it in an old article by Carl Pfeiffer.
Well before the internet :Retro smile: I was lent a whole lot of nutrition and medical books by a nurse friend of my mother, whose son had become schizophrenic the year before I had become unwell with ME/CFS.
Someone had told me the white spots on my nails meant I needed zinc, and I was already interested in B6 because it came up so often. I took a good B complex and zinc, and evening primrose oil actually, for years - but nothing like the doses mentioned in the KPU protocol...or any of those other interesting co factors!

Here's a really interesting article from ORTHOMOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, VOLUME 12, NUMBER 1, 1983.

Donald Lee McCabe, D.O., F.A.C.G.P., F.A.P.M., F.A.P.H.A.


...I have tried to "palpate my adrenals" - haha...I can tell you the palpating hurts :rolleyes: never mind the adrenals!

I don't think you're stupid assuming you'd benefit from testing. :Retro smile: If Klinghardt is finding the condition in 80% of his autism patients (and we know how our condition is so similar in some critical biochemical ways) then I think there's a good chance you could be barking up the right tree! Worth testing for at least?
Awareness of, and treatment for the condition for most people has probably been limited by the accuracy of diagnostic testing until recently, and also a lack of understanding of safe chelation measures and the need for them to be in place for the duration of treatment. Supplement with appropriate doses of the right kind of minerals leads to mobilisation of toxic metals.
I read or heard somewhere someone describe KPU treatment with effective chelation as "rehabilitation", rather than "detoxification" as chelation is often referred to on it's own.


The inner tension you mention - the same anxiety/tension seems to be common in a number of people who develop CFS. I was definitely over conscientious, and anxious about a few things from very early on. Nothing that drew attention to me (I would have hated that!). White fingernail spots and a few other things on the list factor in for me. I'll be looking into KPU further too. :Retro smile: I'm happy to bark up that tree with you on this!


Senior Member

:Retro smile: Sushi, thanks for sharing so much of your experience. :Retro smile:

...It's fascinating! I'm impressed with how well you're feeling through it...your doctor seems to be doing a great job. I'm totally cheering for Team Sushi here! :victory:

I had kind of "harsh" chelation (DMSA and a few antioxidants plus some adrenal support) 11 years ago after amalgam removal and I've never felt that did me a whole lot of good.
The new generation chelation agents, understanding better how they work and the individualised testing is real progress.

...Klinghardt mentioned in treating his autistic patients with Microsilica the healing trajectory through KPU/chelation had been a lot smoother than previous chelation protocols. It's mega-expensive, but Dr K said (somewhere - I've done SO much reasearch on this - brain is nearly fried) that Microsilica has up to 200 times the binding capability as DMSA. I'm curious to know - did you start Microsilica the same time as the KPU supps? And what dose are you taking?

Sorry for extra questions. (I'll talk to my doctor about it next!)



The Laser photon detox of mercury sounds really questionable to me. Is there any good science behind these treatments and any research with results. Not to throw cold water I am just careful to evaluate new treatments.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Anne,

I took microsilica for the last month, though I am just preparing to start upping the KPU supplements now. (I have been taking most of them at "normal" doses for quite a while) My doctor is going to send me BioPure's MicroMinerals (Klinghardt's brand) as it liquid and contains all the replacement minerals in a medium that is easy to titrate up.

When the doc tested this time, it was clear that I need to rotate to another chelator for a while and DMSA + Chlorella was what tested best. The body seems to "exhaust" a heavy metals detox route after a while and my doctor finds that it is necessary to rotate them. I had been feeling for the previous week that microsilica wasn't working as well as it had (I had stopped feeling really good on the 2nd day after a dose). I will go back to it later when I test well for it again.

Yes, microsilica is expensive but my doctor passes on his discount to his patients and you take such tiny amounts that one little bottle can last months. It is a powder and comes with a tiny, tiny scoop--I was taking about 1/4 of a scoop every other day. At that rate it will last a long time. It does seem to be powerful and I couldn't handle the usual whole scoop. But it had a really remarkable effect for the first few weeks. I'll only take the DMSA twice a week, then he'll test again next month.

My experience with chelators in the past was not good. I now am beginning to see how important it is to use the right one at the right time.

This is kinda exciting. Can't wait to get the microminerals. It was too difficult to calculate doses with the capsules that I have and rather than jump in with all 4 feet,:eek: my doc wants me to titrate up--that sound right to me.



Senior Member
Sushi, thank you!

I was thinking it must be a tiny tiny scoop - because it's a small amount to start with (5g). :D

Using the right thing at the right time. Couldn't agree more. Takes a skilled doctor that does!

Minerals in liquid form sounds good...replacing them is going to keep you feeling well. I really like your doctors approach. You can mention to him/her they have a fanbase in New Zealand! :D

Thanks again, Anne.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks for the info. yes I know Blake and I too thought the test on the Gold Coast might not be good enough. I will see to morrow when i see the Doc.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info. yes I know Blake and I too thought the test on the Gold Coast might not be good enough. I will see to morrow when i see the Doc.

The Gold Coast test looks like it's the one that was always offered (the one only detecting only a portion of those affected). According to Klinghardt even the Vit Diagnostics test can be hit and miss (for various reasons) and he was talking about a comprehensive questionaire which had a high correlation to the urine test for determining positives. I haven't been able to find the questionaire - it was designed in Holland and may not have been published in its translated form yet.
If I locate it I'll add it to this thread.

Edited to add: OK: http://www.hputest.nl/evraag.htm <------ the "comprehensive" questionaire.
This may help someone decide whether to get further testing?
The home page (in computer translated English) is http://www.hputest.nl/english.htm


(I scored a 13)

13 to 14 points very probable that you have HPU

10 to 12 points you may have HPU

7 to 9 points you may or may not have HPU

less than 6 points not likely that you have HPU
Hiya. I am not positive, but I think zinc increased my appetite based on what I tried after reading the articles posted here on KPU. I started taking like 100mg of zinc before breakfast, and 100mg before lunch. Seems to have broght my appetite back from the brink. Either that, or it was the Jarrow saccharomyces boulardii + MOS yeast I starting taking at the same time.

Real scientific huh? I know better, but just don't have the mental capacity some days.